Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 333: The sky thunder is mighty, and the sword **** will solve it!

On the cliff, the sword intent that overflowed was still as real as before. It can be seen how important Li Chungang's heart is to pass on the sword to the world.

Except for the immortal, the mysterious sword intent in this world is only the one that Lu Zu was able to win against Li Chungang back then.

They really can't comprehend the sword intent left by the immortal, but can't they comprehend the sword left by Li Jianshen to future generations?

If so, they might as well drop out of Shangyin Academy directly.

But except for a few school disciples whose cultivation base was in the first-rank diamond realm, no other school disciples dared to step forward rashly. After all, Li Jianshen's swordsmanship was there, and he was not in a hurry.


Under the blue sky, there were several thunderclaps, Li Chungang stood on the top of the cliff against the wind, he raised his head and said with a smile: "Li Chungang is disbanded today, not for reincarnation, but only hopes that in the next life, he can walk with Fengdu in the green robe."

Afterwards, Li Chungang gathered his true energy and rushed straight to the blue sky. The sword energy between the heaven and the earth stretches in all directions.

The thousands of clouds that had already fallen into the world were turned into a mess by Li Chungang's last sword strike in his life.

Under the blue sky!

The sky thunder rolled down, and the sword energy scattered several sky thunders. Li Chungang used his body as a sword, and in the rolling sky thunder, Li Chungang used his body as a sword.

The old sword **** Li Chungang finally broke through the fairyland above the blue sky with his last sword attack, but the sword energy was exhausted before it fell into the fairyland.

Thunder is more prosperous.

Li Chungang was disarmed by the thunder and went away. So far, the leader of swordsmanship who monopolized the Jianghu, the head of the thirteen in the Spring and Autumn Period, the swordsman Li Chungang died peacefully.

But the rolling sky thunder did not dissipate after dispelling Li Chungang's troops, but faintly aimed its falling target at Su Xuan.

Su Xuan, who stood with his hands behind his back, looked up at the thunder in the sky, and said calmly: "It seems that the truth has given you a face, if you don't want to fall into the world now, let me let the thunder fall where it should fall. "

As for where it should fall, he believes that those people outside the blue sky and within the fairy world can see clearly, after all, those people stand high enough.

Stand tall and see far!

This is a very simple reason, even if the immortals or gods in the sky are weak, they are still in the sky after all, so they naturally know where he wants to send the thunder.

He is a man of rules, and that Rentu is also a man of rules, but his cultivation level is high enough, and the ancient moral sword in his hand is sharp enough, so it is natural to talk about his rules.

He doesn't think he is a generous person, Lu Weidang asked the ancestor projection to come to this world, and then fought with Li Chungang, and just vented his anger a little bit.

It's not good to have anger that hasn't dissipated.


Outside Xiangfan city!

Fifty miles away, at the Beiliang Army camp, it seemed that the rain pouring down from the Milky Way had finally stopped.

But not long after, above the blue sky above the camp in Beiliang, thunder rolled from the sky like rain falling on the earth.

The immortals in the sky fish for luck, and the gods in the sky run the world. They shouldn't have done this, but the sword edge of the immortal from outside the world is too sharp.

They have operated the world for countless tens of thousands of years, and they have worked hard without credit. They also want to live and live well. Anyone who dares to prevent them from living will have to die.

So the gate of heaven opened, and the thunder poured down.

There was thunder and lightning in the camp of the Beiliang Army. Although not many people died, such awe-inspiring power had already made the Beiliang Army, the most elite Daxue Dragoon Army, a little suspicious.

Before becoming the Great Snow Dragon Cavalry Army in Beiliang, these cavalry soldiers were ordinary people, and an ordinary person would be in awe of the power of heaven and earth, but now?

God is angry!

In the most luxurious big tent, the pale-faced Xu Xiao lay motionless on the couch.

Xu Fengnian, who came in a hurry, looked at Xu Xiao's appearance, and questioned: "Xu Yanbing, what happened to my father, why did he not wake up after so long?"

Although he already knew that Xu Xiao was assassinated by heaven and man and fell into a coma, but he never thought that Xu Xiao, who was so powerful in his age, has now become a sick old man, and he could not accept such a fact.

Xu Yanbing knelt down on one knee and said: "Your Highness, the last general did not protect the prince well, so that the prince was shot by Zhao Huangchao's thief. Earlier, the last general sent someone to ask Wudang Wang to come and treat the prince. .”

As the general of the Xu family, the king of Beiliang was unconscious, and he could not escape the blame, so he will follow the punishment of His Royal Highness.

Xu Fengnian sat on Xu Xiao's bed, after thinking for a long time, he said: "The news of Xu Xiao's serious illness must not be hidden, so let's go back to Beiliang first, and we can't stay in Qingzhou anymore. Sir, how much you want us to die here."

Xu Yanbing shook his head and said: "His Royal Highness, I'm afraid it can't be done. This time we sent troops, we are all cavalry, and we are one man with two horses. It rained heavily a few days ago and the roads are muddy. If we want to go, we have to wait." For a period of time, unless we don't want our war horses to abandon our resources and return to Beiliang with light clothes."

The weather these days is indeed a bit abnormal. He sent someone to investigate. The sky in Xiangfan City is clear and clear, why is it raining heavily fifty miles outside Xiangfan City, and now there are thunderstorms?

But to abandon nearly one hundred thousand war horses, he thought he could not make this decision, or rather, no one in Beiliang dared to make this decision.

Xu Fengnian was also stumped by this question, but in the end he said: "It's okay, Xu Xiao and I will go back to Beiliang first, and it would be best if we can meet Master Wang on the way. You keep your eyes on this place first, and slowly move towards Xiangfan City advances, it is best to set up camp under Xiangfan City."

Xu Yanbing had doubts on his face, and asked very puzzled: "Why do you want to set up camp under the city of Xiangfan? Wouldn't you want to tear yourself apart with those people? Now that the prince is in a coma, it's better to be more cautious."

Xu Fengnian said indifferently: "Only if you are here, Li Yang will feel fear, and Xu Xiao and I can return to Beiliang safely, and that Immortal Su who must take will not risk the disgrace of the world." , to attack some ordinary people, so you have to keep an eye on Li Yang."

At the foot of Xiangfan City, the heavy rain that has been raining for several days will definitely stop. At that time, the Beiliang Iron Cavalry will regain their terrifying combat power, and they will naturally be able to hold Liyang.

Now it depends on when Xu Xiao can wake up, if Xu Xiao can wake up, that is naturally the best result, but if Xu Xiao can't wake up, then he naturally has to prepare for the worst.

Beiliang is not peaceful either, Lu Qiuer has left, and Chen Zhibao is managing the Fushui House. No one knows what choice this white-clothed soldier saint will make.

After Xu Yanbing heard Xu Fengnian's explanation, his face was shocked at first, but he soon regained his composure, because besides that **** Chu Lushan offended that Immortal Su, who else could have such supernatural powers?

Misfortune comes out of the mouth, who is to blame for Chu Lushan's death?



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