The huge body of the mechanical snake lay in the middle of the ruins, its metal scales scattered on the ground, shining with a faint light. Its originally smooth shell had suffered huge damage in the battle, with residual red light emitting from the cracks and depressions.

Its head was completely destroyed, leaving only a pile of metal fragments and short-circuited electronic circuits. The once cold mechanical eyes now looked empty and lifeless.

As for the mechanical links, some parts were broken, revealing the complex internal mechanical structure. The location of the energy source was also exposed, emitting weak residual energy. The mechanical snake's mechanical tail is bent around the body, and the mechanical joints are partially torn, and it seems that it can no longer achieve the flexible twisting it had before.

The ruins were filled with a pungent metallic smell and the smell of burned circuits. The body of the mechanical snake left deep marks in the ruins and became the remains of this fierce battle.

On the surrounding ruins, the remaining mechanical fragments reflected the cold light. The death of the mechanical snake made the whole scene look more desolate and silent, like an abandoned cemetery.

However, next to the body of the mechanical snake, Bai Ye and Hank Pym's eyes were still locked on the cloaked observer in the distance.

Hank Pym thought for a moment, and then responded: "Have you forgotten the battle we just experienced? Our physical strength has been exhausted, and catching up will only expose us to a disadvantageous situation. Moreover, the other party's purpose is us Without knowing anything, it would be too risky to pursue blindly.”

Bai Ye and Hank Pym looked at each other, their eyes revealing doubts about the cloaked figure. Between the remains and ruins of the mechanical snake, the two shared a moment of silence in tacit understanding, as if trying to convey each other's guesses through their eyes.

Under the starlight, Bai Ye frowned. His eyes passed through the ruins, and he seemed to be able to see everything hidden in the night. The night wind blew by, carrying the rustling of leaves in the distance, which seemed to warn of unknown threats.

The two left the ruins in tacit agreement and headed towards a safer place.

The figure under the cloak slowly raised his head, staring deeply at the direction where Bai Ye and Hank Pym had just left. A breeze blew through the ruins, causing the cloak to flutter.

The figure under the cloak suddenly shook and trembled slightly. However, there was still no sound in response, only the thick cloak covering his face.

Suddenly, the sound of insects in the night forest was heard in the distance, and with the breeze blowing, the entire ruins looked like a sleeping giant. The starlight shines on the stones and ruins, sketching out deep shadows, as if they are witnesses of history.

However, the cloaked figure remained silent, seeming to be weighing whether to lift the veil. The slight shaking under the cloak made people feel uneasy. Just when Bai Ye and Hank Pym were about to take further action, the figure suddenly flashed and disappeared deep into the ruins, leaving behind a silence.

"But we can't just sit idly by. This man has obviously observed our battle. We need to know his purpose instead of just sitting here and waiting to die." Bai Ye's tone was full of urgency.

The two hesitated for a moment, but ultimately did not chase. Silence fell into the ruins again, leaving only the wind blowing the wreckage and the unknown brought about by that mysterious figure.

This mysterious figure stood in the shadows, seemingly not threatened by the mechanical snake, and still quietly watching the outcome of the battle.

Bai Ye frowned and raised his voice again: "We have just experienced a battle. What is the purpose of your appearance?"

The cloaked shadow did not respond immediately, but stood there quietly, the figure under the cloak blending into the night. The wind in the ruins blew gently, raising the corners of the cloak, making the figure even more mysterious.

The mysterious man stared at the retreating figure in silence, with a deep determination in his eyes.

"Why don't you catch up?" Bai Ye's voice sounded particularly sharp in the silence, "We can't let this person disappear into the night like this."

Around the remains of the mechanical snake, night shrouded the ruins, and the stars shone faintly. The remaining smoke rose from the ruins, reflecting the huge body of the mechanical snake corpse. The silent ruins were filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and metal, and the night wind blew gently, bringing with it a hint of coolness.

Bai Ye and Hank Pym looked at each other, their eyes revealing each other's doubts. In the tranquility of the ruins, their presence seemed insignificant. The remains of the mechanical snake are like huge metal peaks, spread among the ruins, adding a touch of vicissitudes to the scene.

As the cloak fluttered, a corner of the cloak was blown up by the wind, revealing the metal structure inside. Under the faint moonlight, a shimmer could be seen emanating from the metal structure. This is no longer an ordinary cloak, but a bizarre device incorporating high-tech elements.

In this silent night, their conversation was like lightning in the starlight, brief but intense. Bai Ye pondered for a moment and finally nodded: "Okay, what you said makes sense. Let's retreat first and return to a safe area. However, we cannot ignore this mysterious observer. We must remain highly vigilant."

Then, Bai Ye took a step resolutely, and his voice cut through the silence of the ruins: "Who are you? Why are you here to observe our battle?"

Bai Ye and Hank Pym's eyes met again, and they could feel an unusual atmosphere. This mysterious observer carried some unspeakable secrets. There was a tense atmosphere in the ruins, which made people feel eerie.

"Speak! Who are you?" Hank Pym asked sternly. His giant form looked even more powerful, ready to deal with potential threats at any time.

"I understand your concerns, but the current state is not suitable for blind pursuit. We need to recover our strength and learn more information before we act." Hank Pym's tone was meticulous, and the starry sky reflected his determined expression.

Hank Pym stood next to Bai Ye, his brow slightly furrowed, suspicious of this potential bystander. The postures of the two people seemed to be wary.

The figures of Bai Ye and Hank Pym gradually disappeared into the night of the ruins, leaving behind a silent scene. Suddenly, the mysterious man in a cloak appeared in a corner of the ruins again. He appeared quietly in the center of the ruins like a shadow in the night.

The sound of the wind gradually subsided, and the silence among the ruins came again. The mysterious man stood there quietly, and the metal structure under the cloak gradually returned to calm, hiding under the cover of darkness.

He stared in the distance, seeming to be thinking about something, while the mechanical snake corpse in the ruins seemed to be silently witnessing all this.

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