Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 207: Seeing Chunyang on Wudang Mountain

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On this day in Beiliang, on the Wudang Mountain that stood for thousands of years, the eighty-one peaks were shrouded in clouds and mist, and there was a faint billowing tide.

Within the sea of ​​clouds, yellow cranes were singing in unison, several rows of yellow cranes soared straight into the sky, and the clear and clear chirping sound echoed in the Eighty-one Peak.

There are two pools, four pools, nine wells, and twenty deep streams. The water is more than half a foot high. Pilgrims walking from the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountain, listening to the Qingming of yellow cranes and watching the long stream of water, feel like they are in a fairyland.

Although it is late autumn at this time, there are still many pilgrims who come to Wudang Mountain to burn incense. The pilgrims are amazed at the soaring water in the two pools and the four pools.

Yuzhu Peak, outside Taizhen Palace!

Wang Chonglou, the head teacher of Wudang who was running out of time, looked at many visions and thought of the exiled immortal who was coming to Wudang.

The immortal fell into the world and wanted to come to Wudang Mountain, but he didn't hide it, but told Wudang directly.

Wang Chonglou looked at the letter in his hand that he had read over and over again, and said sadly: "Xuanwu should be prosperous!"

Then Wang Chonglou murmured to himself: "Little brother, a fairy in the sky, meet each other with courtesy, why should you be a human being in your previous life?"

His junior brother Hong Xixiang is extremely talented in both the Dao of Heaven and the Dao of Martial Arts. A book of the same contract, but only four thousand words, explains how the Dao of Heaven is?

But the immortal who defeated the new sword **** Deng Tai'a should also treat his junior brother with courtesy. It seems that his junior brother is also a celestial being!

But no matter what happened in his previous life, his junior brother must always be his junior brother. Wudang Mountain is the real martial arts system after all.


But on the little lotus peak that belongs to only one person, there is indeed a different scene.

Uncle Wudang Junior Master Hong Xixiang counted on yarrow, looking at the same hexagram, Hong Xixiang smiled helplessly and said, "It's not time yet!"

Counting every day, day after day, year after year, now more than ten years later, it is still not the time.

Hong Xixiang took the book of Taoism and walked to the tortoise stele next to the cliff of Xiaolianhua Peak, flipping through it with relish, the book of Taoism with different appearances.

After flipping through a few pages of Hong Xixiang who felt bored, he got up and looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds on the Eighty-one Peak.

Then he raised his head to look at the sky, and said, "When will you go to Jiangnan?"

Then this little martial uncle of Wudang Mountain just sat on the ground and couldn’t sleep for a long time. Fortunately, the tortoise stele is still a certain distance from the cliff. This young junior martial uncle of Wudang Mountain may fall off the cliff without leaving any bones. up.

Wudang Mountain, at the foot of the mountain!

The pilgrims walked forward one by one, but they all stopped in front of the archway that said "Wudang Dangxing", stopped and watched for a while, and then went up the mountain to pray for Zhenwu!

Su Xuan and his wife, who came from afar, also stopped and looked at the archway. Su Xuan, who didn't deliberately hide his aura, was deeply moved by the Wudang Taoist priests who were guarding the mountain gate.

Compared with the prince of Beiliang who stepped on the archway before, this expert who came to pay homage to the mountain is obviously more polite.

This time when I came to Wudang to see Chunyang, I was entrusted by the Taoist ancestor to deliver a letter, so naturally I had to talk about the rules of Wudang.

In Su Xuan's view, rules are not some bad habits that have been established, but the most basic moral benchmark for a practitioner.

On the mountain road, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan walked hand in hand, envious of all the pilgrims, they all praised this person, how many lifetimes of luck did he accumulate to be so lucky.

But the local people in Beiliang, especially the people who know who protects the temperament in Beiliang, can't help but sigh in their hearts when they see this talented man and beautiful woman.

