Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 276: Demons can also, kill demons and eliminate demons!

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Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen, who had already touched the outskirts of the Heishan Old Demon's cave mansion by relying on the invitation card of the Heishan Old Demon, made people dare not breathe.

Yan Chixia originally thought that the old Black Mountain demon was making waves because of his high cultivation, but when he saw her today, Yan Chixia realized that the rumors were really unbelievable.

Yan Chixia looked at the old Heishan demon who was absorbing the energy and blood of the Jiao Yao, and said to Ning Caichen beside him: "Scholar Ning, I will go to get the old Heishan demon to ruthless you in a while, take this opportunity to kill yours." The confidante was rescued.

Killing relatives and killing each other, we have hit the big luck today, met such a good thing, the old Montenegro demon is probably going to be killed by these demons! "

Yan Chixia is not one of those cultivators who don't distinguish between good and evil, but only know **** demons and eliminate demons. Everyone has bad people who are so wicked that they anger others, and demons will naturally have some good monsters. Of course, this is only a relative term.

Monsters eat people, and people eat monsters!

But Yan Chixia walked all the way, but she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. It seemed that there were some other reasons in this world that she hadn't realized.

Ning Caichen calmed himself down, nodded emphatically and said, "bearded man, be careful, I'll take a step first, and I'll buy you a drink when I get out."

Yan Chixia looked at Ning Caichen who hadn't had a drink before, and said, "Let's talk about it when we go back! If we're not careful, we'll all have to stay here tonight."

Ning Caichen, who had a plaster that could imitate the breath of a demon on his face, and a talisman on his body, fled for a long circle around the Heishan Cave Mansion before he got close to the Heishan Cave Mansion.

Yan Chixia took off the wine bag around her waist, and after drinking heavily, Yujian flew into the air. Yan Chixia shouted: "The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, and the flying sword rises!"

Hundreds of sword lights rose outside the Heishan Old Demon's cave, illuminating the open space outside the huge cave as bright as day.

The god-relative of the Montenegro old demon looked at Jian Guang, who would gnash his teeth once he saw him in the past, but he no longer gnashed his teeth at this moment.

At this moment, Yan Chixia is no longer a practitioner of slaying demons and demons, but Yan Chixia is their savior!

The demons who have not been swallowed by the old black mountain demon don't feel at this moment how annoying these practitioners who usually like to slay demons and eliminate demons.

If the evil energy and devil energy did not dissipate, they also wanted to rush forward and give this black mountain old demon a beautiful demon slaying.

"Yan Chixia, you bastard, how dare you spoil my good deeds."

The Black Mountain old demon roared, looked at the hundreds of sword lights coming towards him, directly Cui Dongshan's magic seal, mobilized the power of the Black Mountain veins, and cast a barrier in front of him.

The sword light slashed at the barrier, but it was all extinguished in a short while. The monsters looked at the scene in front of them, and their hearts were even more chilled.

Standing on the flying sword, Yan Chixia taunted: "Old Man Heishan, I don't want to talk nonsense, Yan doesn't want to talk too much, I'll see if Yan can kill you old monster tonight."

When Yan Chixia came, the worry in her heart had dissipated. Originally, she wanted to kill him seven times in and out in this 800-mile Montenegro, but she didn't realize that this old Montenegro monster would not even let her relatives go.

The old Heishan demon looked at his dry relatives with hatred faces, sneered a few times, and said: "Yan Chixia, I originally thought that I would kill you after I became a fairy, but I didn't expect you This idiot dared to come to Montenegro! Tonight, the God Realm of the Mountain God of Montenegro is open, and no meddling practitioners have come back to save you.

Third sister, don't think that I don't know, you flirt with those practitioners, and you agreed to fall together, but you secretly seek refuge with human practitioners, you are really my good relatives! "

Today's Emperor Daliang even dared to kill his own brothers in order to sit on the throne of the emperor. Why can't he send his relatives to the underworld in order to become an immortal?

Chang Shu, the snake demon, looked at Yan Chixia standing on the flying sword, and seemed to think of something. Chang Shu looked at the old Heishan demon, and said, "Old Heishan demon, what nonsense are you talking about? The slave family itself has human blood, so why not?" Let’s talk about coming to join the human race, besides, I don’t eat meat, I’ve always been a vegetarian.”

Then Chang Shu looked at Yan Chixia and said affectionately, "Brother Yan, don't talk nonsense with the old Heishan demon. When the old Heishan demon really lands in the fairyland, we will all die here."

Hearing that someone called her senior brother, Yan Chixia was also taken aback. Yan Chixia looked at the somewhat familiar snake demon, turned around and pointed at the old Heishan demon with a sword, and said, "Old Heishan demon, you are doomed today."

The snake demon was somewhat familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he saw it, but what the snake demon said was true, even though there were people who knew the truth, but if he really wanted that Su Zhenren to come and find someone, He, Yan Chixia, walks the rivers and lakes in the future, what face does he have!

The Montenegro old demon laughed strangely: "Third sister, I didn't expect you to have such a relationship with Yan Chixia. Tonight, I will send you, an old lover, to see Lord Hades!"

The spiritual light above the seal of the mountain **** was great, but it was supposed to be a peaceful spiritual light, but now it became monstrous, with a lot of pure demonic energy faintly mixed in it.

The Montenegrin old demon, who has not recovered from serious injuries, took advantage of the home court to fight with the Montenegro old demon.

For several miles outside the Heishan Cave Mansion, sword light and demonic aura were fighting each other. Yan Chixia, who was born in the line of sword immortals, became even more powerful after receiving the Daoist book presented by Su Xuan.

At the very beginning, Yan Chixia was even able to beat the old Black Mountain demon, but as time went by, Yan Chixia inevitably lost her mana.

On the other hand, the old Black Mountain demon seemed to be getting more courageous as he fought, and he was quite proud of it. After all, this place was still the home of the old Black Mountain demon.

With the help of the seal of the mountain god, the Black Mountain old demon can let Yan Chixia not have the slightest chance to breathe, but the Black Mountain old demon who has obtained an unknown amount of demon energy and blood can calmly recover from his injuries.

Just now Yan Chixia was not so much fighting the old black mountain demon, it might be better to say that he was fighting the eight hundred li black mountain.

The Montenegro old demon looked at the panting Yan Chixia, and asked, "Hero Yan, are you a little tired?"

Yan Chixia looked not far away at the ugly face of the old demon of Heishan, and after poohing, he said: "Old demon of Heishan, I am a little tired, but you probably won't have a chance to be tired in the future." Ning Caichen who fled far away, Yan Chixia said: "Old Black Mountain demon, you have absorbed so many demons' energy and blood, and you still have nothing to fear. It is nothing more than relying on you to find a woman with Sanyin fate, but now that woman has already escaped." What the heck, you won't be able to become a fairy in this life, even in the next life."


The exasperated old Heishan demon accelerated the speed of devouring the demon's energy and blood. He said, "So what, this is the 800-mile Heishan boundary, and here I am a god."

The Montenegro old demon held the seal of the mountain **** and pressed down on Yan Chixia.

Fight again!



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