Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 27: Conversation in the Pavilion

"Uncle Wei, you saw a dark shadow in Chang'an in the first year of Tianqi. Uncle Master, you concluded that the dark shadow was the son of Hades, so you, together with Li Peiyan, Prince of the Tang Dynasty at that time, and Xiahou, the Great General of Zhenbei, slaughtered General Lin Xuanwei's house is full of families, and later you were knocked down to the Heavenly Enlightenment Realm, I don't know if fourteen years have passed, and my uncle has regretted his decision back then."

In You Pavilion, which had been silent for an unknown amount of time, a meaningful voice sounded. It was the Xiling cavalry who had trapped the entrance of You Pavilion, and had just found Su Xuan, who was being held in Wei Guangming's cell.

Wei Guangming, who was sitting on a boulder inside the fence, looked at the sunlight passing through the gap between the cliffs, and said in a hoarse voice: "Eternal night is approaching, and the son of Pluto descended into the world. As the great priest of Guangming, naturally I will not Misread, so I won't regret it."

If you believe in it, don't doubt it. The priest of the light is the closest existence to Haotian. Since the light allows him to see the shadow of darkness, he will naturally not be wrong.

Su Xuan nodded and said: "Uncle Master, you were still defeated in the end, and you were judged as a great priest, and you were trapped in this square inch with the cage **** formation. If Uncle Master is not wrong, why did you come to this?"

In his opinion, what Wei Guangming did back then was like a horse-drawn chariot debating whether to kill one person or ten people, but his uncle chose the latter answer and slaughtered the entire family of General Lin Xuanwei's mansion. It can be said that chickens and dogs don't stay behind.

Wei Guangming listened to Su Xuan's seemingly mocking words, and said, "You don't come here specially to mock me, the clichés you said just now, when I was sitting on the throne of God, I have heard those idiots below countless times, Tell me, what exactly did you see when you went to Chang'an?"

How can Su Xuan, a disciple of the Taoist sect who knows Shouguan, enter the Taoist sect by relying on a copy of the Qingjing Sutra, be so boring!

So his nephew must have seen something in Chang'an!

Su Xuan was silent for a long time before struggling to give the answer, "Uncle Wei, three months ago, I went to Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty. One night, there was a panic attack. Suzaku woke up and wanted to kill an academy student who couldn't practice. , I looked at it from the book of heaven, and I saw a thick night on the **** umbrella behind that academy disciple, it was a night that could block the light."

This is indeed an extremely difficult thing to say. What kind of choice will a great priest of the light, who has a firm belief in the light, learn that the shadow of the night is still alive in the world?

Everyone in the world thought that Wei Guangming, the Great Priest of Guangming, was imprisoned in the Youge by the head teacher after being knocked down from the Apocalypse Realm, but few people knew that Wei Guangming was imprisoned in the Youge himself, because Wei Guangming had a cage in his heart.

There was killing intent in Wei Guangming's eyes, and he asked: "As a disciple of Taoist Zhishouguan, you have the same heavy responsibility as Taoist Zhishouguan walking in the world. Why didn't you let the darkness dissipate?"

Hearing this, Su Xuan sighed and said: "The disciples of the academy have now climbed to the second floor, and have become the direct disciples of the Master, and even the disciples of Master Yan Se, who are favored by the King of Tang. If the son of Hades is really him, This kind of darkness is not easy to dispel, maybe you have to pay the price of martyrdom.”

This is a very dangerous thing, fellow villagers have never been his goal, fellow villagers are just a very good bait for Haotian, he really wants to see the old events of the first year of Tianqi, after being made public, the world will be very sad for that little Ning Que The maid's reaction.

If Haotian hadn't been greedy for a moment's pleasure, if Haotian hadn't wanted to eat his wife, then Ning Que would have taken another path, perhaps using the knowledge of his previous life to gain something different.

It's a pity that in Haotian's world, there are not so many ifs. Haotian entered the game with Ning Que as a bait, and his master entered the game because of Ning Que. The way of playing chess is that he would rather lose a piece than lose the first, so naturally he also wants to use Ning Que. For the beginning of breaking the game.

He wanted to see what choice Ning Que would make when faced with the fact that his little maid was the son of Hades!

Wei Guangming looked at the wisps of sunlight shining in the damp prison cell, and said, "The light needs to be protected. The Temple of Judgment is already decayed, and it is difficult to take on such a heavy responsibility. I think I am the only one to dispel the darkness."

This is the duty of the great priest of light. Only light can dispel the darkness that comes with the eternal night.

The weeds growing hard in the cracks in the rocks between Su Xuanya said: "Since the uncle has no cage in his heart, the cage that the head teacher put up should be a piece of fragile white paper, and the uncle must be able to break out in a short time. "

Wei Guangming smiled, since he was imprisoned in the secluded pavilion, he once again saw a weed that wanted to move with the wind, but he had to pay some price for borrowing his knife.

After a long silence, he said: "Since you came to see me, Su Xuan, and used your identity as the son of Hades as a bait to lure me, you must already know that he is not the son of Hades, so I really want to know what your purpose is."

Su Xuan explained: "Uncle Wei, the son of Pluto will go to the wasteland in the near future. This matter cannot be faked. If the uncle does not believe in the Buddha's Yu Lanling, it may be an excellent way to Uncle can go to the Buddhist sect to borrow it and try to see if the master's thirteenth direct disciple is the son of Hades."

He knew very well that he was born to know that he was not the son of Hades. The means left by the Buddha were only to find the Hades whom the Buddha believed. If so, there is nothing wrong with the means left by the Buddha.

Wei Guangming smiled and said, "As the great priest of Guangming in Xiling, how can you use outside methods?"

To clearly distinguish the son of Pluto, it is natural to need some mysterious supernatural powers, and as the great priest of Guangming in Xiling, Wei Guangming naturally does not lack such means. Why does he use outside methods? Wouldn't it make outsiders laugh.

Su Xuan said calmly: "No matter what method the uncle uses, it is your own business, I just hope that the uncle will not kill the wrong person."

He wanted to use Ning Que to break the game, but he didn't want Ning Que to die, but Su Xuan instinctively thought that Ning Que would not die at all. After all, a young man wearing the aura of the protagonist is not so easy to kill.

Wei Guangming said: "If that person is not the son of Pluto, I will naturally not kill him. I will go to Chang'an to continue looking for the dark shadow. I have a hunch that the light is in Chang'an."

As a great practitioner who has crossed the Five Realms, Wei Guangming has naturally seen many different scenery, including his own destiny. Although his destiny is vague, he has seen infinite light.

After hearing this, Su Xuan saluted, and slowly withdrew from You Pavilion. This was a dangerous move. His uncle's strength is very high, and even in the world, few people can resist it.

If his uncle, right or wrong, made a move in the wilderness, it would definitely attract the master of the academy, Li Slowly, to make a move, but the master had a high chance of not making a move, because the situation was unclear, and the master who was swaying on the wall, and How could it be easy to make a move!


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