Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 249: The First Patriarch of Confucianism Appears to be Holy

The emperor sent several invitations in a row, wanting to invite Su Xuan, the Real Protector of the Country, to go to see a doctor, but the emperor came to deliver the invitations to the person.

Before entering Qingzhou, he was completely killed by someone, and the methods were so ruthless that everyone in the government in Qingzhou who went to investigate the case was terrified.

In broad daylight, the person who robbed and killed the emperor was a heinous crime of treason.

But even under the personal supervision of King Jing'an Zhao Heng, the matter was naturally left alone.

The emperor who had been driven to a dead end, even if he invited the celestial being from Longhu Mountain, failed to deliver the letter as he wished. Instead, the celestial being from Longhu Mountain had his head cut off with a sword. .

The Heavenly Man of Longhu Mountain had his head cut off, which was undoubtedly provoking Li Yang, but the strange thing is that His Majesty in the court chose to calm down.

However, these things can't affect Su Xuan, who lives far away from Shangyin School Palace.

What he has to do in this world has already been done, and the rest is to follow the trend, do nothing, and finish this big game of chess.

Inside the pavilion by the river.

Zhang Fuyao, the first sage of Confucianism, read the Daoist scriptures in his hand dozens of times, and asked, "May I ask Master Su, can this supernatural power of Taoism and manifestation really be realized, without losing faith and without losing supernatural powers?"

It was a good thing, and even more a bad thing, that the fairyland was chopped into pieces by the three swords of Su Zhenren in front of him and fell to the world.

Although the variables in this world have increased a lot, it has been a long time since quite a few people failed to calm down when they suddenly gained power, and committed heinous murders. Domineering women do all kinds of evil.

Su Xuan, who was fishing, flicked the fishing rod, and said: "This is expected, and it is also unexpected. People's hearts are unpredictable, and human nature is evil. Without the high fairy world, naturally there will be no action." The gods in the first three feet naturally came here so presumptuously.

The current world is terrible, but some people don’t want to change it, so I have to pull down the fairyland, and fry this pot of vegetables quickly with high-fire cooking oil, otherwise the pot of vegetables will definitely be raw, and raw vegetables are not very good eat. "

It's a good world, and for some people it is.

This world is very bad. For the hundreds of millions of Li Shu Qianshou, the current world can only be regarded as barely enough to eat.

Nowadays, there will always be someone who is a maverick among talents in this situation, and it is time for a new day.

After hearing this, Zhang Fuyao smiled bitterly: "This world is terrible, you are right, it was like this hundreds of years ago, it has been like this for a long time after hundreds of years, and it is even stronger than it was hundreds of years ago. , After all, hundreds of years ago, people wanted face, but now people don’t want face.”

Su Xuan looked at the volume in Zhang Fuyao's hand, and said, "Master Zhang ascends to heaven and transforms into the moon at the beginning of the month, and said: "I don't know about Master Zhang, but what great truths did I learn from this volume of Taoism? Could it be that Master Zhang is also waiting in the world?" ; Tired of it?"

This volume on the first interpretation of the master ascending to heaven is a Taoist book compiled by him after he saw the master ascending to heaven to manifest the holiness. The Taoist book does not talk about cultivation, but only the method of transforming Tao.

To use one's own body to transform the world into the purest rules, and to do the righteous things of the world, this is courting death.

It is still the kind of courting death that will not die if you don’t die. Daohua practitioners are not death in the true sense, but can be transformed into the purest rules of heaven and earth. Without the seven emotions and six desires, what is the difference between death and death?

Anyway, he would never do such a stupid thing.

Zhang Fuyao got up from the stone bench, put down the Dao book in his hand, cupped his hands towards Su Xuan, and said: "Scholar, you should do some things as a scholar, I am probably the first scholar in this world to be called a scholar , now that the world is in turmoil, the world is in danger, and Confucianism is in decline, but today I want to thank Su Zhenren for giving me the law and helping me to transform the world."

He is the patriarch of Confucianism, the first sage of Confucianism, Confucianism in this world started from him, and now he should bring back Confucianism that has gone astray.

After Su Xuan returned the gift, he asked: "Master Zhang wants to transform the world and set a rule for the world?"

Zhang Fuyao said with a calm smile: "Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. Below are rivers and mountains, and above are sun stars. People call them Haoran, and they are filled with darkness.

Establish a world where the good people will not die in vain and the evil people will be free. It was impossible to do it before, but now the fairy world is broken and fallen to the world. It is a great luck that has never been seen in thousands of years. Why not do it? "

Sitting in the gate of Tianmen for eight hundred years, I have seen countless sufferings in life, and I have seen countless ridiculous things, and I have seen countless romantic stories through the ages.

Now that it is here, it would be great to establish a rule for the world.

Hearing Zhang Fuyao's passionate words, Su Xuan explained: "Master Zhang, as long as there are scholars who believe, the rules after Taoization will exist, but if no one believes, then the rules will definitely not exist."

Zhang Fuyao smiled sadly after hearing this, and said: "Wouldn't such a world be a thousand times more terrifying than the collapse of rites and music? At that time, I'm afraid even you, Master Su, will not be able to save that world."

No scholars believe him, how can he save such a world?

How can I save it?

Not long after, Zhang Fuyao saluted in the direction of the Zhang Family Ancestral Temple, after the salute, Zhang Fuyao said with a smile: "If you believe in it, you won't doubt it. Daoist Su is such a good human being, how can there be no rules?"

Then Zhang Fuyao rose up with the wind, and all the good fortune accumulated for eight hundred years was dispersed, even his cultivation level was also dispersed.

Holding the fish basket, Su Xuan, who was standing under the gazebo, turned towards the place where Zhang Fuyao had left, and respectfully saluted: "Respectfully send off Master Zhang, show your holiness!"

Then Su Xuan's voice changed, and he laughed at himself: "The last time I respectfully invited my master to show his holiness, so this time I respectfully send off Master Zhang, so in the next world, which master should I respectfully send off?"

There is no doubt that Zhang Fuyao is also a scholar with ideals, but he is very clear that the world that Zhang Fuyao has forgotten will inevitably come, and when that time comes, his spiritual energy will naturally recover.

Unlike the master who showed his sageness and invited thousands of people to respect him, the Taoism of the first Confucian patriarch seemed so However, following Zhang Fuyao's Taoism, there have been some subtle changes in the human world.

For example, a certain Juren, who used the name of a Confucian disciple to bluff and rob, was struck by a thunderbolt on his way home.

Such things happen in every corner of the world. People who don't know the truth think that this is a thunder punishment from the gods in the sky.

There is no great reason for ordinary people not to move, but ordinary people understand the simple truth that good and evil will eventually be rewarded in the end.

Perhaps this first generation patriarch of Confucianism didn't want to establish any great principles for the world.

If you are afraid of power, you dare not do it!

This principle seems to be very good!



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