Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 229: Heaven and man ride a dragon to kill Xu Xiao

Outside Xiangfan city!

The Xu Zi Wang Banner fluttered in the wind, Jing'an King Zhao Heng stood on the top of the city, staring at the old man in armor with an uncertain expression.

On the faces of the Qingzhou Army generals on both sides of Zhao Heng, there was a little fear, fear of the old man in armor who came alone.

Xu Xiao, one of the three great demons of the Spring and Autumn Period, killed Rentu from the Spring and Autumn Kingdoms, and led his troops to knock down Xiangfan City. Who would not be afraid?

Although it is not realistic for the cavalry to attack the city, who stipulated that the cavalry cannot attack the city after dismounting?

They were not Wang Mingyang, the famous general of Western Chu, who was able to defend Xiangfan to death. The army of Qingzhou was also refined, but when they faced the Beiliang army, the tofu was still a piece of tofu that would shatter when touched.

King Jing'an Zhao Heng rubbed the Buddhist beads in his hand, he was waiting for the immortal to make a move, but the immortal did not make a move for a long time, which made him very surprised.

Although Xu Laizi only brought a thousand riders here, there are still 60,000 iron riders after the thousand riders, which is enough to kill Qingzhou and Guangling.

King Jing'an supported the head of the city of Xiangfan, and shouted down: "Dare to ask Brother Xu Wang, why do you want to use this unknown teacher to offend me in Qingzhou?"

Under the city of Xiangfan, outside the moat!

Xu Xiao, a hundred feet away from the moat, looked at the Qingzhou army on the city, and said coldly: "Zhao Heng, you old woman, don't pretend to be confused now, my son was assassinated in your territory, almost Can't you give an explanation after you die? If you don't give an explanation today, you can see if you, Zhao Heng, can hold Xiangfan City."

At this moment, in the world, only the voice of Tu Xuxiao, one of the three great demons in the Spring and Autumn Period, echoed outside the city of Xiangfan.

Defend the city?

It is impossible at all, if most of Qingzhou's army were not from Qingzhou, I am afraid that Shangyong would have been brave enough to flee from the wind, so why wait for death again?

The name of human slaughter, in the thirteen prefectures of Liyang, can stop children from crying. Once this Xiangfan city is broken, no one knows what will happen inside the city, but it is predictable that they will definitely be looted. Where is the master of tigers and wolves in anti-robbing?

Seeing Xu Xiao's arrogance, Zhao Heng, who has always had a good face, also changed his face. He stood on the top of the wall and sneered: "Xu Xiaozi, don't say those useless words, Chu Lushan is dead, and the eternal infamy has been left, I know What do you want to do, but you can't do anything, I know you don't want to rebel, and you won't, but with 300,000 Beiliang cavalry, who can sit in that chair with peace of mind."

Not long after, the blue sky above the city of Xiangfan suddenly darkened, and then there was thunder and lightning. Suddenly, a five-clawed golden dragon flew out, and an old Taoist priest stood on the dragon's head.

Zhao Huangchao has arrived!

Heaven and man came out of their bodies on dragons, so they naturally wanted to kill people, otherwise they would not be blind to the powerful spiritual sense that has accumulated half a year.

The golden dragon fell from the sky and hung above the city of Xiangfan. The thousand riders who came with Xu Xiao were all from the Daxue Dragon Cavalry Army, and they were also fierce soldiers when they fought with Beimang.

But seeing the legendary Shenlong today, I can't help but sweat, this thing actually exists.

Seeing this, Xu Xiao displayed the Xu Zi Wang Banner and said: "The heavenly beings in Longhu Mountain are so majestic, they dare to come out of their bodies, they really are not afraid of death."

Heaven and man can leave their bodies, and their minds can travel to the land of the blue and dark, which is naturally an undisclosed secret among the three religions. However, in those years when the Northern Liang army broke down mountains and temples, they also accumulated a lot of theories about heaven and man leaving their bodies. It's a good supernatural power, but once the soul is broken, or the body is damaged, it must be a situation of death without a place to die.

"Who's going to drag the man down that day, General Ben? Standing too high, it's not easy to see."

At this time, Xu Yanbing, who was closely guarding Xu Xiao, came out holding an ordinary iron spear, and said, "Beiliang, Xu Yanbing!"

The Taoist standing on top of Bailong smiled and said, "Longhu Mountain, Zhao Huangchao!"

In a few words, the truth was revealed, why this heavenly man wanted to ride a dragon to Xiangfan City, and why he wanted to stop before the Xu family's army.

