Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 123: Both vertically and horizontally 2

Remember in a second【】

As the wind and snow fell, Ning Que walked on the ice with a thick layer of snow on his back with his arrow box on his back. The one-foot-thick layer of ice was very suitable for a duel.

Ning Que has been preparing for this day for sixteen years. Apart from Xia Hou, Ning Que is probably the person who knows Xia Hou best, because if he wants to kill someone, he should learn to understand him.

In the gate of Mozong Mountain, he accepted Liansheng's inheritance, which allowed him to find Xiahou's biggest flaw, so he chose to fight Xiahou at Yanming Lake. Although the formations arranged by the Seventh Senior Sister are long gone, there will still be some arrangements left behind , For example, at the bottom of half of the Yanming Lake, there is a fire talisman wrapped with projectiles made of refined iron.

Yanming Lake is not a very regular lake. When Ning Que came to the widest part of the lake, Xia Hou, who had slaughtered Xuanwei General Lin Guangyuan in the past, also came here.

The enemy was naturally extremely jealous when they met. Although the distance between the two was tens of feet, the anger of hatred had already poured out of Ning Que's chest. Facing Xiahou, who was at the peak of martial arts, Ning Que directly used his most powerful means.

This is a duel between victory and defeat, as well as life and death, and it is not a competition between practitioners. Naturally, the most powerful means must be used from the very beginning.

The cold wind blew the snow, and Ning Que threw out a yellowish piece of paper **** wide. It was a piece of precious talisman paper, on which was condensed a talisman from the talisman master.

On the bank of Yanming Lake, four lines criss-crossed together, and the practitioners watching the battle could clearly see that it was the talisman master Yan Se, the most mysterious talisman, and even a destructive talisman.

Both horizontal and vertical are two, it is a well!

The vertical and horizontal lines mean cutting!

The lines are intertwined, which is a trap. No practitioner can predict what kind of scene it will be when the well characters fall on the Yanming Lake.


On the terrace of the Banhu Pavilion, Ye Su, who had watched Tianshu all night, said, "Master Yan Se's well characters? Master Yan Se really loves Ning Que, but after all, Xiahou is already at the pinnacle of martial arts. If this well character Written by Uncle Yan Se, then Xiahou will definitely be defeated, but this is just a magic talisman written on paper."

Both are wells, this well character is enough to rank in the top three among the world's magic talisman masters, but Ning Que is not Yan Se after all, so how can he kill Xiahou with a single talisman?

Su Xuan looked at the talisman that was about to fall on Xiahou's body, and said, "Although the si character is powerful, how many si characters do Ning Que have in his hand? The real duel will begin when the si character is exhausted."

As long as it is not a talisman, its role in such a battle is really limited. At least Ning Que's talisman cannot play a role in determining the outcome.

Ye Su agreed with Su Xuan very much, he said: "It will be a very exciting battle, and it will also be a duel that will be left in the classics, but I haven't seen you yet. What do you want to do?"

He has retreated in Zhishou Guan for more than ten years, and he has understood the most mysterious view of life and death in Taoism, but he still can't understand what his junior brother wants to do.

He was even more angry about the news that Su Xuan had stopped the daughter of light. With that daughter of Pluto, her attainment in divine arts could surpass that of Cheng Lixue, who had been immersed in divine arts for more than ten years. Woolen cloth?

Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan on the side, and said: "Senior Brother Ye, you should know that I am not a troublesome person, it is the same in the wasteland, and it is the same in Chang'an City, but there are always some things that will not follow our rules. Turn your mind, since you are in a game, you have to break out of the game and live well."

Give practice to the world, not the world to practice!

Ye Su looked at the two of them, smiled and said, "You are lucky."

Because his junior brother's luck has always been very good, and it has been like this ever since he entered the Taoist door with a copy of the Qingjing Sutra.

Su Xuan smiled without saying a word, and looked at the well character.


On the lake!

The robe on Xiahou's body has been shattered inch by inch under the cutting of the well characters, and has become countless slender strips of cloth, which are scattered in the wind and snow.

Looking at the well characters, Xiahou paid more attention to Ning Que. The vitality of heaven and earth formed a hard armor on his body. Inside the armor formed by the vitality of heaven and earth, there was also the Mingguang armor jointly built by the fourth and sixth gentlemen of the academy.

It is very interesting to use the armor made by the Academy to block the well character of Mr. Shisan of the Academy. Xiahou can already see the anger on Ning Que's face.

This well character from the hand of the **** talisman master Yan Se left many white marks on Xiahou's Mingguang armor, but compared to the hard armor, these leftover marks could not hurt the Xiahou under the protection of armor.

Xiahou looked at Ning Que, carrying the battle flag, and walked out of the hash mark, he laughed and said, "Ning Que, although you have a talisman, your cultivation is still too weak, and you are not Yan Se , but what can I do, your talisman still can't break the bright light armor made by the academy after all.

You used the most powerful means from the beginning, but don't forget that I haven't made a move yet, you should think about how to die! "

He will unswervingly fulfill the promise made to him by Su Xuan, a disciple of Taoist Zhishou Guanshanmen, but Ning Que's Qihaixueshan must be destroyed, and he will not allow such a fish that slipped through the net to walk on the road safely. The pinnacle of practitioners.

Ning Que held the bow, pulled it into the shape of a full moon, and then shot it with an iron arrow. The iron arrow rushed towards Xiahou at an extremely fast speed. He had already locked Xiahou with his mind, so Xiahou could only resist this arrow , he calmly roared: "But in order to kill you, I have prepared for fifteen years. I believe that Haotian will not let down a poor man who has prepared for so many years."

Xiahou looked at the incoming Yuan Shisan arrow, frowned, and disappeared.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Except for Xia Hou, who was poisoned in his body, he didn't hold the iron arrow with his hands. He walked towards the iron arrow and faced Ning Que's Yuan Shisan arrow.

When the arrow arrived, the turbulence formed by the heaven and earth vitality continuously flowed past Xiahou's armor formed by the heaven and earth vitality. The arrow of the iron arrow pierced the armor formed by the heaven and earth vitality on the surface of Xiahou's body, but could not pierce through it. Xiahou's armor.

After a long time the iron arrow that lost its power fell to the ground, Xiahou looked at the iron sword on the ice, and sneered: "Jing Zi, you have used all the Yuan thirteen arrows, you If you have any means, use them quickly! I don't have any free time, so I am here to spend time with you."

Seeing this, Ning Que replied blankly: "I still have a knife, a knife that has been prepared for fifteen years to kill you."

The simple knife came out of its sheath and fell into Ning Que's hand. On the snow bridge on the west bank of Yanming Lake, Yan Se, who was holding the eye pestle, looked at the apprentice who had already drawn the knife, and said to Xu Shi beside him, "Are you really Do you want to see if my only heir dies?"

Xu Shi sighed: "That is Ning Que's own choice, we have no right to interfere, I am here today by His Majesty's order to maintain the order of the duel between Xia Hou and Ning Que, any practitioner who wants to intervene in this duel, They will all pay a very heavy price.”

Yan Se shook hands tightly, and said, "But I'm just one heir."



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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