Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 139: 7 thoughts of anger

The disciple of the White Pagoda of the Moonland Kingdom who cursed when he entered the inn, but was extremely fearful when he left the inn, left in a hurry to go to the station of the Moonland Kingdom, and told Qu Ni the news that Master Qi Nian was trapped in the inn.

After receiving the news, Qu Ni, supported by the **** Lu Chenjia, led the disciples of the White Pagoda to the secluded inn, but when Qu Ni and her party came to the inn, the inn was no longer secluded.

Lu Chenjia helped Qu Ni approach the inn, looking at Qi Nian who was trapped under the talisman, Qu Ni said in surprise: "Master Qi Nian, who trapped you here, I will definitely help you!" Seek justice."

She didn't expect that there would be someone in Washan who was so daring to trap Master Qi Nian of the Xuankong Temple. This was simply provoking the Buddhist sect.

Qi Nian, who was still holding the bell in one hand and the jade box in the other, became more and more angry when he saw the visitor. Previously, Su Xuan violated the Buddhist precepts with Qu Ni and the head of the Xuankong Discipline Academy, and also had an illegitimate child. He even ridiculed the Buddhist sect wantonly, but he was speechless. He suppressed his anger and asked: "Master Qu Ni, why are you here if you are not staying in Lanke Temple?"

Listening to Qi Nian's questioning, Qu Ni tapped her Zen staff and said, "Master Qi Nian, my disciple saw you trapped here before, so he went to inform me, that's why I came here."

In the face of Qi Nian, the Buddhist sect walking in the world, Qu Ni maintained enough respect. After all, Qi Nian's identity was there, but the tone of this Qi Nian's words did make him quite angry. Tianqing Dade, sister of Lord Lun.

Qi Nian looked at Qu Ni who was pacing outside the two talismans, and said, "Master Qu Ni, if you ignore it, please leave quickly. These are two talismans after all, and you are useless here. You should go to Lanke now, not here, and these two talismans were left by Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan, Master Qu Ni, you still don't want it, it's a waste of effort here."

Walking in the world as the Buddha Sect Xuankong Temple, he has never lost face like today, even if he was trapped on the road by Su Xuan last time, but who would notice an ascetic monk?

But now it's different, Qu Ni brought many people with her when she came, and she didn't hide her whereabouts, so within a short time, everyone will know that the Buddha's journey in the world is not only the opponent of Taoist Zhishou Guanshanmen disciples, but also Mo The opponent of Chi Yuan Mo Shanzhu.

Lu Chenjia, who supported Qu Ni, sensed the fluctuation of the vitality of the heaven and earth emitted by the two talismans, and said: "Auntie, Master Qi Nian is right, these are indeed two talismans, and we really don't have any." The ability to dissipate these two runes."

Naturally, she couldn't tell her aunt about the things she lived in Suxuan Mansion, otherwise there would be troubles again, so she had no choice but to persuade her tactfully.

Qu Ni stepped forward, looked at it again and again, and then said: "Master Qi Nian? Then when will you come out? If you don't come out, how can you give the green pear you stole to Master Qishan?" What about explaining?"

By the way, Qu Ni revealed the source of green pears, which made Lu Chenjia, who was supporting Qu Ni, also feel incredible. Most of the countries in the world believe in Taoism, and there are very few countries like the Moon Wheel Kingdom that believe in Buddha. Therefore, there are many Buddhist temples in the Moon Wheel Kingdom, and there are naturally many ascetic monks who practice Buddhism.

But Master Qishan of Lanke Temple is indeed a Buddhist practitioner, an existence that cannot be avoided. The first seat of lectures rarely comes to the land of the world, so the world's people naturally rarely see the first seat of lectures, and naturally people will not talk too much about the first seat of lectures.

But in the face of Qishan Dashan, who has saved thousands of people, the world only has deep respect for her, and now her aunt actually joins forces with Master Qi Nian of the Buddhist Xuankong Temple to steal green pears.


Qi Nian snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Master Qu Ni, I stole green pears to give to Su Xuan as a congratulatory gift, but I didn't expect that Su Xuan would not take the bait, but instead trapped me here. If I can't get it in Ning Que In order to get out of trouble before the daughter of Hades arrives, the spiritual object of the Buddhist sect will surely enter the daughter of Hades' stomach, so Master Qu Ni, please send someone to Xuankong immediately to inform the head lecturer about the current situation in the world."

Things have come to such a point, he can only invite the first lecturer from the Xuankong Temple, since neither the academy nor the Daoist sect dare to do it first, so the matter of protecting the common people in the world should naturally be taken care of by his Buddhist sect.

Thinking about it, no matter how powerful the talisman left by Su Xuan is, it cannot be shaken. He has already cultivated his indestructible body to the first seat of Dzogchen lectures. When the talisman dissipates, the daughter of Hades will also dissipate.

After hearing this, Qu Ni smiled and said, "Master Qi Nian, protecting the common people in the world is the tenet of my Buddhist sect. For the common people in the world, I will do whatever you ask for."

After she ordered a few words, several disciples of the White Pagoda rushed to the side of the war horse, jumped onto the horse, waved the whip, rushed out of the street like thunder, and galloped in the direction of the Xuankong Temple.

Lu Chenjia looked at her aunt's conspiracy with Master Qi Nian, and her heart was full of bitterness. As the daughter of the Moon Lord, she must be extremely respectful to her But her aunt did too much. It was a bit harsh, and she didn't know how to choose for a while?

Not long after, Qu Ni led the disciples of the White Pagoda to leave. Qi Nian, who was shrouded in a talisman, looked at Qu Ni who was leaving, and felt endless anger.


Outside Zhishouguan's residence, Su Xuan, who was about to get off the bullock cart, heard Qu Ni's truth in the inn, Su said: "So that's how it is! I said how could Master Qishan hand over Qingli to Qi Nian? , it turns out that Qi Nian stole that green pear."

Before, he was wondering where the green pears in Qi Nian's hands came from. It turned out to be stolen with Qu Ni, but now he has a little admiration for Qi Nian. Those who are not ordinary people.

And Mo Shanshan, who just got off the bullock cart, heard the news, and said with a little disgust: "Qi Nian's move is too hypocritical. I never thought that walking in the world of Buddha Sect would be such a person."

After experiencing those things in the wilderness, she didn't have a good impression of Buddhist practitioners, but even the Buddha Sect Xuankong Temple's world walks behaved like this, which was indeed beyond her expectations.

After getting off the bullock cart, Su Xuan looked at the inn in front of him that had no Buddhist style, and said: "Even people like Qu Ni can be regarded as the great virtues of Tianqing, which shows the decline of the Buddhist sect, so Qi Nian There must be an explanation for the theft of green pears, otherwise the world will think you and I are easy to bully."

If Grandmaster Qishan gave green pears as a congratulatory gift, he would naturally not be able to refuse, but Qi Nian gave the stolen green pears as a gift, which is his heart can be punished.


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