Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 302: Empress Nuwa? No, it's the wind dweller

In the front yard of the Observatory of Stars, after Caiyun and Yin Xun left, Baihu sat there motionless in meditation, as if thinking about some unanswerable question.

Eating Zuixianju Immortal Food, drinking the green cattle from Zuixianju Immortal Brew, looking at the woman in Tsing Yi sitting casually on the stone bench, I was terrified.

This level of cultivation, his old cow can't see through it! Don't let it be that Su Xuan provoked romantic debts outside, now the bitter master came to the door.

"This Star Really Wants to Retire"

But in the end, such thoughts were thrown away by Qingniu, he knew Su Xuan's character very well, as a fairy family who didn't go out to make friends very much, Su Xuan had no chance to contact other female fairy families.

"Who on earth is it?"

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong..."

After drinking a few jars of Zuixianju's immortal wine, he could drink more than a dozen more jars of Zuixianju's immortal wine. Qing Niu, who shouldn't have gotten drunk just like that, just got drunk and lost consciousness!

As if walking out of a painting, the woman in Tsing Yi, whose appearance surpassed that of the Moon Palace Taiyin Star King, snorted softly: "Eldest brother is really boring, and a stupid cow is going to be sent down. Is it true that there are no disciples?"

Not long after, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan walked out of the Star Observation Building hand in hand, and came to the front yard of the courtyard.

The woman in Tsing Yi looked at Su Xuan and his wife who came out of the Star Observation Tower, and she was also very interested. Most of her senior brothers and sisters were alone, at least in this world, and also on the bright side.

The disciples of the three religions, in order to pursue the way of immortality, are all unmarried. Among the four essentials of practice, the law of wealth, spouse, and land, and spouse are ranked second, which shows its importance.

It's a pity that so far, she has only met, in Su Xuan's case, a disciple of the Three Religions who dared to marry.

"The direct disciple of Renjiao, the little mage of morality, the grand priest of Guanxinglou and his wife, have met Uncle Nuwa."

Knowing the true identity of this layman in Fengqi Mountain, he naturally wants to point out the identity of this uncle, so how can this uncle have the nerve to deal with the junior?

Fengqi Mountain, in ancient times, where the palace of the Phoenix family was located, Fengqi sycamore trees, the sycamore trees on Fengqi Mountain should be beautiful.

It's just that after the disaster of the Dragon and Han Dynasty and the birth of the heavens and myriad realms, the phoenix tree on Fengqi Mountain has naturally become the back garden of Nuwa's mother's family.

Can use, dare to use the word "Feng Qishan", except for the nuwa master in front of him, no one else dares to use it.

Unfortunately, this is just Su Xuan's wishful thinking.

Nuwa looked at Su Xuan and his wife standing in front of her respectfully with a smile on her face, and said, "Nuwa Empress? Nephew Su, are you talking about me? I am not Nuwa Empress, this seat is The deputy leader of the People's Religion, Fengqi Layman, Su Xuan, if you dare to speak nonsense again, be careful, I will punish you for a big crime of disrespect."

As a majestic Hunyuan immortal family, how can he do anything in this world at will? Besides, her teacher, Patriarch Hongjun, would not let her mess around easily, but there are no Nuwa Empresses in the Realm of Conferred Gods, and only the deputy leader of the human religion, Jushi Feng.

The Nuwa Empress of the Hunyuan Immortal Family can't do it at will, but the deputy leader of the Renjiao, Fengxi Jushi, can't she do it at will?

Su Xuan was also taken aback, but then he was relieved. He guessed right that the Hunyuan Immortal who came to Chaoge in person was Empress Nuwa. He didn't talk about Wude, so he used the title of Fengqi Jushi.

Even if many immortal families can guess who Fengqi Layman is, will any immortal family dare to expose it?

I am afraid that among the heavens and worlds, apart from the ancestor Hongjun in Zixiao Palace, the great sage Fuxi in Huoyun Cave dared to expose it.

If other immortal families dare to talk too much, they will probably be thrown into a dizzy head by the red hydrangea. Women are very unreasonable, and women in the realm of Hunyuan immortal family will naturally not be reasonable.

Su Xuan looked at her uncle, respectfully saluted, and said, "Your Majesty Taiqing, a direct disciple of the Renjiao, Su Xuan, a young moral master, has met the deputy leader of Fengqi."

Mo Shanshan also saluted respectfully and said, "Mo Shanshan, a disciple of Renjiao, has met the deputy leader of Fengqi."

Nuwa looked at the two people who were saluting respectfully, and said lazily: "You two nephews, please forgive me! There has been no real war since there was no real battle. In the future, Fang Chang hopes that the two nephews will take care of you."

Seeing Empress Nuwa who had assumed the role of the deputy leader of the People's Religion, Su Xuan thought in his heart, would he dare not take it too far?

Su Xuan replied: "That's natural, my nephew will definitely go through fire and water for my uncle."

At this moment, Nu Wa smiled mysteriously, took out the Qiankun Cauldron from her sleeve, and put it in the courtyard. As soon as the Qiankun Cauldron fell to the ground, she could hear the broken thoughts constantly coming from the Qiankun Cauldron.

Listening to the broken thoughts mentioned in Qiankun Cauldron, Nuwa said very seriously: "I believe in you nephew, but you also have to trust uncle, who will really let you go through fire and water."

"Three years ago in Nuwa Palace, my cute and stupid junior Zhunti thought that he had deceived everyone and asked Emperor Xin to ignite the fairy incense that could attract the immortal family. Look at my junior brother now. The bodhi incarnation, go through fire and water inside."

In the early years, Zhunti didn't dare to speak loudly in front of her at all, he was simply a follower behind her, and often said some self-proclaimed words that went through fire and water.


Her stupid junior brother now dared to plot against her, and it happened that she was a little tired from playing in the heavens, so this time she happened to have a good fight with her stupid junior brother.

"Senior Sister, Junior Brother is really wrong, can you put out the fire first?"

"Western religion, poor!"

"My incarnation, it's not easy to cultivate to the Daluo Jinxian realm!"


What a fire!

But how could Empress Nuwa let go, what about the Bodhi incarnation of her junior brother?

Seeing Empress Nuwa waving her sleeves, the fire in the Qiankun cauldron rose sharply, and an incarnation of the heaven and earth spirit root at the level of a Daluo Jinxian was returned to its original source by the Qiankun cauldron, and the heaven and earth spirit root was restored.

Nuwa took out the bodhi tree, which was only half a foot long, but exuded infinite charm, and said: "These days, I will live with you, and this bodhi tree is my reward. Remember that three meals a day must be eaten." The ingredients have to be more than 10,000 years old, and Xianniang only drinks 30,000-year-old brews, and if there are people who make trouble, you have to stop them all."

Su Xuan reluctantly took over the seedling of the Bodhi The seedling of the Bodhi tree has the appearance of a big Luo, but it is also a hot potato. Uncle Zhunti is here, should I pay it back? Or should I not pay it back?"

Nuwa laughed and said, "How dare my stupid junior brother come?"

Then Nuwa pulled Mo Shanshan past Su Xuan and walked towards the backyard. At this time, the backyard of the Guanxing Building courtyard suddenly disappeared and was replaced by an exquisite palace. The Bajing Palace is even more expensive.

Su Xuan looked at Qingniu who was pretending to be asleep, and said: "Qingniu, you should go back to Yangshan immediately, this time I'm a little undecided."

He was in a panic, and Su, the young master of morality, was in a panic.

Qingniu widened his eyes and said, "This is not good!"



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