Perhaps in this magnificent land of the three states of Beiliang, looking too good-looking is also a sin. Beiliang protects Chu Lushan, who is lustful and often robs the women of the people. It will be a tragedy of bandits attacking people.

On the mountain road, the mountain wind is bitter!

Their sleeves were fluttering, and they went straight to the Little Lotus Peak. A Taoist priest wanted to stop them, but they were stopped by Wudang head teacher Wang Chonglou who was helped by Wudang sword idiot Wang Xiaoping.

Wang Chonglou looked at those Taoist priests and said, "These two are distinguished guests, so you don't need to stop them, just guard the road and no one is allowed to come up."

The immortal came to Wudang to visit his junior brother, so this matter cannot be ruined by others.

A Taoist said, "Headmaster, we can stop others, but what about the King of Beiliang? You must know that the spies of Beiliang have been watching us."

You always have a good word to say, but Wudang is no longer the heyday of the previous dynasty, can you still go to the face of the King of Beiliang who holds 300,000 cavalry?

Sword idiot Wang Xiaoping has a hard look on his face, because Wudang can't reject Beiliang's palace. Since the head teacher gave a big yellow court to Beiliang prince Xu Feng, Wudang has already stood on the same line with Beiliang, offending Liyang first and then offending Beiliang, how should Wudang survive?

At this time, Su Xuan sighed: "The thousand-year-old Wudang, the true martial arts tradition, and Lu Zu's inheritance, shouldn't be like this!"

After paying a slight salute to Wang Chonglou, he said: "Headmaster Wang, entrusted by the seniors of the master, is here to send a letter to Lu Zu, the real person of Chunyang. If anyone stops me, whether it is the fairy family in the sky or the prince of the world, I Take it all together."

Su Xuan's voice was not heavy, but to Wang Chonglou and Wang Xiaoping's ears, it was like a big drum beating in the ear, and it fell straight to the heart.

It turns out that the junior brother has such a great background, it would have been better if this immortal came Otherwise, why did the head teacher give a whole body of rhubarb to the Prince of Beiliang for the sake of Wudang?

Wang Xiaoping looked at the Taoist priests and said, "The immortals are backing you, are you still afraid of the King of Beiliang? Aren't you afraid of the immortals?"

At this time, those Taoist priests retreated respectfully and walked towards the road that Su Xuan came from, and several Taoist priests blocked that road.

Not only the rich customers who came to offer incense in the past, but also the Wudang sect members of their own family were stopped.

Under the leadership of Wang Chonglou, a few people came to the little lotus peak, and saw the Hongxi elephant sleeping on the tortoise stele.

Wang Xiaoping stepped forward and tried to shake the younger brother to wake up, but after shaking for a long time, the younger brother did not wake up, so Wang Xiaoping could only shake his head at Wang Chonglou.

Wang Chonglou, who understood what Wang Xiaoping meant, said, "My little brother fell asleep, so it's not easy to wake up."

Su Xuan looked at the young Taoist priest who was asleep, took the Taiqing jade talisman handed over by Mo Shanshan, and after urging the jade talisman with his soul, he said with a smile: "The big dream is thousands of years old, what year is this eve!"

"Su Xuan, the master of Zhishou, and his wife have met the real Chunyang!"

"Su Xuan, the master of Zhishou, and his wife have met the real Chunyang!"

This salute resounded through the clouds and echoed in the vast mist of the Seventy-two Peaks of Wudang Mountain. The pilgrims on the mountain and halfway up and down the mountain heard it clearly.

Afterwards, Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan saluted respectfully, and then stood there calmly. Not long after, under the blue sky, the sound of grand avenues and fairy music rang together, and there was a truth that did not belong to this world circulated under the blue sky.

Amidst the celestial light, a plaque with the word "Doushi" can be vaguely seen appearing.

On the tortoise stele, the young Taoist priest opened his eyes with a bitter face.



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