Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 159: Redfish breaks the game to ask questions

The ox cart carrying Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan soon left the range of Washan Mountain and appeared on the main road to Chang'an, but not long after arriving on the main road, the ox cart was stopped by someone and An angry Ye Hongyu stopped him.

The cavalry guards from Xiling watched from a distance. They didn't dare to offend this Taoist disciple who knew Shouguan, but they also didn't dare to offend Ye Hongyu, the head of the Judgment Department.

In the spring of March, the two people who were supposed to be in a good mood in Shanhua Bianman disappeared completely with Ye Hongyu's obstruction.

Ye Hongyu was blocking the road, looking at the bullock cart not far in front of her, she said angrily: "Junior Brother Su, I need an explanation for this matter, I really want to know who you are in this big lie What kind of role did it play?"

She always thought that Sangsang was the one who would bring eternal night to the world, but what happened in the ruins of Mount Wa, when he saw the truth, a truth that no one could imagine, Sangsang was Haotian, Xiling The devout Haotian.

But she shot at Haotian, whom she believed in piously, which made her feel very angry, and she would naturally vent her anger, so she wanted to stop Su Xuan to ask for clarification.

In the carriage of the bullock cart, Mo Shanshan, who was tasting tea, put down the teacup in her hand, looked at Su Xuan who was still calm, and said: "After all, paper can't contain fire, Ye Hongyu, who is a Taoist He will get to the bottom of it, and will not let it go until he finds out the truth."

As one of the three idiots in the world, she knew Ye Hongyu very well, so she naturally knew what choice Ye Hongyu would make in such a situation.

Su Xuan lifted the curtain of the car window, glanced at the furious Ye Hongyu, then lowered the curtain of the window, and said, "Senior Sister Ye is very angry, and the consequences will be serious, but no matter how you explain it, Ye Hongyu probably I won't believe it anymore, because I didn't intend to tell her the truth at the beginning, but who would have thought that Master would let Ye Hongyu see the scene at that time."

Mo Shanshan said: "The general committee still has to explain. If you don't explain, I'm afraid Ye Hongyu will be blocked on the road all the time, and you can't hurt Ye Hongyu."

After Su Xuan tapped his forehead, he said: "You stay in the bullock cart, I will go and explain to my Senior Sister Ye what the truth is!"

Mo Shanshan smiled and nodded in agreement, then Su Xuan pushed open the car door, jumped off the bullock cart, walked up to Ye Hongyu, and waved his hand to the guardian cavalry behind Ye Hongyu to signal that they could leave. go.

When the cavalry guards in Xiling turned their horses around on the main road, and a puff of smoke was rolled up, Su Xuancai said: "Senior Sister Ye is Haotian's matter to Sangsang, I don't want to explain too much, but you saw it in Washan After a long time, it should be clear that Haotian is Pluto, and Pluto is Haotian, so this eternal night is also a big lie told by Haotian."

"As for what kind of role I have played, that's not something you should worry about. Such things will naturally cause the temple master to worry about it. When you reach the realm of the temple master that day, it's not too late for you to worry about it."

Hearing this, Ye Hongyu said angrily: "Junior Brother Su, we believe in the light, but now you have betrayed the light, do you know what you are doing? That is the temple, and even the Haotian that Taoism has believed in for countless years."

She has worshiped the concept of Zhishou since she was a child. At that time, she began to believe in the light. As a Taoist, she is extremely devout to the light. That's why she was so angry after seeing the truth hidden behind this big lie.

According to Su Xuan's fault in this matter, if it weren't for the identity of Taoist Zhishou Guanshanmen disciple and six-level great practitioner, he would have been imprisoned in You Pavilion long ago.

After Su Xuan sighed for a long time, he said calmly: "Senior Sister Ye, you should understand that when I was in Zhishouhuoguan, I told many people that if I can't use the sword in my hand to protect what I want to protect in this life If you are a person, then practice is pure nonsense, Haotian will activate Yongye, I don't want to go back here, I don't want my family to go back here, and I don't want people I know to go back here, so I choose this way, why is it wrong? Have?"

This is an extremely simple truth, even an illiterate person can understand it, but most people will find a high-sounding excuse in order to satisfy their own interests, but an excuse is just an excuse after all, no matter how useful it is Excuses can't hide the naked reality.

Ye Hongyu looked at the bullock cart, she frowned and said, "But I still can't figure it out, how could the temple master allow a cultivator like you who betrayed Haotian to stay in the Taoist sect."

Taoism is also called Haotian Taoism, which shows the meaning of the word Haotian to Taoism. Everyone knows that Wei Guangming, the great priest of light, is the most devout priest of light in the history of Xiling, but Ye Hongyu knows it well. The most pious believers in Haotian can only be the masters of Zhishou Temple in the past dynasties.

After Su Xuan snorted softly, he jumped into the bullock cart again, and explained: "Senior Sister Ye, you are respected by the world as an idiot for the Tao, and you have indeed been obsessed with the Tao for so many years, but if you are too persistent, it is easy to lose your true nature." Heart, it has never been Haotian who needs us to but we need to believe, the Lord thinks this way, I think so, and many people think this way."

Ye Hongyu looked melancholy at the Xiling guardian cavalry who ran far away, and she complained: "The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and the temple guardian cavalry are very afraid of you, but I don't care about your ideals." I don’t agree. Moreover, this is the way to Chang’an. Now that Tang State imprisoned Haotian, there will inevitably be **** storms in the world, but you are going to Tang State? How can this be explained?”

From the moment she heard that Sangsang was Haotian, a war had already begun. Lucky timing.

Su Xuan didn't hide it this time, he said: "Master is fighting against the sky, I will go to Chang'an, and practice for Master, so I am a six-level cultivator, do I still need to report to the Judiciary wherever I go?"

Now he is naturally capable. After saying these words, he resisted the censure from the adjudicating priest. After all, he is a disciple of Zhishouguan, so why should he listen to the censure of the temple.

Ye Hongyu looked at the troublesome Su Xuan, Ye Hongyu stepped out of the way very wisely, because after looking at it, it was time to make a move, but she couldn't beat Su Xuan, so naturally she couldn't stop him.


Qingniu yelled, and after a long tone, pulled the heavy carriage and continued towards Tang Guoxing, followed by several soft yells, as if mocking Ye Hongyu.

Looking at the bullock cart that disappeared from sight, Ye Hongyu walked towards the temple, and she said as she walked, "This battle to protect Haotian has already begun."


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