Before night fell, Bai Ye led the soldiers to complete a preliminary inspection of the radioactive creature's corpse. They stood in a desolate land, surrounded by an indescribable depressive atmosphere. The soldiers' faces were solemn, their equipment was covered with mud and unknown liquid, and they looked both embarrassed and tragic.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps broke the dead silence. A group of experimenters wearing heavy protective clothing quickly arrived at the scene. They wore special gas masks, revealing only a pair of alert and focused eyes. Everyone held professional testing equipment in their hands and looked well-trained and nervous.

"Hurry up, we must complete these tests as soon as possible." An experimenter who seemed to be the leader urged, his voice seemed a bit dull through the gas mask.

"The death state of these radioactive creatures is too strange. We must handle it carefully." Another experimenter said while carefully operating the equipment in his hand to scan a corpse.

The soldiers stepped aside to make room for the experimenters to work. They watched all this silently, with worries and uneasiness written on their faces.

"The radiation level is abnormally high and we must report it to our superiors immediately," an experimenter exclaimed after examining a corpse.

The wheels rolled slowly on the road mixed with dirt and gravel, making a dull and powerful sound. The outline of the laboratory gradually became clear in the soldiers' vision. It was a building surrounded by high walls, which looked both solemn and mysterious. The walls are covered with ivy, and the traces of time are faintly visible in the greenery. On both sides of the gate, two rows of tall pine trees stand upright, as if guarding this mysterious palace.

The stretcher moved smoothly on the shoulders of the soldiers, their steps firm and powerful. Although the protective clothing was thick and clumsy, their movements were not clumsy at all. They know that every detail is related to the success of the mission, so they dare not slack off in the slightest.

As night falls, only the equipment in the hands of the experimenters shines faintly on the desolate land. The soldiers stood aside and silently guarded the land. Their hearts were filled with fear of the unknown and uneasiness about the future.

The vehicle continued to drive on the mountain road, and the soldiers and experimenters became increasingly nervous. They know that this mission is full of unknowns and dangers, but they also firmly believe that as long as they unite as one and face it bravely, they will be able to uncover these secrets and protect those innocent lives.

However, when the vehicle drove through an abandoned town eroded by radiation, the atmosphere inside the car became solemn again. The soldiers and experimenters saw the dilapidated buildings and withered trees through the car windows, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sadness in their hearts.

The night gradually receded, and a faint dawn appeared on the horizon.

As the soldiers and experimenters gradually left the land, deathly silence returned to the desolate land. Only the corpses of creatures that had been eroded by radiation lay there quietly, as if telling the tragedy and horror of this land.

The soldiers listened with fear. Although they were used to life and death on the battlefield, they also felt extremely helpless and fearful in the face of this unknown and terrifying creature.

The transport truck started slowly and drove away from this desolate land. The soldiers looked at the receding scenery outside through the car windows, and couldn't help but feel an inexplicable emotion in their hearts. They know that this task is extremely difficult, but they also understand that only by moving forward bravely can they uncover the secrets behind these radioactive creatures.

"It's not clear yet, we need further analysis." The leading experimenter frowned, obviously this problem exceeded his expectations.

The atmosphere in the carriage relaxed slightly, but the soldiers and experimenters still maintained a high degree of vigilance. They know that this mission is full of unknowns and dangers, and any small negligence may lead to irreparable consequences.

"Don't worry, we have professional experimenters and advanced equipment, we will definitely be able to find the answer." Another soldier comforted.

Soldiers were standing by, holding carrying tools and ready for action. Their eyes closely followed the movements of the experimenters, and once they received instructions, they immediately stepped forward to assist.

But they knew they couldn't stop. They must continue to move forward, explore those unknown territories, and uncover the secrets behind those terrifying creatures. Only in this way can they protect the tranquility of this land and protect those innocent lives.

"Finally done." One soldier sighed.

The carriage door slowly opened, and a smell mixed with earth and an unknown liquid hit your nostrils. The soldiers and experimenters frowned, but they did not flinch, but strengthened their beliefs. They know that while the corpses of these radioactive creatures are horrific, uncovering their secrets is vital to protecting people and the environment.

As the last body was removed from the vehicle, the soldiers and experimenters breathed a sigh of relief. A tired but satisfied smile appeared on their faces, because they knew that they had successfully completed this difficult task.

As the vehicle drove, the scenery outside the window changed again. They passed through a barren grassland and came to the foot of a mountain. The distant peaks looked particularly majestic in the morning light, but the soldiers and experimenters were not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Their hearts are filled with worries about the mission and uncertainty about the future.

"We must send these samples back to the laboratory for analysis as soon as possible." The leading laboratory technician finally made a decision.

"This used to be a prosperous place, but now it has become like this." A soldier sighed.

"Ready!" the soldiers replied in unison.

They stared silently at the town outside the window, their hearts filled with thoughts about the past and the future. They know that their mission is not only to uncover the secrets of these radioactive creatures, but also to protect those innocent lives and prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

As the vehicle drives, the scenery outside the window is constantly changing. From barren land to sparse woods to the occasional abandoned building, every place reveals an air of desolation and dilapidation. The soldiers and experimenters watched all this silently, their hearts filled with fear of the unknown and worries about the future.

"These creatures are so terrifying. Can we really find out where they come from?" a soldier couldn't help but ask.

"There seems to be some unknown substance in these organisms that our equipment cannot fully identify." There was a slight tremor in the voice of an experimenter.

