Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 267: Hypocrisy rain from heaven

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On the road three hundred miles away from Guobei County, the sky was covered with dust, and a huge team was slowly squirming.

In the team, there are noblemen in brocade hats and sable furs, with hands eating white banners, shouting, "Home in a vacuum, there is no old mother; worry endlessly, have mercy on me the world!" '

Shouts of shouts swept over the sky and covered the sky, and the voices sounded one after another in this huge team.

What's more, the people who didn't believe it before, and were coerced, also shouted at the top of their voices after seeing the supreme divine power obtained by the Bailian believer.

Some little demons who had no background and wanted to come to find some blood to eat, were skinned and cramped by the followers of the White Lotus Sect as soon as they emerged, and they cooked a pot of Shiquan Datou soup with the secret medicine of the teaching.

A large number of monsters with impure thoughts, who just wanted to fish in troubled waters to get a share of the pie, also passively fell into Master Xuanyin's game after receiving benefits.

Most people don't care what the White Lotus Sect wants to do. Most people only care about whether they can get enough benefits from this matter, and they just follow the White Lotus Sect to get enough benefits.

At least the little monsters along the way suffered disaster, and even some famous monsters, under the impact of many followers of the White Lotus Sect, also suffered disaster and became the belly of monsters.


The followers of the White Lotus Sect who had just had dinner, all of them looked happy when they heard the sound of thunder in the sky above their heads.

"It has appeared, the lifeless old mother has appeared."

"It has appeared, the Lord Protector is right, the Lord Protector is right."


Before coming here, the Lord Guardian told them that as long as they arrived in Guobei County, the banishing immortal would rain down the rain of salvation for them. If there was no nectar falling, then the immortal must be a demon. That demon kills.

Now there was a burst of thunder in the sky, and there were dark clouds looming in all directions.

Hidden in this huge team, the guardian of the White Lotus Cult, Mystic Heart, felt the abundant inspiration in the sky, but faintly worried in his heart. Although he is a guardian of the White Lotus Cult, he is a Buddhist practitioner!

It is still useful to fool those ordinary people with the White Lotus Sect, but it is not very useful to fool practitioners like him.

In the vacuum hometown, if Wu Sheng's old mother could really come, the White Lotus Sect would have overthrown Daliang long ago. He looked at the apprentice who followed him and said, "Apprentice, be careful, if the situation is not good, just run away. Although there are many, money is more important than life!"

After joining the White Lotus Sect for many years, he made a lot of money, and even hacked a lot of natural and earth treasures in the Sect. This time Xuanyin asked him to take charge of this matter, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Whenever it was the turn of the White Lotus Sect, it was clear that they wanted their master and apprentice to die.

Master Xuanxin's apprentice, Mei Qian, listened to his master's instructions and asked, "The elders and hall masters in the sect must not destroy us."

The White Lotus Sect seems to have a large number of believers, but in fact, except for a few who are extremely devout in the vacuum hometown and the lifeless old mother, most of the people who joined the White Lotus Sect do it for money and for their cultivation. .

Their masters and apprentices came to take charge of this matter this time. In addition to the food and grass supplied by the state capital along the way, there were also a large amount of cultivation resources in the storage bag used to win over casual practitioners and buy people's hearts.

With such a large amount of merit, if they pass by, they will really be blacklisted by the White Lotus Sect.

Master Xuanxin looked at the heavy rain, and said: "I am afraid that the White Lotus Sect will not exist again in the future. I am afraid that Master Xuanyin will be used as a knife this time. The body is not something we can deal with."

Mei Qian thought for a while and said, "Then we have to run quickly! We joined the White Lotus Sect and have never killed or harmed anyone, nor have we ever refined or eaten human pills. You have to check the bar to listen to the music when you eat and get cards, you haven't done anything bad! You can't finish playing with the White Lotus Sect!"

Mei Qian, who thought he hadn't done too many evil things, naturally didn't want to be buried with the White Lotus Sect. Isn't it rare for immortals to come to the world to clean up the universe?

"It's raining, it's raining, the rain from the lifeless mother."

At this time, the cheers of the followers of the White Lotus Sect came from a distance, and heavy rain fell from the sky, and the rain contained a lot of spiritual energy.

This rain can naturally be regarded as a spiritual rain. The rain falls on the ground, and the dead trees sprout new buds in spring.

The monsters hidden in the mountains at night also opened up their spiritual wisdom at this moment, and some spirits who had not refined their bones before refined their bones after drinking a lot of rainwater.

on the road.

After being drenched in the spiritual rain, the white lotus believers whose internal diseases were completely eliminated fell into madness. They drank the spiritual rain greedily and crazily.

Even if there are disciples of the White Lotus Sect, they can't suppress the situation.

Master Xuanxin slapped his thigh when he saw a familiar scene in front of him, and said, "Okay, the heavens will rain spirits, disasters are approaching, disciples, let's run!"

Having planned to run away a long time ago, the sweetheart Daoxuan whipped up a strange wind and fled away.

Seeing Xuan Xin's sweetheart run away, Mei Qian Dayi said lingeringly: "Master, you old man wait for my disciple!"

After taking several carts of gold and silver, Mei Qian also ran away.

If there was such a big commotion like usual, it would be impossible to hide it from the disciples of the White Lotus Sect, but now?

The disciples of the White Lotus Sect who are only concerned with scrambling for the spiritual How can they care about the master and apprentice of the escaping Master Xuanxin?

Anyway, you can run for a while, but you can't run for a lifetime. How happy you are running now is how miserable you will cry in the future.


Guobei County.

Inside the Su Mansion.

Su Xuanping looked at the scene in the pool as usual, and said: "When the sky sends out murderous intentions, the stars move; when the earth sends murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise from the land. I have never been a magnanimous person, at least I will not be magnanimous to those who want to kill me." .”

He said: "Decree, the celestial maidens scatter flowers, and the earth springs golden lotuses."

With a flick of Su Xuan's fingers, a elixir fell into the pool water, and the peony fish in the pool swarmed, breaking up the picture on the pool water.

But on the road three hundred miles away, there was a scene of heavenly maidens scattering flowers and earth springing golden lotuses.

The holy scene of the fairy family is nothing more than this!

The news of the vision falling from the sky three hundred miles away in Guobei County naturally attracted many demons and ghosts. The demons whose mouths had already faded out, now found so much pure blood to eat.

The monsters who could not restrain their instincts naturally swarmed up and strangled with the White Lotus disciples.

The unorganized demons, facing the organized Bailian believers who believed in the lifeless old mother, were killed and defeated in no time.

But when there is a big demon, after rushing over, the followers of the White Lotus Sect have no advantage. In the end, the white lotus sect and the demons, who fought the real fire, were almost in this position within a radius of less than tens of miles. They fought for several days before they stopped .

In this battle, the demons around Guobei County were wiped out, and the disciples of the White Lotus Sect were killed or injured, but Master Xuanyin, who had just arrived in Guobei County for a few days, was about to go mad with anger.



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