Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 167: The story after the master ascended to heaven

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In the blue sky heading to Zhishou Temple, the huge white crane, even if it is supporting two people, still wants to fly higher.

Sitting on the back of a white crane, Mo Shanshan looked at the divine light falling from the blue sky, and said respectfully against the cold wind, "Master, please be holy!"

Su Xuan took out the jar, and drank the peach blossom wine that he had prepared earlier, this time watching Su Xuan drink, but Mo Shanshan did not step forward to stop him, probably because she knew that Su Xuan needed to drink at this time.

After drinking a jar of peach blossom wine, Su Xuan said: "Master is gone, the green hills inside Zhishou temple have collapsed, and the temple master is finally going ashore. Naturally, we should take advantage of the moment of tranquility before the war to take a good rest." God, the whole world will fall into flames of war once the war starts, and Haotian will return to Taoshan, I don’t think Haotian will give up launching Eternal Night.”

He is indeed a bit tired recently. It seems that he has not rested since that day when he walked out of the audience with the book on his back. It's getting into the game, probably because it's not reconciled!

Now that I have come to this world, I have to do something to be reconciled to it. I am born to be like this. Is it possible that I want to live in a daze, and then be trampled to death like an ant?

Mo Shanshan looked at Haotian, who was about to catch up to Master, under the blue sky in the distance, and said worriedly: "What about Haotian? Even a Haotian who can't go back to the Kingdom of God will make countless practitioners become his followers." .”

This is the world of Haotian, even though thousands of years have passed, people still believe in Haotian, and the truth is always unknown to the world, so Haotian who came to the world can still call tens of millions of believers to come Guard the light.

Su Xuan looked at Haotian, who was patted on the back of his feet by his master, and fell into the world, and laughed softly: "Haotian who came to the world can only become an ordinary person, and Haotian, who has shown miracles, said that he is Haotian." Heaven, there will be people who will believe it, but Haotian, who has no miracles, saying that he is Haotian, is a joke."

"I have discussed these things with Master before. I promised Master at that time that as long as Master is in the world, I will not destroy his choice. But now Master has ascended to heaven, and Master who is far away in the sky can still come down to fight with me." Can't one fight?"

Perhaps the kingdom of God in the sky needs Haotian, but the world does not need such an existence as Haotian. If a Haotian with emotions wants to have the power to command and rule, that is whimsical. The world dedicates its pious beliefs to That Haotian.

Everyone dedicates their beliefs to Haotian, but Haotian mobilizes Yongye because of his own selfishness, and even more thinks about Bai piao (three beeps) the beliefs of the world, he doesn't want to protect the world, he wants to stay in this good world.

Mo Shanshan frowned and said, "How to do it?"

Su Xuan supported Mo Shanshan's fragrant shoulders, and replied: "It will take some time for Haotian to become an ordinary person, so we can have a moment of peace."

It will indeed take a while for this Haotian to become an ordinary person, and it will also require his fellow villager to stalk Haotian, but the most important thing is these seven volumes of heavenly books, at what time, when and where , using seven volumes of heavenly scriptures to make Haotian an ordinary person.

The white crane crosses the world on a breeze, heading straight to Taoshan, and more resistance is also happening in the world!


Southern Jin Jiange!

Under the waterfall that seems to be pouring down from the Tianhe River, there is an ancient sword clanging suddenly. Liu Bai, who is sitting cross-legged on the huge bluestone, looks at the Master who has already flown into the Kingdom of God in the blue sky, and Haotian who is about to fly into the Kingdom of God, Liu Bai Bai puzzled over the question for a long time, and finally solved it.

Liu Bai looked at the ancient sword under the waterfall, and said: "I regard the sword as my life in my life. I once used Su Xuan's sword to kill a **** general, and I also used the sword to kill the daughter of the Hades. It turns out that Haotian is the Hades."

"Eternal night is approaching, since you have come to this world, how can I stay out of it? Su Xuan can open the Kingdom of God with one sword, so I can stop the sky with one sword!"

Before Liu Bai's words fell, the ancient sword under the waterfall rushed to the blue sky. He is a sword repairer, and the sword is his life. If his sword stopped Haotian, it meant that he also stopped him. Haotian.

Xiling said that self-cultivation is a gift from Haotian, but in his opinion, self-cultivation is just people's strong will, so how could it have anything to do with Haotian?

Sword Saint Liu Bai's sword was naturally extremely fast, but in just a moment, that ancient sword rushed into the sky and blocked the slowly closing gate of the Kingdom of God.

Sangsang looked at the ancient sword in front of him, and said indifferently: "How easy is it for a gnat to shake a tree?"

She didn't understand the thoughts of these ants. At this time, her world, but the ants living in her world always wanted to go against the sky.

In the world, Liu Bai, standing on the huge bluestone, laughed heartily and said, "I am completely invincible in the world, if I don't fight the sky, I will fight with anyone!"

Above the blue sky, outside the Kingdom of God!

A sword light appeared, a sword light of indescribable color, this sword light was very long, almost thousands of miles across, and a white line could be seen in many places in the world, separating the looming kingdom of God from the blue sky. But in the eyes of practitioners in the realm of knowing fate, at that time, a was a sword that never saw the ancients before and never saw the coming again!

This sword is called the sword of the world!

So outside the Kingdom of God, Sangsang, who wanted to return to the Kingdom of God, naturally couldn't return to the Kingdom of God. The gate of the Kingdom of God was closed. Looking at the sword light, Sangsang showed strong anger for the first time. She said angrily : "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Sang Sang pointed at Nan Jin lightly, and an inestimable breath crossed the space and appeared in front of the huge bluestone!

Liu Bai looked at the aura, and said without fear: "I am a sword repairer, the sword is there, even if the person is gone, the sword will be there."

Then Liu Bai held the sword and slashed at Sangsang's random actions, but Sangsang was already Haotian, Haotian who controlled thousands of rules, and his strike at any time would be half of the world.

Not long after, Liu Bai held the sword and fell under the waterfall. Could it be that the breath also dissipated!


South coast!

Chen, who had already set foot on the land again, ignored the wooden stick that fell on the beach, looked at the extremely thin white line that appeared in the South China Sea, and said calmly: "Sword Saint Liu Bai, I didn't expect you to make such a choice, blocking Haotian with a sword, and Haotian, who didn't return to the kingdom of God, is just a poor worm living in the world."

He walked out of the beach step by step and came to the land in the true sense. For decades, he could not stand on it with his feet on the ground. Now that he finally stood on it again, it showed that Master now has no time to care about the world.

Even if the master ascended to heaven and went to the Kingdom of God, he did not believe that the master would really die. A master who had allowed him to drift on the sea for many years would naturally not die easily.



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