
Suddenly, I saw the First Emperor Yingzheng, whose spiritual transmission spread throughout the heavens, frowned.

Xiao Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, could things be more complicated? ?

After all, an invincible figure like Ying Zheng was frowning.

Then I saw him wave his big hand, and in an instant, the entire Pluto sky was covered with dark clouds.

"Who is disturbing the heavens??!

As he spoke, he saw Ying Zheng wave his hand again, and this time, he used nine days of luck.

In an instant, the nine-headed golden dragon pulled Ying Zheng and rushed directly into the clouds.

Suddenly, the golden light blooms, the light shines brightly!!

The avenues are visible to the naked eye, and the stars are shining!!

Xiao Fan was shocked!!

"This is the essence manifestation of the Heavenly Machine??"

Thinking about it, I saw that Xiao Fan's level had come to level 35!!

After all, he had killed millions of strange people before, and he couldn't continue to improve his level, just because he hadn't sublimated his life yet.

But after seeing these heavenly opportunities, he could first raise to the upper limit of level 30, that is, after level 39, he would automatically choose life sublimation!!

"Such a powerful heavenly machine, it can actually subvert the rules of the Galactic Empire!!"

Xiao Fan smacked his tongue secretly.

Thinking about it, I saw the nine golden dragons of Yingzheng, in the heavenly machine of manifesting the essence, turning the river and the sea!!

In an instant, the entire piece of heaven was confused by these golden dragons.

"What are you looking for?"

Xiao Fan's eyes narrowed.

What is it that can make the first emperor think about and even anger? ?

And it's right now.

Suddenly, a huge hand appeared from this heavenly machine.

His goal is to win the government.

In other words, Yingzheng's goal is also this giant hand.

"What a bold man, he dares to mess with my heavenly chance!!"

As he spoke, Ying Zheng directly clapped with the giant hand.


There was a loud bang that shook Pluto.

But no amount of tremors can affect Pluto.

Xiao Fan realized that Pluto had been covered with another layer of enchantment.

This layer of enchantment is hundreds of millions of times stronger than the enchantment set up by the Nine Heavenly Emperors before.

It is estimated that there are the least levels, all of which have a level of LV90 or above!!

"This giant hand did it??"

Xiao Fan suddenly figured out the reason for Yingzheng's anger.

This layer of enchantment is very likely to be the peak Star Emperor of LV99 and even reached the strength of a god.

Creatures from the outside world can't get in at all.

They Pluto, or their Celestial Beings, are isolated!!

I can only rely on myself and face trillions of weirdness alone!!


Even with Xiao Fan's self-cultivation, he couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth.

After all, the strange invasion is a huge thing related to the whole universe.

But they were cast into the shadows.

He, Xiao Fan, is fine, but what about the others??

At this point in time, it is estimated that there are very few LV40 Tianjiao, and there may not be a single LV50.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to justify the annihilation of all the troops!!

And in the same way, the other living Tianjiao also noticed that something was wrong.

At the same time, they were furious, but they were also endlessly afraid.

"We have been abandoned, this is the face of endless weirdness, isn't this equivalent to waiting for death???

"Damn, this old yin is better than !!"

The celestial pride gritted their teeth and their eyes were cracked!!

They hate this huge palm!!

It's already obvious, it must be this palm behind the scenes that controls everything!!

But suddenly....

"This hand..."

Tianjiao from the Metaverse, like the Beast Clan Tianjiao, Lin Feng and others, they looked at this huge palm, and felt extremely familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere.

"Huh? Do you have an impression? Have you seen it?

Xiao Fan asked at Lin Feng.

"Let me think about it." Lin Feng replied.

He did have an impression of the hand.

Even if it is magnified countless times, this familiar breath is, is...

"It's the High Priest, yes, it's the breath of the High Priest!!"

Lin Feng said suddenly, and then his pupils shrank suddenly!!

He never imagined that in the end, it was the high priest who calculated their group of Tianjiao.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the High Priest, they are nothing more than dispensable pawns??

Although he didn't know why the high priest did this, it felt bad to be toyed with!!

"High Priest?? The high priest from the metaverse who is proficient in divination and celestial machines that you mentioned earlier??

Xiao Fan asked.

Hearing this, Lin Feng forcibly suppressed the emotions in his heart and replied: "Yes, this familiar breath will not be wrong, he is the only high priest we respect in the metaverse."

"Actually, if you think about it now, there are a lot of doubts."

"I don't know when the High Priest became it, but it seems that all of a sudden he was revered by everyone."

"I don't know the role of the high priest, I just know that he is very powerful."

"But there is no background, no experience, no outstanding strength, and even no business ability, how can such a person be respected even by the Star Emperor's powers??"

"So..." Xiao Fan raised his eyebrows.

"Maybe there's a hidden deal."

"Maybe the group of Star Emperors in the Metaverse, or even the peak Star Emperors, are involved in this matter."

"After all, they also have desires, desires to become gods, maybe they have already gone off the rails in the sword..."

Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

He hadn't thought about it before, and he didn't even find out about such a big flaw until today...

"Does the Star Emperor have the desire to become a god??"

"Maybe you didn't think about it, maybe someone invisibly moved your hands and feet."

As if he could see through Lin Feng's thoughts, Xiao Fan said.

"Eh, what do you mean....."

"The Galactic Empire is full of wonders, and there should still be a means to control the thoughts, right?"

"So, this is actually a conspiracy from the beginning, someone started it, and it is very likely to be a group of Star Emperors, the bureau of Bu??"

Lin Feng was shocked.

"Cloth of the round? Perhaps, but the person in front of him is not worthy!! As he

spoke, suddenly, Xiao Fan smiled.

Fighting against the people who laid out the heavens of the ages, this high priest is very brave!!

"Uh..." Lin Feng was stunned.

Didn't you have a sad face just now, why did you suddenly smile? ?

Then I saw that in the middle of the sky, there was a wail!

This voice is also very familiar to him, it is the voice of the high priest!!

Looking up at the sky, I don't know when, the giant hand has been cut off by Yingzheng Festival, and the blood stains the sky!!

I saw a figure wearing a cloak soaked in blood, slowly appearing in front of everyone.

Metaverse, High Priest !!

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