Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 35: Old friends reunited in the wilderness

A few days later, the disciples of the academy led hundreds of soldiers assigned by General Yan to **** the grain and grass. Even though there were various reluctances, Ning Que had no choice but to go with this group of useless firewood.

The apprenticeship tea has not been served yet, if this incident tarnishes the reputation of the back mountain disciple of the academy, it will be bad if the master does not recognize him as a disciple.

Outside the camp, Situ Yilan looked at Ning Que, who was more like a traveler, and said, "Ning Que, we are going to **** food and grass. Is it necessary for you to bring so many things?"

The corners of Ning Que's mouth raised slightly, and he said, "This is a wasteland. In addition to the barren cavalry, there are also horse bandits who come and go like the wind. How can we survive without bringing more things?"

You don't need to think about it to know how the Yan people could send the elite of the army, at most they are just some trash, and it would be strange for the trash to face the horse bandits who are begging for their lives in the wasteland.

He didn't want to die in this vast wilderness with this group of useless firewood. He still had a **** revenge to avenge, and he still wanted to protect Sangsang, eat well and sleep soundly. How could he die?

Situ Yilan smiled and said: "Ning Que, don't worry too much, we may not necessarily meet horse bandits, and even if we meet horse bandits, there will be coalition support."

She was born in the general family, and she used to wield knives and guns at home since she was a child. If she really met a horse bandit, she really wanted to go up and kill a horse bandit.

"I hope so!"

Ning Que finally took a look at the coalition army camp behind him, and rode on the mysterious **** horse, and joined the marching team. However, Ning Que, who was always cautious, did not lean too far forward or too far. Instead, he put himself in an inconspicuous position, and of course it was a position where he could escape the fastest if he found danger.

For Ning Que's behavior, the academy students who came from wealthy families were still a little puzzled, but the soldiers of Yan State who had a lot of experience in escaping quickly saw the clues.

What kind of academy disciple would put himself in the best escape position?

Those academy students who were born in the army had some objections, but after thinking about Ning Que's current status, they also gave up their efforts. Who would offend the master's personal disciple, the master of the talisman master Yan Se? What about heirs?



Su Xuan, who was still doing nothing, was lazily holding the fishing rod, ignoring the Taoist priest behind him walking the world. He was not curious about Ye Su's arrival, he was just curious about why Ye Su came to find him. reason.

Ye Su, who was carrying the Dao sword, put his hands in his arms, and asked curiously: "Su Xuan, you have been living a very leisurely life recently, but I am very curious, that you can actually persuade Wei Guangming to go for an illusory Son of Pluto."

In the past, people from Taoism, Demon Sect, Buddhism and other unknowable places gathered in the wilderness, just to find the traces of Hades coming to the world, but they didn't see anything except the black ravine, so Ye Qing was very curious, Why did that academy student named Ning Que let a former priest of light escape from the secluded pavilion?

Su Xuan looked at Yu Yu who refused to bite the bait, and said: "Senior Brother Ye, that academy student named Ning Que is not important, what is important is the umbrella, the umbrella that comes with the night."

Because he had read the book written by Lao Mao, he knew the origin of the **** umbrella and what Ning Que's **** umbrella meant.

But when he saw the **** umbrella, he still felt the endless darkness.

Ye Su took a deep breath, frowned and said, "Ning Que is the bait, you are waiting for the son of Hades to bite the bait, but if no one bites the bait, if Wei Guangming happens to miss, then the world will inevitably fall into turmoil, you can't bear the responsibility .”


Su Xuan looked at the fish that had already bit the hook, and said, "Who can bear the responsibility of eternal night coming? Besides, if Ning Que was really so easy to kill, he would have been killed long ago."

main character? In the face of danger, there will always be some miracles that turn danger into good luck. The simplest explanation is that no matter how hard you try to die, you will not die.

Ye Su continued to persuade: "You are right, but the headmaster of Xiling doesn't think so. You prevented the disciples of Mochiyuan from escorting the military affairs of grain and grass. If others might think, you will be attracted by the fresh girls of Mochiyuan. However, I know very well that you are not going to please girls at all, so I really want to know what you are going to do."

Su Xuan threw a stone into the calm lake, and the disturbed fish moved back and forth, creating waves, he said: "Whether it's the bait or the fish caught, they can't choose anything, so Ye Brother, just let it take its course."

He fished with Ning Que's bait, but why isn't he a fish in the eyes of the master? If the master couldn't see what his fish was doing, then the one standing in front of him was probably the second gentleman who was the best at fighting in the academy.

Ye Su said coldly: "I have already met Tang, the leader of the Demon Sect, and he is nearby now. If you want to keep your plan, then be prepared to face Tang's fist."

This is a well-intentioned advice, no matter what his junior brother wants to do, he will never deviate from the right way, but it does not mean that he will help Su Xuan and block Tang's fist, at most when Su Xuan's life is dying The first Su Xuan looked at the aloof Ye Su, and calmly replied: "The Demon Sect World Traveling Tang is indeed extraordinary, but he must not dare to come out unless he wants to be purified by Master Wei." , Maybe Uncle Wei will not kill indiscriminately, but he will definitely not let the Demon Sect walk in the world."

He didn't think that Tang would destroy his plan. Tang was not only a leader of the Demon Sect, but also a member of the barren people, so he could have countless conditions to make Tang give up that stupid idea. It's Tang's weakness.

Ye Su saw that Su Xuan didn't listen to the advice, so he warned: "Junior Brother Su, please take care of yourself, if you mess with the academy, I'm afraid the old man, the temple master, may not be able to protect you."

This is not a warning, but just a piece of advice, but this kind of advice is enough to move many practitioners in the realm of knowing fate, even disciples from Zhishou or the Buddhist sect may not be able to remain indifferent.

Hearing Ye Su's sincere advice, Su Xuan put away the fishing rod, picked up the few fish, and said as he walked towards the Mochiyuan camp: "Brother Ye Dahe Guo is very good at cooking fish, are you sure you don't want to try it?"

In his opinion, Ye Su is a smart person, but if he wants to change the chess game that has already been established, is there any other way besides disrupting the game and looking for vitality? Besides, can he answer Ye Qing's question?

Ye Su looked at the smoke rising from the campsite of Mochiyuan, and said, "Junior brother invites me, I will go now!"

After walking in the wilderness for many days, and even confronted Tang before, he was naturally a little hungry. When he was hungry, he wanted to eat something. This was a very simple reason.

Since his younger brother doesn't want to talk about it, he can't force it. Will a Taoist disciple who practices Taoism naturally be misled by his son and daughter's affection?



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