Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 111: Daoist sees the oracle of heaven, and talks about the daughter of the underworld

Remember in a second【】

In a certain inn in the capital city used to receive the Xiling mission, there were several violent coughing sounds from time to time. It was just a few days ago that the great priest of Tianyu who had just spied on the daughter of light in the old pen studio came out.

In the room, the High Priest of Heavenly Mandate casually wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then continued to read the battle report about the temple's battle against the desolate people. Looking at the battle report, the High Priest of Heavenly Mandate felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Now the northern border of the Tang State is already in panic after Xiahou left. Although the deputy general of the Zhenbei Army joined the army to maintain the situation for the time being, a large-scale battle will inevitably break out in the face of desperate desolate people. It will be self-defeating and cause the temple to go to war with Tang.

Being involved in a war against the Tang State is not a good thing for the temple today. On the contrary, the Tang State can rely on the power of the master and sweep the countries with the soldiers of Xuanjia and heavy cavalry. Without the temple of believers, it can still Is it called a temple?

The High Priest of Heaven's Mandate put the letter in his hand on the table, and began to think about what to do next. At this moment, Cheng Lixue led Ye Hongyu into the room, awakening the High Priest of Heaven's Mandate who had just fallen into deep thought.

The great priest of Tianyu looked at Ye Hongyu who came with Cheng Lixue, and said: "I didn't expect you to walk out of that house and come to meet me in this inn, which really surprised me."

Ye Hongyu said coldly: "Uncle, Sangsang's identity may have changed a lot. Uncle Wei may have really lied to the temple. The identity of Sangsang's daughter is really suspicious after careful consideration."

As a Daoist, she will naturally believe what she sees, and she will also believe what she believes. Now she can confirm that even if Sangsang is not a ghost girl, she must have a lot to do with Hades.

Cheng Lixue on the side frowned and asked: "Dare to ask the idiot, why is it suspicious, and where is the suspicion?"

He was very puzzled, why Dao Chi would come here to refute the identity of Sangsang Guangming's daughter, could there be a fake successor of the great priest of Guangming? If there is a fake, then Sangsang has learned Haotian Shenhui within a day, can she also fake it? Since he can't, he won't agree with Dao Chi's words.

"Since I dare to refute Sangsang's identity as the daughter of Guangming, then I naturally have a reason that you, Priest Cheng, cannot refute." Ye Hongyu looked at the angry Cheng Lixue and asked, "Priest Cheng, you should be clear, what is Su Xuan doing?" There are several formations in his newly built house."

Cheng Lixue nodded and said: "I am quite clear about this point. All the students of Tianyuyuan contributed a lot to it, but what is the relationship between the formation that Su Xuan arranged in the house and Sangsang's identity?"

He couldn't figure out how the formation would be related to the identity of Sangsang Guangming's daughter, because this is something that has nothing to do with cattle and horses.

The high priest of Tianyu still kept silent. On that day, Tianyu also sensed some other kind of aura. He is Tianyu. As the closest to Haotian, the high priest of Tianyu sensed the breath from the underworld. , so he was waiting for Ye Hongyu to tell what he saw and heard that day.

Ye Hongyu said in a deep voice: "For the house by the Yanming Lake, Su Xuan painstakingly arranged the horizontal line in the center of the lake to divide and close the horizon, but Ning Que and Sang Sang strayed into the formation, but then Sang Sang They broke out of the formation, and those who did not damage the formation broke out."

Even though it had been a few days since this incident, she could never forget Sangsang's indifferent and playful eyes that day, and that kind of looking down joke made her feel very uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Cheng Lixue was stunned in place. Among the mysterious formations possessed by the Taoist sect, Cheng Lixue, as the vice-principal of the Tianyu Academy, knew very well that even someone at the pinnacle of Fate Once practitioners entered, they could only accept their fate, not to mention Ning Que, who had just entered the peak of Dongxuan, and Sangsang, who had just started practicing.

After standing still for a long time, Cheng Lixue said: "But the Haotian Shenhui in Sangsang's hands can't be faked. If Sangsang is really a ghost girl, then how should Haotian Shenhui explain it?"

This is an unsolvable matter. It is impossible for Pluto to possess the brilliance of Haotian, and Sangsang who possesses the brilliance of Haotian is naturally not the daughter of Pluto, but Sangsang walked out of the formation formed by the six realms. How can this be explained? At this moment, Cheng Lixue's heart was in a state of confusion, and his brows frowned even tighter.

The great priest of Tianyu, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Cheng Lixue, who was in a state of confusion, and suddenly smiled and said: "Now I finally understand why Su Xuan asked Master Qishan's personal disciple Guan Hai to bring the Yulan bell to the capital of the Tang Dynasty. Bell can't identify the daughter of the light, but Yulan Ling can identify the daughter of the king of the underworld. When the bell of the Yulan bell rings and the breath of the underworld girl does not appear, then Sangsang is the daughter of the light. The deceitful image made by the succession of

He didn't understand Su Xuan's various behaviors before, but now it seems that Su Xuan has already determined that Sang Sang is the daughter of Pluto, but where does Su Xuan's strong self-confidence come from?

After Ye Hongyu let out a long sigh of relief, he said, "This is the best way. If Sangsang is the daughter of the light, it's fine, but if Sangsang is really the daughter of the king of the underworld, I'm afraid there will be another disturbance in this world."

She is the head of the Judgment Department, and the transfer of the practitioners from the Judgment Temple can't be hidden from her at all. Except for the practitioners who entered Chang'an, there are still many practitioners who follow the order of the temple and come here in a hurry. Sangsang is the daughter of Pluto, so Sangsang will be assassinated endlessly. The world fears Pluto, so naturally they will fear Pluto's daughter.

Cheng Lixue said to herself: "I believe in Sangsang, and I also believe in the light, so Sangsang must be the daughter of the light."

Ye Hongyu retorted: "Why do you believe it!"

Cheng Lixue replied: "Because I saw it, I believed it."

He saw the endless light on Sangsang's body, so he naturally chose to believe in the light, and he should believe it when he saw it.

Ye Hongyu no longer

^0^Remember in one second【】

Also Cheng Lixue was entangled with this stupid question, she looked at the letter on the desk of the great priest of Tianyu, and said: "The head teacher is playing with fire, and the ruling priest is also playing with fire, I hope you, uncle, don't play with fire and test your master Behavior, after all, can only be a disastrous defeat."

In her opinion, no matter whether it is the head teacher or the ruling priest, the temptation to the Tang country is meaningless. After all, the Master is an existence that cannot be avoided. However, once the master makes a move, the temple will inevitably repeat the mistakes of the past.

The great priest of Tianyu said wearily: "I didn't see such a result. I wanted to teach and and finally chose to give in."

As far as the temple is concerned, no one can ignore the existence of the master, not even the temple master, so when faced with the choice of life and death, how can the master and the judge insist on going their own way?

Ye Hongyu nodded and said, "Master Uncle, Ning Que and Xiahou will soon have a duel by the Yanming Lake. This is Su Xuan's invitation to watch the battle."

Speaking of which, Ye Hongyu handed an invitation to Cheng Lixue who was beside him. After Cheng Lixue took the invitation, he respectfully handed it to the Great Priest of Heaven.

The Great Priest of Heavenly Mandate looked at the invitation in his hand and said with a smile: "Go back and tell Su Xuan that when that day comes, I will naturally go to watch the battle."

Afterwards, Ye Hongyu, who received an affirmative answer, walked out of the inn and disappeared at the end of the alley. At this moment, the sound of coughing reappeared in the inn. It seemed that the adjudicating priest had once again peeped into the future.




Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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