Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 293: The letter in the picture of heaven and earth, Su Jijiu who wrote the petition

The next day, the Golden Crow ascended to the east!

On the Bell and Drum Tower in Chaoge City, the practitioners on duty rang the suspended ancient bronze bell fiercely.

The sound of the ancient bronze bell is melodious and melodious. It has been nurtured by the sages of the human race for many years, and the incense worship of the human race has long been psychic.

The bells of the ancient bronze bells are also used to exorcise evil spirits and cleanse the soul.

As the bell rang, the gate in the courtyard of the Star Observation Tower opened, and the white fox and the blue cow looked at each other in blank dismay.

A white fox and a green ox are both at a loss.

Probably neither of the two parties expected that they would actually talk about the truth with a white fox (a stupid cow) for so long.

Qingniu said angrily: "Silly fox, how could Empress Nuwa hug you?"

The white fox threatened viciously: "Tianzun Taiqing, he will accept you as a mount."

Seeing the two arguing endlessly, Caiyun used the cloud mirror to record the quarrel between the green cow and the white fox all night, so she had no choice but to go to the backyard of the courtyard and invite Su Jijiu and his wife out.

The moment Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan came hand in hand, the white fox suddenly lost the arrogance of last night, and trotted all the way to Mo Shanshan.

Pulling Mo Shanshan by the corner of his clothes, he cried, "Aunt Shanshan, this stupid cow is bullying me."

The white fox wiped away two tears by the way, it looked so pitiful, it didn't look like it could quarrel with Qingniu all night.

Cai Yun was also frowning on the side, if she hadn't been in the Star Observation Tower, she had heard it clearly with the cloud mirror, and she had seen it clearly, Cai Yun would have thought that Baihu had suffered a lot.

Qing Niu looked at the white fox who was acting coquettishly and pretending to be pitiful, and told Su Xuan: "Brother Su, you have to trust my old cow! I am not that kind of cow, and I am clearly a white fox who picks things up. It has nothing to do with my old cow! This is the Qiankun Map that the Elder Master asked to give to you, Senior Brother Su will keep it first."

The next moment, the ancient picture scroll hanging on the green bull's horn had already fallen into Su Xuan's hands.

Su Xuan unfolded the picture scroll, looked at the map of the universe, and said: "The map of the universe, the heavens, the earth, and the universe are all in it, and there is a world inside, but it's just a blue cow!

Should you explain how you provoked the teacher, how you were kicked out of Shouyang Mountain, and how you were able to shirk the responsibility of moving the Gods List? Can the Conferred God List not be able to deal with that guy? Don't I know the supernatural power of Tiangang with seven arrows on one head? "

Now everything has been found out, he went to Shouyang Mountain to pass the book to Dao Feijian that day, but neither his cheap senior brother nor his teacher was in Shouyang Mountain.

small book booth

Then Jinjiaoyinjiao, under the bewitchment of this stupid cow, stole the list of gods and filled it with Huangbao.

Su Xuan handed the map of Qian Kun to his family, Shan Shan, and he said: "Shan Shan, you will understand after reading it, this stupid cow was kicked out of Shouyang Mountain because he got into trouble and kept his mouth stubborn."

Mo Shanshan took the Qiankun map and took a closer look, then immediately hugged the white fox and said, "You can handle this matter according to your needs. This blue cow scared the white fox to such a degree. You have to teach Qingniu a lesson."

Although Qingniu's behavior of filling Huangbao on the list of gods made her feel a little happy, but Qingniu's behavior of putting all the responsibility for this matter on Jinjiaoyinjiao, and then pushing the cause to her family Su Xuan , Let her have three points of anger.

The white fox in Mo Shanshan's arms stretched out its paws and pointed at the green bull, and said, "Senior Su, how about letting this stupid bull copy the Tao Te Ching three thousand times?"

She really wanted to see how this stupid cow copied the Tao Te Ching with its hooves.

Su Xuan looked at Qingniu who kept dodging his eyes, and said: "Well, not bad, little white fox, you are still somewhat useful, so you can go and watch Qingniu copying the Tao Te Ching, if Qingniu is lazy, just tell me, and I will send him Send it back to Shouyang Mountain."

This is also the best way. After all, most of the supernatural powers have been sealed by the teacher, and the green bull, who cannot be transformed into a human form, copied the Tao Te Ching three thousand times with his hoof, which is an extremely severe punishment in itself.

In the courtyard, Qingniu looked at the haughty white fox, and said helplessly, "I respectfully obey Senior Brother Su's orders."

After all, the arm still couldn't twist the thigh. Since returning to Daozu's side, Qingniu, who has been living a leisurely life, finally felt the feeling of being dependent on others at this moment.

Even a little white fox dared to bully his old cow.

Soon after, the white fox brought several stacks of rice paper with weak mana, and the triumphant white fox directed the dejected green bull to copy the Tao Te Ching stumblingly in the courtyard outside the Star Observatory.


Garden backyard!

Mo Shanshan rubbed the ink, Su Xuan took the pen, and wrote a letter with tears in his eyes, accusing the Huang family of fabricating rumors and causing trouble.

Between the lines of the certificate, it can be said that those who saw it were sad and those who heard it wept. They used the simplest and plain words to explain the crimes of the Huang family.

Mo Shanshan looked at Su Xuan who put down his hair, and asked, "Don't change it again?"

"No change," Su Xuan replied, "Fei Zhong wanted to borrow this knife from me to bring down the members of the Huang family. Now that I've given him the knife, we'll see how strong Dr. Fei is now."

After sealing the certificate, he put it on a flying sword and sent it to Fei Zhong's mansion by means of a flying sword.

Mo Shanshan looked at Fei Jian who was leaving, and said: "This senior doctor with a not so good reputation, once you use your name, I am afraid that many loyal people will come to the Star Observatory to find fault, so you have to make plans early." .”

Undoubtedly, in Chaoge City, the Huang family's temperament is undoubtedly much better than that of Doctor Fei. When Fei Zhong uses this as a knife to attack the Huang family, many people will naturally jump out.

Su Xuan said disapprovingly: "It's okay? If there are loyal people coming, I don't mind sending them to the eighteenth floor of the Netherworld to follow Huang Bao, and to show the gate to the eighteenth floor of the Netherworld together. "

If there is really a loyal person, it would be very interesting to meet Huang Bao on the eighteenth floor of After Mo Shanshan cleaned up the pens, inks, papers and inkstones on the table, he said: In Chaoge City, the Huang family is the one that can influence the people, and in the eyes of the people, we are just outsiders, if the Huang family really slanders too much, we can't kill everyone."

In all fairness, the people in Chaoge City may not all be like that, but if they are not afraid of 10,000 people, they are afraid of what happens. Under the unknown fire, slashing people with swords in anger will inevitably lead to an unmanageable situation.

Su Xuan stared at the rising luck of the human race in the direction of the emperor's bedroom, and said: "I am a direct disciple of the human religion, if someone really came to slander me in the past, I don't mind acting on behalf of the teacher, executing the punishment of the human religion, and letting the world know that I am a human religion!" Majesty. After all, most of the time, those people will only be afraid of power and not be virtuous."

In the face of the common people who blame others for not being able to distinguish between right and wrong, they should use some means of punishing their hearts.

Human nature comes from the heart, punishing the heart and changing the nature is the best policy.



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