Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 348: Jiang Ziya went to Yuxu to move reinforcements


Xibohou Mansion, under the gazebo in the back garden.

Xibo Hou Jichang, who got up a hexagram early, pointed to the hexagram image of the fierce statue on the stone table, and said worriedly: "The emperor Xin, the Wudao man, sent Fei Zhong to lead a hundred thousand troops to attack me in Xiqi. Just now Benhou made a hexagram, the hexagram is extremely dangerous, I don't know what the prime minister can do to block the army of Wudao Emperor Xin."

Human Emperor Xin's 100,000 army had set off a few days ago. In addition to the 100,000 army capable of fighting tigers and wolves, there were also many practitioners in the Yuanshen realm, and even immortals in the Earth Immortal realm.

As well as Shen Gongbao, the master of the great merchants, who recruited strange people from nowhere, Xiqi City is small and landless, how can we resist it?

Jiang Ziya, who was sitting opposite Ji Chang, kept dodging his eyes. After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ziya finally had an idea, and said, "My lord, Fei Zhong is just a treacherous minister. What I'm really worried about are the practitioners who came with him and Xianjia.

I plan to go to Yuxu Palace again to see if my senior brothers can support some disciples. "

The tea bowl was full of tea fragrance, but Jiang Ziya was not in the mood to taste the tea. Even with Yuxu Lingbao in his hand, how long could he resist the siege of the immortal family with his cultivation in the Yuanshen realm?

Only those senior brothers of his, the sect disciples under his command, can mobilize a large number of practitioners and immortal families to help in the battle.

When Xibo Hou Jichang heard Jiang Ziya's method, he was also very helpless. Jiang Ziya had already gone there a few days ago, but he returned without success. Will there be any good results if he goes now?

"When is the prime minister planning to leave?" Xibo Hou Jichang asked.

Jiang Ziya caressed his beard and said: "Master Hou, the speed of soldiers is very important, naturally the sooner the better, otherwise it will be too late when Fei Zhong's treacherous villain comes to the city."

The 100,000 army seems to be a lot of people, but with the help of flying boats, it is only half a month's journey from the core territory of Dashang to Xiqi City, but it will take at least half a month for him to fly to the East Kunlun Mountains.

A series of sighs resounded in Jiang Ziya's heart. Can he be blamed for not having enough cultivation? Even if his teacher had already given him an innate spirit treasure, how could he, a practitioner in the primordial spirit realm, use the innate spirit treasure? Isn't it entirely dependent on the innate spirit treasure to protect the master?

Xibo Hou Jichang got up to salute, and after bowing heavily, he said: "The safety of Xiqi, the safety of the world depends on the prime minister. This Marquis wishes the prime minister victory."

Overthrowing the rule of the human emperor Xin, if it was placed on the previous Xibohous, it would not even dare to think about it, but now the line of Xibohous is quite popular among the princes, and they have won the Yuxu Palace and the Heavenly Court. With the help of him, he is from the Xibohou lineage, and maybe he can also be the emperor.

Jiang Ziya looked at the hopeful Xibohou and said, "Master Hou, then I will go ahead."

He knew that Marquis Xibo wanted to be a human emperor, but unfortunately, if the great business was destroyed, there would be no human emperor left.

Jiang Ziya made a trick to attract clouds and mists, soaring through the clouds and climbing the clouds, this is also Jiang Ziya's most proficient magical technique.

Although climbing the clouds can be called flying through the clouds and riding the fog, for the immortal family, this kind of flying through the clouds and riding the fog is not as fast as turning into a rainbow.

Inside the gazebo, Ji Fa, the son of Xibohou, hurried over. He looked at Ji Chang who was in deep thought, and saluted respectfully, "Father, the practitioners sent by General Nangong Shi to investigate the movements of the Great Merchants' army have received news that they are the pioneers of the Great Merchants." It is less than seven hundred miles away from Xiqi City.

The previous conquest army of Wudao Ren Emperor Xin was indeed half a month away from Xiqi City. According to the report from the scouts, the vanguard of Human Emperor Xin was all served by practitioners in the realm of Yuanshen, and practitioners in the realm of Earth Immortals. Ren Xiaowei, Pioneer Officer is a practitioner of the realm of heaven and immortality. "

Ji Chang looked at the opposite side of the stone table, the cup of unheated tea, and the counting chip in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, and Ji Chang asked in a trembling voice: "Ji Fa, is the news accurate? How could the army of the army come so fast."

Coming quickly is not what Ji Chang is most worried about. What Ji Chang is most worried about is that the conquest army of the dancing emperor Xin came so fast that he couldn't figure it out.

This all shows that there may be a golden fairy in the fairy house sent by Emperor Wudao this time.

Ji Fa said calmly, "Father, I've already confirmed the news. By the way, father, where is Prime Minister Jiang? If there is no Prime Minister Jiang, it would be difficult for us practitioners in Xiqi City to block a golden fairy."

Although Prime Minister Jiang's cultivation level is not high, in Ji Fa's view, Jiang Ziya's status as a direct disciple of Yuxu Palace is the most important existence. Even a fairy family in the Golden Immortal Realm would not dare to kill a Yuxu The direct disciple of the palace.

If the Golden Immortal was a loose cultivator, Jiang Chengxiang's identity as Yuxu Palace alone would be enough to shock him.

Ji Chang looked at Ji Fa helplessly, and he said, "Fa'er, you are a step late, Prime Minister Jiang has already gone back to Yuxu Palace to rescue soldiers."

"Why did you go back to rescue the soldiers?" Ji Fa had a puzzled look on his face, and he vaguely guessed something in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

After standing under the gazebo for a long time, Ji Facai said in a trembling voice, "Father, we must trust Prime Minister Jiang, and believe that Prime Minister Jiang will be able to bring reinforcements from Yuxu Palace to save the people of Xiqi from danger."

Now that things have happened, I can only believe that Jiang Ziya will come back with the rescuers. As for the possibility of Prime Minister Jiang leaving Xiqi behind and running away, he can't even think about it.

Ji Chang looked at his wise second son, and said, "Send it, call your elder brother, let's discuss how to resist the vanguard of Wudao Renhuang."

"Yes, father."

Ji Fa walked out from under the gazebo neatly, and walked towards Bo Yi Kao's courtyard.

Ji Chang looked at Ji Fa who was leaving, and walked towards the study room. Although the conquest army of Wudao Renhuang was already approaching Xiqi City, Xiqi did not pull out the flag of rebellion.

He had to write a letter to those old friends to delay the outbreak of the war as much as possible, "Yikao, Fa'er, Xibohou will rely on you two in the future."

When Boyi Kao and Ji Fa were Ji Chang had already given a hexagram to his two children, both of which were very expensive. There are many practitioners in the golden fairy realm who are not as good as him, so he would not have such thoughts.


Xiqi City is six hundred miles away.

Yin Xun, who resigned from the Guanxing Tower, looked at Yin Li, the elder of Yin's family, the vanguard official, and persuaded him earnestly: "Second uncle, are we going faster? Do we need to wait for the next crusade?" Army."

After many years in Guanxing Tower, he met Su Xuan again, so Yin Xun overestimated Xiqi's strength a lot.

Yin Li caressed his beard and laughed loudly: "Yin Xun my nephew, don't worry, eight hundred practitioners in the Yuanshen realm, plus the two of us are enough to win Xiqi City."



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