"If you guess wrong, there will be a penalty."

The Hulkbuster mecha raised its left hand and released a blazing laser beam, hitting Hulk directly and knocking his body back a few steps.

Taking this opportunity, Bai Ye in the cockpit turned to Clint and shouted: "Go join them and clean up all those little Hulks!"

Hawkeye nodded and immediately turned around and left without hesitation. He quickly crossed the ruins of the battlefield and ran towards the meeting point in the distance.

His mission here is over. It is their real responsibility to eliminate those Banner's descendants.

What's more, I'm afraid he won't be able to participate in the next battle.

The silver body of the Hulkbuster mecha made a faint buzzing sound, and his arms grasped the Hulk's body tightly like lightning. With a dull roar, he threw the Hulk high.

After flying a few hundred meters, the green giant hit the ground hard. The ground collapsed instantly and dust flew into the sky. Hulk climbed up from the pit and shook his head violently, wiping a drop of blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

Watching the Hawkeye in golden power armor disappear on the hillside, Bai Ye turned his eyes to Hulk again. He raised his right hand, placed his palm heavily on the clenched fist of his left hand, and then the two suddenly collided.

Damn it, Clint, I hope what you said is true.

With a loud bang, Hulk's body was knocked away again and fell heavily to the ground. His chest heaved violently, like an air bag that had been evacuated, and he gasped feebly.

Inside the mecha, Bai Ye raised an eyebrow, "At this moment? Banner, are you kidding?"

But what happened today? Why does this thing feel so hard when playing?

He was not interested in telling this guy how he applied vibranium to the mecha.

The latter was beaten to pieces by the sudden blow, green blood spattered all over his face, and two of his twisted and yellowed teeth were knocked out.

The Hulkbuster mecha didn't show any weakness. The flames spurted out from the soles of the mecha's feet made it float into the air. Then the jets were fully powered, releasing a powerful thrust. The mecha was like a silver rocket, speeding towards Hulk.

Bai Ye's roar shook like thunder, and the huge fists of the Hulkbuster mecha suddenly swung, with destructive power, knocking Hulk to the ground.

The golden-armored warriors were engaged in a fierce battle. Those greenskins who survived the first wave of offensive had been forced to retreat into Banner's cave and were making their last resistance.

The two huge figures were like two moving mountains, colliding suddenly on the battlefield. A terrifying shock wave spread rapidly from the impact point, sweeping out like a detonated nuclear bomb.


Banner's eyes flashed green, anger and fighting spirit intertwined, this enraged beast was preparing for a more intense battle.

"Ah! Impossible, I am the strongest person in the world, there is no way I can lose!" Hulk screamed and rushed towards Bai Ye again.

The Hulkbuster mecha walked slowly and approached the fallen Hulk.

Before the green-skinned monster could beg for mercy again, Bai Ye raised a hand and pointed it at Hulk's trembling eyeballs, "Computer, switch to laser mode."

"You're right, we will be safe." Marlene gently stroked the hair of the two children and comforted them softly, but she could not hide the worry on her face.

This shock spread throughout the battlefield, making everyone feel uneasy. The attacks of the Thunder Warriors were slightly delayed, and the greenskins were shaken to the point of collapse. Countless small stones fell from the roof of the cave and hit them. head on.

"I have to kill a few more capable people like you now to cheer up!" His voice was like thunder, echoing over the battlefield.

Five kilometers away.

Then, everyone who was still breathing invariably looked in the direction where the vibration came from. For a moment, the noise on the battlefield seemed to be silent.

Logan lowered his head and listened quietly to the creaking of the chandelier. He couldn't help but glance out the window, where two warriors in golden power armor were standing against the wind.

Howling winds brought up sand and dust, obscuring the view, and strong air currents flowed rapidly in the air, making a sharp whistling sound. This scene was like the end of the world.

His green skin seemed to be more plump, and the sparse hair on his head was trembling with roar, and a powerful gamma energy surged in his body, pushing his entire body to the limit.

"Then what are you waiting for? If you don't come, all your sons will be dead."


"Okay, great!" Hulk's eyes widened angrily. Although he was in pain, he was not angry but happy. He growled lowly, his muscles swelled even more with anger, and his body swelled even larger in the vibration, like a mighty mountain.

After beating him all the way, his fingers were numb and stiff, and there were no cracks on the mecha.

However, Bai Ye's expression remained unchanged, and the huge mechanical fist hit Hulk again. This punch contained no emotion at all, only cold mechanical power.

Hulk's roar was like the roar of a wild beast, echoing over the valley.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, we will always be together, and I won't let anything hurt you."

Suddenly, the earth trembled deeply, as if the whole world was shaking.

After roaring, Hulk got down on all fours, his green eyes shining with wild light, like a fired cannonball, and he rushed towards the Hulkbuster mecha.

The powerful energy instantly distorted everything around it. Weeds, cacti, and even the ground were blown away, turning into countless fragments tumbling in the air.

"Get down!"

No, he had fought against the Hulkbuster before, but he always won. The gadgets made by Stark were definitely no match for him.

"Wait!" Hulk suddenly let out a low roar, and a huge green palm suddenly raised, stopping the fist that was about to hit.

Hulk climbed up half of his body and spat out a mouthful of bloody spit. His green eyes were filled with deep disbelief and fear.

Seeing that he was safe for the time being, Hulk took a breath and said in a low and trembling voice: "Can. Can you surrender?"

Fifty kilometers away, the Logan mansion.

The family hugged each other tightly, and Logan raised his head to look at the gently swinging chandelier on the roof, hugging his wife and children tighter, as if this could keep out all danger and fear.

An extremely small but extremely sharp laser shot out from the palm of the mecha, directly piercing Hulk's eyeball. At that moment, Hulk's body trembled violently, and he wanted to let out a shrill roar, but the sound stopped abruptly.

After a moment, a dead silence enveloped the battlefield, with only a slight echo still filling the air.

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