The surname is Zhao, the surname of the emperor Lao Tzu, then I understand.

Xu Yan's soldiers were full of energy, and they jumped towards the sky, and this leap was level with Zhao Huangchao who was standing on top of the golden dragon.

Xu Yanbing looked at Zhao Huangchao, raised his hand and threw out the iron spear in his hand. The iron spear was full of energy, and went straight to Zhao Huangchao's door.

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Huangchao laughed and said: "The apprentice of the Spear Fairy Wang Xiu, you are Liu Yanbing, I didn't expect you to even change your surname, I don't know if your parents are under the Nine Springs, so what should you think?"

The next moment, Zhao Huangchao raised his hand!

After waving his sleeves, several thick thunderbolts fell, trying to hit Xu Yanbing, Xu Yanbing fell towards the ground, and as soon as it landed, the thunder followed.

After Xu Yanbing narrowly escaped several thunderstorms, he returned to Xu Xiao's side. He said, "It's a land god, most likely an ancestor of the Liyang royal family."

After hearing this, Xu Xiao said disdainfully: "What about the land gods, whoever stops in front today will die." Then Xu Xiao turned his head and said: "Mr. Deng, if you don't make a move now, when will you wait!"

Suddenly there was a cloud of smoke in the distance, amidst the smoke, Deng Tai'a rode upside down on a donkey and drove over. He looked at Rentu Xuxiao and said, "My lord, I am not here to help you. But to help my poor cousin."

Before the words fell, twelve flying swords flew out, trying to lock Zhao Huangchao's life gate.

Zhao Huangchao waved his sleeves and laughed loudly: "Peach Blossom Sword God Deng Tai'a, I didn't expect you to come too. It's a pity that the immortal is here. I'm the forerunner, you can't stop me."

The golden-colored Tianlong wagged its tail, and more than a thousand cavalry, feeling the breath of the Tianlong, suddenly moved my hand on the handle of the knife, and the cold knife came out of its sheath and swung its tail at the Tianlong.

This chapter is not finished, please click to continue reading! Page 1/Total 2 In just a moment, the more than a hundred cavalry standing in the front had already died in Huangquan. How can the power of heaven and man be injured by ordinary weapons.

Seeing this, Deng Tai'a said: "Zhao Huangchao, don't come here without any problems. I thought it would be Zhao Xuansu who came, but I didn't expect that it was you Zhao Huangchao who came. You can't leave today."

He came here only to help the children of his cousin's family, and went to Shangyin Academy to ask immortals, and only to help this last time.

Zhao Huangchao stood in the air, he said: "Heaven and man are out of the body, I didn't intend to go back, presumably the masters of Beiliang have been watching Longhu Mountain for a long time, do you think I will die if I destroy my body? "

Then Zhao Huangchao raised his hand three times, and each time he raised his hand, it seemed extraordinarily heavy, as if there was a heavy burden on his arms.

Haoran Qi gushed out from his hand, and went straight to Xu Xiao who was carrying the Xu Zi Wang Banner. Seeing that Xu Xiao was in danger, Xu Yan's soldiers stabbed out again with their iron spears, but this time the shot that should have stopped Zhao Huangchao did not. It was suddenly hit by a strange force.

Xu Yanbing looked at the attacking man in golden and punched violently, the fist smashed his armor, and Zhao Huangchao had already arrived in front of Xu Xiao.

How about Spring and Autumn Demon?

So what about human slaughter?

He, Zhao, is still a heavenly man after all! Even a celestial being with a damaged mood is a real celestial being, and how can he be an existence that a second-rank little master can stop.

Zhao Huangchao flicked his fingers, accumulating a six-year-old energy, which rushed into Xu Xiao's forehead in an instant. He laughed and said, "Rentu, Rentu, those people you slaughtered today are here to find you."

He is good at dreaming, entering other people's dreams, and after receiving the book presented by Su Xuan, he even realized the once-in-a-century dream.

Rentu Xu Xiao has killed countless people, there are guilty people and innocent people. Today, he used a Jiazi Qi as a lure to lure Xu Xiao into a dream once in a hundred years, and the soul of the wronged person came to the dream. How can the second-rank little master stop it? .

Xu Yanbing said angrily: "Zhao Huangchao, you will die today!"

Unexpectedly, Zhao Huangchao, instead of being angry, smiled and said: "It's time for me to ascend!"

He turned towards Shangyin Academy and saluted, "I invite Immortal Su to open the gate of heaven!"



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