They carefully observed the ancient writings on the walls and tried to decipher this cosmic poem. However, these symbols seem to transcend their cognition, and contain information far beyond the scope of human understanding.

"These symbols are too ancient, and our knowledge cannot cover the depth they contain." Pym frowned, obviously troubled by these secrets of the universe.

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, and then said: "Maybe we need to look for other clues, or try to understand these symbols from different angles. The mysteries of the universe often require a broader perspective."

They gave up trying to decipher the symbols and instead pointed the ant army's cameras at a patch of exotic flowers and plants next to the altar. The vitality of this flora contrasts sharply with the ancient atmosphere of the temple, as if it is part of the cycle of life in the universe.

The ants carefully inspected this patch of exotic flowers and grasses. The images returned by the camera showed that every flower and every grass exuded vitality that was different from the temple. Some petals shimmered with light, and some grass blades exuded a pleasant fragrance.

Bai Ye stared at the pictures sent back by the ant army, his eyes sparkling with curiosity: "Perhaps this piece of exotic flowers and plants contains some kind of secret of life, and it may be able to provide us with new clues to solve the mystery of time and space."

Pim nodded in agreement: "Life is often the most wonderful appearance in the universe. Perhaps the truth of the universe is hidden in this vibrant plant."

Suddenly, the camera captured an even more special plant. Its leaves are as transparent as crystal, shining with a soft light. Not only are the leaves engraved with symbols, there are also strange ripples rippling across their surface.

"The arrangement of these symbols seems to contain some kind of pattern, but I can't identify the specific information." Pim stared at the camera intently, trying to find key clues by observing this mysterious plant.

"This plant seems to be particularly special, as if it is the center of this plant community." Pim's eyes narrowed as he tried to find more information from this plant.

Bai Ye stared at the images on the screen, trying to resonate with these symbols as his mind surged. However, the mysteries of these symbols are beyond their imagination, just like the puzzles of the universe, making it impossible for people to easily pry into their depths.

Among the exotic flowers and plants, one stands out in particular. The plant is tall and straight, with colorful flowers blooming in brilliance. Each petal is engraved with tiny symbols, shining with mysterious light.

The ant army focused on this exotic flower and grass one by one, and the camera captured the subtle texture of each leaf and the blooming moment of each flower. They penetrate deep into the plant community, allowing Bai Ye and Pim to observe this mysterious place of life more closely.

As the camera goes deeper, more exotic plants come into view. A plant with crystal-like luster emits colorful light under the sunlight. Its leaves sparkle with tiny droplets of water, like the surge of a cosmic spring.

Bai Ye concentrated his attention and said to the camera: "Ants, observe this plant carefully to see if it contains some special energy or information."

"Perhaps, we need more knowledge and information. These plants may contain the history of the universe, and we need to know more to interpret these symbols." Bai Ye took a deep breath. Although they faced the unknown, they did not intend to give up easily. .

These symbols seem to be the codes of the universe, exuding a mysterious power at every moment. Bai Ye and Pim observed carefully, trying to identify the information contained in these symbols.

"These symbols are not characters we are familiar with, nor do they belong to any known civilization." Pim said with a frown, tapping his fingers lightly on the experimental table, as if thinking about how to interpret these symbols.

Bai Ye and Pim carefully observed these symbols through the camera. They are arranged in an ancient and delicate way, as if telling an ancient legend. As the ants shuttle among the plants, the faint light between the symbols changes constantly, forming a mysterious totem.

Bai Ye frowned and thought: "Maybe this is an unknown writing, or a symbol of a certain civilization in the universe. We need more clues to make our exploration deeper."

"These plants seem to exude an energy that is different from the power of time and space. Perhaps, they are unique existences in the life of the universe." Bai Ye stared at the footage from the camera, trying to find clues related to time and space creatures from these plants.

Surrounded by strange plants, Bai Ye and Pim gradually felt a subtle resonance. This plant community seems to be the intersection of life in the universe, and each plant is an expression of the power of time and space.

The exotic plants in this flora community become even more fascinating under the lens of the camera. The tall and straight plant swayed in the breeze, and each petal was engraved with mysterious symbols. These symbols do not seem to be purely decorative, but contain an elusive power.

As the ant army went deeper, the camera captured more details of the strange plants. There is a small plant that exudes a faint fragrance, and its leaves are covered with tiny particles. Each particle is like a microcosm, containing endless possibilities.

An army of ants surrounded this particular plant, and cameras captured every inch of it.

In this plant community, there is also a vine-like plant. They wrap around other plants, forming a natural vine hedge. Strange fruits grow on the vines, exuding an alluring aroma.

Bai Ye and Pim both showed a keen interest in these strange plants. They tried to carefully observe the characteristics of each plant through the ant army's cameras. The diversity and uniqueness of this plant community seem to tell the endless mysteries of life in the universe.

Another dwarf plant displays bizarre leaves arranged irregularly to create a wonderful symmetry. Each leaf shows a different color, from deep purple to bright orange, creating a gorgeous picture.

Bai Ye and Pim waited nervously and expectantly for the images brought back by the ant army. After observing for a while, a weak signal came on the screen, and the camera began to capture the symbols on that particular plant.

Another plant has feather-like structures, each feather delicate and light. When the breeze blows, these feather-like leaves flutter, forming a dreamy picture. The energy blend between plants makes the entire area appear vibrant.

"This plant seems to be different from the others. It may be the core of this land of life." Pim's eyes sparkled with curiosity about the mysteries of life.

Pim nodded in agreement: "Yes, we need to look for more clues. Maybe this universe has knowledge left by other civilizations, or has some kind of mysterious power that connects time and space."

While they were discussing, the picture of the ant army suddenly became chaotic, and there was a disturbing sound.

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