Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 352: Zhunti who intends to run away

The western boundary, under Mount Sumeru.

Zhunti, the second leader of the Western religion, began to frantically investigate whether there is a hidden Hunyuan immortal family near Mount Sumeru.

"Immeasurable Celestial Venerable, Immeasurable Celestial Venerable, luckily Senior Sister Nuwa didn't come over, I have to go first."

He was really afraid of his senior sister, but in order for the Western religion to keep pace with the three religions, he had no choice but to write conspiracies and tricks.

Speaking of which, in the heavens and myriad realms, is there anyone who is not afraid of her senior sister?

Back then, they were begging to be under the ancestor Hongjun's sect, even their three senior brothers were very honored to be able to worship under the ancestor Hongjun's sect.

Only her senior sister, after repeated pleadings from Patriarch Hongjun, just became a teacher.

But before Zhunti Huahong left, he saw a four-legged tripod with mountains, rivers, sun and moon engraved on it falling from the sky and directly smashed down.

Even the abnormally stable surrounding space was shattered as the cauldron fell.

"No, it's the Qiankun Cauldron."

"I block!"

I saw Zhunti's treasure of proving the Tao, and the wonderful tree of eight treasures was already guarding in front of him. The splendor on the tree of the Eight Treasures is full of brilliance, and the golden light is quite a bit rich and noble.


The Qiankun cauldron fell on the eight treasures wonderful tree, and immediately knocked down the eight treasures wonderful tree and Zhunti real person by more than ten thousand feet.

At the foot of Mount Sumeru, there appeared a deep pit tens of thousands of feet deep. In the pit was the Immortal Zhunti, who planned to slip away secretly, but was caught by the Nuwa Empress.

Empress Nuwa was wearing a spirit sword and held a spirit sword in her hand. She looked at the deep pit she had smashed out. Nuwa sneered and said, "Hey, isn't this Junior Brother Zhunti? Where is Junior Brother Zhunti going?" Ah! Why don't you come out and say hello to my senior sister."

If Zhunti hadn't been his teacher's disciple, he might have turned Zhunti into a bodhi tree long ago.

When it comes to the fairy family she wants to fight the most, it is her junior brother Zhunti, the fuse of the demon clan's destruction of the heavenly court, and the gravedigger who now loses the fate of the human emperor.

The Emperor of Humanity commands the human beings, and the human race occupies most of the human realm, so only the blood of the human race can sit on the seat of the Emperor of Humanity.

This is not in ancient times, Dayu's son Qi Neng ascended to the throne of Emperor, thanks to the full support of Dayu's lineage.

But the current big merchants are in a precarious situation. Letting a son of the Human Emperor and the Qingqiu Fox Clan ascend to the position of Human Emperor is tantamount to severing himself from the world.

"Senior sister, why are you doing this? Besides, this seat is for the good of Qingqiu. When that child ascends to the throne of Emperor, wouldn't Qingqiu under your command be able to take advantage of the situation countless years ago to rise again? "

Zhunti, who crawled out of the deep pit, looked at the murderous sister Nuwa in front of her and apologized.

Nuwa looked at the embarrassed Zhunti Zhenren and the eight-treasure tree with many broken branches, and she said, "Junior brother, after so many years, you still look dignified, it's just a pity. You are like this!" The method is too simple, Ben Gong has been fooled once before, how can he be fooled again now?

Brother Zhunti, in order to strengthen the Western Sect, you have gone mad, if you return to Mount Sumeru honestly, I can let you go today. "

Anyone who lied to her would be miserable, at least he, Junior Brother Zhunti, had been hunted down by his immortal family for many years.

Now that her good junior is repeating her old tricks, is she still planning to lie to him again?

Zhunti Zhenren looked at the murderous Empress Nuwa again, and he said: "Senior sister, the Concubine Su of the Human Emperor, that is, the Highness Qiu Qingqiu, has already given birth to the Human Emperor, so it is time It is God's will, as for whether the child will become the emperor in the future, or live his life in peace, it is God's will."

As a Hunyuan Xian family, isn't his meaning the will of God?

In order to restore the broken land in the west, he traveled all over the heavens and worlds, and Chi Naka Yao has only recovered a little bit, but not long ago even Mount Sumeru was destroyed.

A flash of brilliance flashed, and the map of mountains, rivers, and land slowly unfolded.

Nuwa looked at the map of the mountains and rivers that was about to be completely unfolded, and said, "Junior Zhunti, what is God's will? You are a practitioner, what kind of God's will is you talking about with me here? Let's talk about it after a fight at your door."

She is very angry now. She came to Mount Sumeru not to negotiate any conditions with Zhunti, but to let out a good breath of anger, so as to tell those daring immortals in the heavens and the world that if they want to plot against her in the future, they must first See if there is a combat power that can be mentioned.

When Zhunti saw the map of Shanhe Sheji, he cried to Mount Sumeru with a mournful face: "Brother, help!

Senior Sister Nuwa is crazy, this time she is really going to kill me. "

Zhunti, who knew the lethality of Shanheshejitu, had no choice but to shake people.

It didn't take long for the leader of the Western religion, the Taoist guide, to appear outside Mount Sumeru.

The sallow-faced and emaciated Taoist priest looked at the deep pit that had been smashed out at the foot of Mount Sumeru, and said, "Senior Sister Nuwa, this is my ineffective younger brother who did something wrong. Look how good this is. I will bring you up." The younger brother is confined to Mount Sumeru, and will release him after the catastrophe of the Conferred God."

He had persuaded Zhunti that day, but he focused on the Western ancestral line. How could Zhunti listen to the advice in order to restore the Western ancestral line to life?

Even if a Da Luo Jinxian decides to do something, even the Hunyuan Xian family can't influence it. If the Hunyuan Xian family is determined to do something, naturally no one can persuade him .

"Foot ban?"

Nuwa snorted coldly and said, "This is a good idea, but what I said is ugly, if Zhunti appeared in the heavens and worlds before the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods, then don't blame me for turning my back on the past. But the new account and the old account will be settled together, even if there is a battle of Hunyuan, I will accompany you to the end."


The West's Jieyin and Zhunti, the two Hunyuan immortal families, may not be able to beat her together, even if they can beat her, won't she shake people?

Then Nuwa Huahong left.

Only the devastated Mount Sumeru was Jieyin looked at the destroyed Mount Sumeru with grief, and said with hatred: "Junior Brother, I can understand your thoughts for the good of the West. But why do you want to provoke our senior sister?

Do you really think that Senior Sister Nuwa would not care about you out of face? Brother! You are wrong, and it is a big mistake. The next time it is estimated that the four sages of the East will come to block the door and wipe out the Western religion. "

Zhunti looked at Yingying full of guilt, and after a long time Zhunti lowered his head and said, "Junior brother, I know I was wrong."

Seeing the junior who admitted his mistake, he directly kicked him up Mount Sumeru. In fact, he was threatening his junior. Even if the four sages of the East came to block the door, the Western Sect would be safe.

It's just that he's had enough, the other Hunyuan immortals come here every three days to destroy Mount Sumeru.



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