"Go and put these things away without making any mistakes."

As Bai Ye left, a busy atmosphere enveloped the tank equipment workshop.

Engineers are still busy, installing power armor on the tank one by one. The huge crane reverberated with a low roar in the air, accurately placing the armor on the car body, and then the technicians quickly and skillfully fixed the screws to complete the final installation.

In another corner, a team of workers had prepared dozens of trucks. They were parked at the entrance of the workshop, waiting for the loading of power armor. These trucks are purpose-built with sufficient carrying capacity and stability to safely transport large amounts of power armor to their destinations.

The workers, wearing uniforms, were carrying out final inspections and preparations in an orderly manner. They clear the bed of the truck to make sure there is no debris interfering with the loading process. Then, they started the engine while waiting for the loading instructions of the power armor.

The commander stood in the control room of the workshop and observed the situation of the entire equipment workshop through the glass window. With steady eyes, he watched every movement of the workers to ensure that everything was going according to plan.

Workers on both sides of the road watched the truck team leave, waving and wishing them a safe journey. The line of trucks drifted further and further away from their eyes until they disappeared on the road in the distance.

The workers cooperated tacitly, starting the truck's lifting system while waiting for the power armor to be loaded. The huge crane made a low chirp, then moved slowly, hoisted the power armor, and then placed it accurately on the bed of the truck.

The commander pressed a button in the control room and issued the order to set off. With a shocking siren sound, dozens of trucks started their engines at the same time and began to move slowly and orderly.

The truck team slowly drove out of the equipment workshop, drove along the wide road, and entered the direction of the warehouse. They lined up in a row and moved forward in an orderly manner, like a huge steel army, solemn and mighty.

The truck drivers patiently waited for instructions from the commander as they drove closer to the unloading point. When they heard the command "stop and start unloading", they quickly parked the vehicle at the designated location.

"Continue unloading! This is the last batch of today!"

In the dark warehouse, the workers worked silently without any complaints or complaints. They just silently completed the task at hand, unloading the power armor one by one, and then piled them on the ground.

The workers acted quickly and were divided into several groups, each responsible for different unloading tasks. Some people held flashlights to illuminate the situation inside the carriage; some held tools and began to unfasten the fixtures; others used cranes to lift the power armor down.

In the distance, the warehouse doors are open, waiting for the arrival of the truck procession. The lights illuminate the road, guiding them in the direction they are going. The truck line accelerated forward, and gradually disappeared into the darkness of the warehouse with the sound of sirens.

The power armor was heavy and bulky, but the operator of the crane was experienced and placed it steadily on the truck. Then, workers quickly fixed it to ensure that each piece of armor was firmly placed in the carriage and would not move during driving.

The truck drivers were waiting on the sidelines, their expressions cold and calm, and they didn't seem to care about all this. They just sat silently in the driver's seat, waiting for the workers' instructions, and then executed them step by step.

As time went by, the power armor was gradually unloaded and piled in the corner of the warehouse. The temperature in the warehouse is gradually rising, and there is a greasy smell in the air, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

The whole process seemed a bit monotonous and tedious, but the workers didn't mind. They work silently, focusing only on the task at hand and not thinking too much about other things.

In the dark warehouse, pieces of power armor were unloaded smoothly and then stacked on the ground in an orderly manner. The workers worked silently, without any complaints or complaints, and just completed the tasks at hand silently.

The commander stands in the center of the warehouse, holding a walkie-talkie, directing the unloading work. His voice echoed in the warehouse, with a hint of indifference and seriousness, as if the entire scene was immersed in a depressive atmosphere.

The crane made a low roar, and as the hook slowly lowered, pieces of power armor were slowly lifted and then gently placed on the ground. Workers quickly moved them to the designated storage area and then started the next round of operations.

The line of trucks moved along the straight road, their headlights illuminating the front and dispelling the darkness. The night wind blew through the carriages of the vehicles, making a low whistling sound. Along with the roar of the engines, it formed a solemn march.

The workers didn't care about this. They just worked silently, unloading the power armor one by one and stacking them on the ground. Their movements were skillful and skillful, without any hesitation or hesitation, as if all this was part of their daily work and was normal.

Suddenly, a low horn sounded, announcing that the loading of power armor was about to begin. The workers acted quickly and drove each truck into the workshop one by one and parked it in the standby position.

Trucks were loaded with power armor and lined up in neat queues, waiting for orders to go to the warehouse. After the workers completed the inspection, they quickly closed the door and sat down in the driver's seat, waiting for the commander's instructions.

There was deep darkness in the warehouse, with only the occasional moonlight shining through the skylight above barely illuminating some corners. Several trucks that had arrived were parked at the gate of the warehouse, waiting for follow-up instructions. In the darkness, the low sound of the wheels and the roar of the engine were intertwined, making it seem particularly lonely.

Unloading is not an easy job, especially at night like this. There is no artificial lighting in the warehouse, and workers can only rely on the dim light of flashlights to operate. They wear thick work clothes, gloves and goggles to prevent accidents.

A few hours later, all the power armor in the warehouse has been unloaded and stacked neatly on the ground. The workers wiped away their sweat, then began to pack up their tools and prepare to leave.

The truck drivers restarted their engines and prepared to leave the warehouse and return to base. Their expressions are still cold and calm, without any joy or excitement, as if all this is just their daily work.

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