Following the order from the leading experimenter, the soldiers and experimenters began to work together to carry the bodies of the radioactive creatures. They carefully lifted each body and placed it smoothly on a stretcher. In the process, their movements were both quick and gentle, as if they were handling a precious work of art.

Finally, the vehicle slowly stopped in front of the laboratory door. The soldiers and experimenters got out of the car nervously and expectantly. They moved the bodies of the radioactive creatures out of the car, and then carefully handed them over to the laboratory staff. They know that the next task will be more arduous and complex, but they also believe that as long as they persist in their efforts, they will be able to find the answer and protect the tranquility of this land.

Laboratory staff were already waiting at the door. They took the stretcher and carefully carried the body of the radioactive creature into the laboratory. The soldiers and experimenters stood aside and watched the corpses disappear behind the laboratory door.

In this land eroded by radiation, the soldiers and experimenters completed their mission, but they knew that this was only the beginning. They must face more unknowns and challenges to uncover the secrets behind these radioactive creatures.

The transport truck came to a slow stop, and the soldiers and experimenters immediately took action. They divided the work in a tacit understanding, some were responsible for opening the carriage door, and others were preparing the moving tools. The soldiers moved quickly and orderly, their faces were full of concentration and rigor, and every movement was cautious, for fear of making any mistakes.

The atmosphere in the carriage became slightly more relaxed. The soldiers began to talk about some of the strange phenomena they encountered while examining the corpses, while the experimenters listened attentively, nodding or asking questions.

As time goes by, the testing work of the experimenters becomes more and more intense. They constantly exchanged opinions and discussed the cause of death of these radioactive creatures and the source of the substances in their bodies. However, as time went on, they did not come to any clear conclusions.

The experimenters entered the carriage first. They wore thick protective clothing and special gas masks, revealing only a pair of alert and focused eyes. They carefully inspected the condition of each body to ensure that no damage or leakage was caused during removal.

The vehicle continued to drive, and the scenery outside the window was constantly changing. The soldiers and the experimenters began to chat about some light topics, trying to ease the tension in the carriage. They talked about their families, shared their hobbies, and even joked. Although these topics had nothing to do with the mission, they made their mood a little lighter.

The first ray of dawn gradually rose in the horizon, but there was no warmth or hope in this land. The soldiers and experimenters were still busy, their figures looking lonely and determined in the morning light.

Their mood became a little anxious, and they looked forward to arriving at the laboratory as soon as possible and handing over the bodies of these radioactive creatures to professional researchers for analysis. They know that only by finding the origin and cause of death of these creatures can similar disasters be effectively prevented from happening again.

The soldiers began to take action. They carefully carried the bodies of the detected radioactive organisms and prepared to return them to the base.

In this land shrouded in radiation, soldiers and experimenters spent a long and tense night. Their faces were full of exhaustion and anxiety, but they knew they couldn't stop and they had to keep moving forward to face the unknown challenges and dangers.

"Yes, the destructive power of radiation is really terrible." An experimenter agreed.

In the carriage, the bodies were neatly placed, surrounded by various testing equipment and sample boxes. Soldiers and experimenters sat next to each other, their faces full of exhaustion and nervousness. But even so, they still maintained a high degree of vigilance and were always paying attention to the situation in the carriage.

So, on this land eroded by radiation, the soldiers and experimenters embarked on a journey again.

As the examination progressed, the experimenters discovered that the death conditions of these radioactive creatures varied. Some seemed to be struggling to death in pain, while others suddenly lost their vitality. This confused and frightened them.

But in the hearts of soldiers and experimenters, it left an indelible mark. They know that the radioactive creatures on this land are just the tip of the iceberg, and more unknowns and dangers are still waiting for them. But they also firmly believe that as long as they unite as one and face it bravely, they will be able to uncover these secrets and protect the peace of this land.

"This... this is incredible." Another experimenter also looked a little panicked.

"Well, hopefully we can find out soon," another soldier replied.

After a long night, a new day finally arrives. However, in this land shrouded in radiation, there is no atmosphere of relaxation and joy. Soldiers and experimenters still have to face endless challenges and dangers, and their hearts are full of heaviness and worry.

"Yes, I hope these corpses can provide us with valuable clues." Another soldier responded.

As the soldiers and experimenters left the laboratory, their figures gradually faded away in the morning light. They know that this mission is just the starting point in their long journey, and there are more challenges and unknowns waiting for them in the future. But they also firmly believe that as long as they face every challenge bravely, they will be able to uncover the secrets hidden in the darkness and protect those innocent lives.

"What is the cause of death of these creatures? Is it because of excessive radiation?" another experimenter asked.

"Are you ready?" the lead experimenter asked.

"We're almost there, the laboratory should be nearby." A soldier said.

Suddenly, the vehicle jolted and the lights in the car flashed. The soldiers and experimenters immediately became nervous, and they quickly checked the equipment and bodies in the carriage to make sure there was nothing abnormal.

"It's probably a bump caused by the uneven road surface. Don't be nervous," a soldier comforted.

The experimenters began to pack up the equipment and sample boxes in the carriage in preparation for returning to the base. They know that although this mission is over, future challenges and unknowns are still waiting for them.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the transport truck slowly drove away from the laboratory. Soldiers and experimenters sat in the carriage, their faces full of exhaustion and satisfaction. They knew they had taken an important step toward uncovering the secrets of these radioactive creatures. And on the road ahead, they will continue to move forward hand in hand until they find the final answer.

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