They came to an abandoned control room, where the control panel had long lost its vitality. Pym tried to restart one of the monitors, but it showed only irrelevant data.

"Communications still cannot be restored." Pim frowned, his technical means could not penetrate the interference of this factory.

Bai Ye looked around, and suddenly his eyes rested on a seemingly inconspicuous locker. He walked over, opened the cabinet door, and found some seemingly ordinary tools stored inside.

"These tools don't look like anything special," Pym said apologetically, as he was also looking for important information about the Ultron robot.

However, Bai Ye shook his head and picked up one of the small devices. This is a memory. Perhaps some important data can be found in this abandoned factory.

"Perhaps some engineering data or robot design drawings are stored here." Bai Ye said excitedly, and he began to try to connect to this memory.

Pim also joined in to help, and the two began to cooperate in a tacit understanding. The ant army is standing guard nearby. They know that this factory was once the territory of Ultron and hostility may come at any time.

"That's an advanced robot, we have to deal with it carefully." Pim transmitted through the earphones, his eyes fixed on this huge mechanical monster.

"Ultron Robot!" Pim warned in a low voice, and the ant army immediately gathered into a defense line, preparing to fight. The cold eyes of these Ultron robots flashed with coldness and ruthlessness. They seemed to be the guardians of the abandoned factory, and they immediately attacked outsiders when they saw them.

Bai Ye responded calmly, and his telekinesis quickly condensed to form a huge energy blade. He quickly rushed towards the advanced robot, and the blade of telekinesis streaked through the air, heading straight for the core of the robot.

The robot let out a harsh mechanical roar, and the energy barrier at the weak point was obviously severely damaged. Bai Ye seized the opportunity, moved quickly, and continued to attack. At the same time, the ant army also took the opportunity to launch a siege, trying to further weaken the robot's defense line.

"This is really a rich database, and Ultron's technical level is very high." Pim was shocked by these data. Ultron is clearly making huge strides in the field of robotics.

When the connection is successful, a series of data charts flash on the display. Bai Ye and Pim stared at the screen closely, trying to understand the meaning of these data. They found that the data covered the types, functions, performance parameters of Ultron robots, and even some advanced technological details.

Pim nodded and used technological means to interfere with the communication system of the Ultron robots and guide some of the robots to a certain area in the factory. The ant army responded immediately. They flexibly shuttled between the enemy groups and tightly surrounded some robots in a small space.

"Maybe we can find Ultron's weakness." Pym's eyes flashed with excitement. If Ultron's control system could be hacked, it might be possible to weaken his power and allow him to lose absolute control over the robot.

Pim controlled the ant army from a distance, looking for more opportunities. He clearly sensed the energy flow of the robot, and a slight flaw could be fatal. He issued instructions to the ant army, trying to get them to use the robot's blind spots to launch more effective strikes.

"Baiye, I found a weak point, attack there!" Pim quickly transmitted the message, and he marked an obvious energy node on the advanced robot.

Hearing this, Bai Ye immediately adjusted his attack direction. His telepathic blade went straight to the weak point of the robot. Although it was blocked by the energy barrier, the telepathic blade turned into thousands of fragments and burst into brilliant light on the energy barrier.

However, they are not alone in this abandoned factory. Suddenly there was a signal of abnormal movement from the surveillance camera, and Bai Ye and Pim immediately looked around with vigilance. In the dim light, a group of vague figures emerged from the mechanical door.

Bai Ye and Pim quickly assumed fighting postures. They knew in their hearts that this battle was not only to escape, but also to gain enough time to upload data about the Ultron control system to the laboratory.

Bai Ye nodded. He stood in front of the ant army and used his mind power to resist the attack of the Ultron robot. The robot's body is hard and solid, but Bai Ye's telekinesis is equally powerful, forming a barrier that blocks all attacks from the robot.

Suddenly, a huge Ultron robot stood out, tall and mighty. Its eyes flashed with a more ferocious light, which seemed to be the core of this wave of attacks.

The two quickly started research and uploaded the data in the memory to the laboratory. They hope to better analyze this data on advanced equipment in the laboratory and identify weak points in Ultron's control system.

The atmosphere in the abandoned factory instantly became tense. Bai Ye and Pim faced the attack of the Ultron robot and prepared for this fierce battle.

The robot was not a clumsy creature. It faced Bai Ye's attack and emitted an energy barrier from its body, blocking the direct attack of the telekinesis blade. This time the confrontation was extremely fierce, and the wreckage of the entire factory shook in the battle.

The Ultron robot charged, as if waves of mechanical tsunami were coming. Lasers shot out from their eyes and hit the shields of the ant army, making a harsh crackling sound. Bai Ye followed closely behind, using his mind power to resist some of the lasers.

"Pim, we need to control the situation and get some robots to gather together." Bai Ye urgently sent a message to Pim. They needed to find an opportunity in the chaotic battlefield.

The ant army is densely arranged in front. Although they are small in size, they possess surprising mobility and powerful attack power. Bai Ye used his mind power to command the ant army, allowing them to work closely together to form an indestructible mechanical defense line.

At the same time, Pym was using technological means to conduct strategic interference on one side of the battlefield. He observed the battlefield situation through the Ant Legion's camera, looking for the key point that could defeat the Ultron robot.

"Baiye, we need more time." Pim shouted. He was fully controlling the ant army while looking for opportunities to steer the battle in a favorable direction.

Bai Ye frowned slightly as he studied the data carefully. Suddenly, his eyes stopped on a seemingly inconspicuous item: "Ultron's control system."

After resisting Bai Ye's onslaught, the advanced robots began to fight back. Its body suddenly split into several parts, forming multiple independent mechanical bodies. Each mechanical body maintains strong combat effectiveness and works together at the same time, making the battlefield more complex.

Bai Ye and the ant army responded quickly. They cooperated tacitly, like a mechanical symphony orchestra, facing the robot's complex attack. The robot's lasers and energy fluctuations intertwined into a chaotic light and shadow in the factory's wreckage, making the entire battlefield full of unknowns and dangers.

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