Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 223: Deduce 1 coordinate

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On the broad river, a building boat is driving slowly!

On the uppermost deck, a copper pot was steaming.

On the side near the ship's side, Mo Shanshan was lying on the table, holding her family's newly refined spirit treasure, writing and drawing there.

It's hard to imagine how Mo Shanshan came up with such complicated lines, and how he drew them.

Even for celestial beings, such deduction is extremely exhausting, let alone Mo Shanshan, who has just stepped into the realm of innate primordial spirit.

Su Xuan stood beside the copper pot, wielding the ancient moral sword, shaved off the scales, removed the bones of several carp, cut them into slices as thin as cicada's wings, and put them into the copper pot.

The fish fillet, which is three-tenths thinner than the wings of a cicada, was already hot as soon as it was put into the pot. With a slight movement of Su Xuan's finger, the fish fillet in the copper pot rose up and landed in a crystal clear jade bowl. middle.

Afterwards, Su Xuan adjusted the dipping ingredients again. Holding the cooked fish meat and the adjusted dipping ingredients, he walked up to Mo Shanshan and said, "Shanshan, don't calculate any more, the picture given by my cheap uncle Volume, I guess it's not that simple, anyway, we can't go now, let's eat first!"

Mo Shanshan looked at the half-foot-thick rice paper stacked under the table, and she said: "Master's picture scroll is really mysterious, and the talismans and truths contained in it are as vast as a sea of ​​talismans. If I can fully comprehend it, my cultivation base will be greatly improved." I can catch up with you."

She is a bookworm and the wife of Su Xuan, the guardian of the Taoist sect. The heavens and the world are full of crises. She does not want to be Su Xuan's burden, so she must work extremely hard.

Besides, on the picture scroll, the symbol used to hide the coordinates of the prehistoric world is really good.

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan, who was full of stubbornness, and understood why his family Shanshan worked so hard. He smiled slightly and said, "Then I will calculate it with you. If I can calculate it earlier, it is also for peace of mind."

Another table appeared on the deck, the two tables were joined together, and the picture scroll was placed in the middle.

While calculating, Mo Shanshan picked up a piece of hot fish from time to time. Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan who was eating, laughed at him, and then began to calculate the exact location of the prehistoric world.

In a sense, talisman is the combination of lines, mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, the coordinates hidden in the rune, it is necessary to untie all the nested runes.

Sheets of rice papers were piled up under Su Xuan's feet. At this moment, Su Xuan felt that the sum of his previous life and this life did not calculate so many talismans. He didn't know how his cheap uncle thought of such a thing The method of whole person.

After a long time, Su Xuan's deduction hit a bottleneck, even if he used the pure artistic conception, he couldn't make any further deduction.

Su Xuan looked at the result of the deduction that seemed right and wrong, and was almost right. He showed his family Shanshan, and he asked: "Shanshan, is there any mistake in your coordinates? The coordinates of the prehistoric world refer to three There are thousands of worlds, and this is one of them.”

Mo Shanshan took the rice paper from Su Xuan's hand, looked at it carefully, and compared it with the coordinates she found, she picked up the rice paper and said: "You can calculate the coordinates of this great world, I have already calculated it, I am now calculating the coordinates of the Great Thousand World in the back, but unfortunately I got stuck halfway through the calculation."

Maybe she shouldn't let her family calculate these coordinates, it's better to let him learn to cook more.

Although he no longer needs to eat, but as a human being, eating is the top priority.

Su Xuan was embarrassed when he heard the words, if there was a seam on the deck of the building, he would probably get in to avoid this extremely embarrassing scene.

"Then don't forget it, let's eat first! After eating, I want to be quiet!"

He is not an omniscient person. Although Yu Fu Dao is talented, he borrowed the talisman of his predecessors. He has to admit that his talent in Fu Dao is indeed much better than hers.

Mo Shanshan also felt quite helpless, but after the helplessness, there was also some small joy, so he didn't know everything, she looked at Su Xuan with an embarrassing face, and said: "Listen to you, eat first!"

With the order from his family, Shanshan, Su Xuan ran quickly and took away all the rice paper that made him feel frustrated.

At this time, Su Xuan only felt that his cheap uncle was venting his dissatisfaction on behalf of his brother-in-law.

The table was full of ready-made meals, but before the two of them could make a quick move, they saw Xu Weixiong coming on the waves and flying to the deck.

Su Xuan just picked up the quickie and put it down again, he said: "Why do people always like to come to me when I am eating?"

Could it be that this is also some kind of indescribable curse spread in the heavens and worlds?

Is it the same curse as the sentence, Fellow Daoist, please stay?

Mo Shanshan was not dissatisfied with Xu Weixiong's visit, she calmly invited Xu Weixiong to sit down and eat together.

After Xu Weixiong sat down, she looked at a table of food and did not move quickly. She looked at Mo Shanshan and Su Xuan and asked, "I really want to know what happened in the reed marsh that day?"

She knew very well that Xu Xiao didn't let him know the truth, and Zhao Kai didn't dare to tell the truth, because she can't go back to Beiliang now, so she can only come here to ask, after all, the only one who can make that **** so afraid Mr. Su Xuansu, who is sitting on the chair in front of him, is a real person.

Su Xuan heard the smiled slightly, and said: "Seeing the injustice on the road, he felt unwilling, so he drew his sword and raised his sword, so that Xu Fengnian invited real martial arts to come to this world. He invited real martial arts, and I invited the emperor."

Xu Weixiong was very puzzled, and asked, "I don't know when Feng Nian offended Mr. Su."

Su Xuan said: "It wasn't your younger brother who offended me, but Chu Lushan, adopted son of Rentu Xuxiao, to be precise, it was me and my family Shanshan who offended Chu Lushan.

As soon as this matter is mentioned, I feel disgusted. If I were really an ordinary scholar and brought my wife there, I'm afraid I would have died long ago. "

He didn't say anything after that, because he was afraid that the anger in his heart would flare up again. Dragons have rebellious scales, and those who move them will die.

Mo Shanshan looked at Xu Weixiong, and she said, "That's how it was that day. I was afraid that some people would not believe me, so I left some evidence. You can also take a look."

While speaking, a jade stone appeared in Mo Shanshan's hand, and she drew a symbol on the jade stone in the air, and a projection appeared in the air.

It was all that happened that day, and even the voice of the spy who was blowing the water was clearly audible.

Xu Weixiong was also extremely angry after seeing the woman being taken captive, she said: "But Chu Lushan has made a lot of military exploits in order to resist Bei Mang!"

After Su Xuan heard it, he cut it, and said with a sneer: "Is it enough to make meritorious deeds, and kidnap women and women? I want to be named Wen Zheng after my death, and I don't want to see what kind of evil things I have done. Merit is merit." , Excesses are exaggerations, and evil should also be evil."

If you do good with your heart, you will not be rewarded. If you do good without your heart, you should be rewarded!

If you do evil intentionally, you should be punished, if you do evil unintentionally, you should not be punished!

Chu Lushan did evil intentionally, so he should be punished naturally!



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