Nine Star Burden

Chapter 804: Very good to me

Void's body suddenly slumped in place. For a long time, it walked with teleportation, and Jiang Xiao's diamond was silent, and it was completely smashed.

Not to mention the shadow of vanity, even the two tails in the silent realm trembled, the blood in her chest surged, a flush of blood appeared on the cold face, and a little blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

One man and one beast, two indestructible kings killed, all stopped after Jiang Xiao's move, and fled in the opposite direction.

The two tails walked away with those long legs, and the foggy blade in their hands had already dissipated.

The Void Shadow is even more interesting. After it can't teleport, it really starts to jump on one foot!

Seriously, this bouncing stone man turned out to be a bit cute

Jiang Xiao raised his hand with a blessing, and shrouded the bouncing stone man!

Facts have proven that the stone scarecrow also feels, it will also feel happy and dizzy, its body is unstable, and it lies directly on the ground.

The bright ruby ​​on Void Shadow's face suddenly faded, but it seemed to be struggling, so the stone flickered, like a flash.

On Jiang Xiao's side, the door to the space of a curse of shadows quietly opened.

I only heard Jiang Xiao shouting out loud: "Very good, Xiao Jiangxue, it is up to you!"

Han Jiangxue, who had been on standby at the gate of the sorrowful shadow market, immediately walked out and quickly gathered information around her.

"Xiao Jiangxue, concentrate! Use the dark blue scepter!" Jiang Xiaoyi shouted with a finger at the shadow of the paralyzed void.

Han Jiangxue turned her head and looked up. In the light rain of Lilili, she picked up a staff directly in her right hand, and a thunderbolt chopped down instantly!


Blended with the thunder and lightning in the blessing light, chopped on the stone body of the vanity shadow, the overbearing current spread around the body of the vanity shadow as the center point.


The defensive power of this vanity is really strong!

Such an overbearing and thunderous thunderbolt, the best star technique to kill, there is still no body capable of smashing the shadow of the void, not even a piece of gravel.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiao frowned slightly and said, "Don't be discouraged, Xiao Jiangxue, turn the stars into military! We use Baiyan Tianzhao!"

Han Jiangxue: ""

Although Han Jiangxue did not resist being commanded by Jiang Xiao, she always felt something wrong when she heard Jiang Xiao's order.

Why does Jiang Xiao always add one or two nonsense words every time he gives an order?

Is Han Jiangxue's heart so fragile?

The order is over. Hey, what are those useless? Do you think I'm a bear? Is it your pet? Need a word of comfort?

Han Jiangxue thought, but it was not slow in her hands. I saw a white firework suddenly lit up in her white tender palm.

Immediately after, Han Jiangxue sent his right hand forward, and the white fireworks floated towards the soft shadow lying on the ground.

The rays of blessing finally dissipated, and the white fireworks fell on the oval stone head of the shadow of void.

"Ka-cha! Ka-cha! Ka-cha!" This was Jiang Xiao's own voice.

The oval-shaped stone head of Void Shadow is actually splashed with gravel and sparks everywhere by Han Jiangxue's white fireworks!

really! This is the power of turning stars into military power!

You know, neither the gold-quality dark blue scepter, nor the two-tailed platinum-quality misty blade, can break the defense of the void.

Xiao Jiangxue's celestial constellation becomes military, how strong is this destructive power?

Jiang Xiao looked at the vanished shadow of the burnt and ashes, and he could not help but grin.


Jiang Xiao suddenly thought: So it seems that my patience is really good.

In the silent realm of silence, the half-oval rocky head of Void Shadow was burned, and the two tails also retreated, summoning the foggy giant blade in one hand, but suddenly said: "Be careful!"

In the tears of the domain, Erwei's guidance was not needed at all, Jiang Xiao had already started!

Switch star maps, turn stars into martial arts, in one go!

Behind Han Jiangxue, I don't know where to teleport from a vanity shadow, holding the big hand like a hammer, and hit Han Jiangxue.


A crimson misty giant blade chopped down and clicked!

Jiang Xiao's flower blade was broken!

In a hurry, Jiang Xiao did his best, but his star Cheng Chengwu broke up?

The flower blade was broken, and the arm of Void Shadow was not good, and the thick arm was chopped off directly.

Jiang Xiao was so angry that you dared to attack my Xue Kemeng! ?


With a muffled sound, Han Jiangxue had a sweet throat, a stiff complexion, and fluttered forward.

Jiang Xiaoying's arm was indeed cut off by Jiang Xiao, but the severed arm still hit Han Jiangxue's back due to inertia.

Jiang Xiao was distressed.

Printing-Zhongling, it's all in one go!

The jumping medical light shuttled back and forth between Han Jiangxue and the two tails not far away, sending out a crisp and pleasant bell.

The moment Jiang Xiao threw out the bell, the shadow of the void that struck Han Jiangxue had flickered away again.

Damn, you want to run after you hit?

Is it thief stimulation? ?

Because Jiang Xiao ’s field of tears has a particularly large scope, he can perceive everything within the range of rain drops. Therefore, in Jiang Xiao ’s perception, one vanity shadow disappears and one vanity shadow appears. Intermittent.

However, there was only one shadow of void in which one arm was broken.

It didn't teleport too far away, and seemed to be preparing for a second sneak attack! ?


The next moment, Jiang Xiao's figure flickered and disappeared without a trace.

Kilometers away on an anti-slope

A crimson razor rushed past, the ruby-like eyes of Witch Shadow Ruins flashed slightly, as if still observing the situation, but Jiang Xiao cut off his head directly from behind!


The flower blade shattered


An oval rock head rolled to the ground.

Jiang Xiao wiped a wet face and stepped forward, but he saw the oval rubble head, the ruby ​​rubbing with light, the color gradually faded.

"Huh." Jiang Xiao summoned the flower blade again, aimed at its head, and pierced slowly.

Jiang Xiao only felt that the star power in his body plummeted, and the blood-red mist was drifting all around, and on the skull of Void Shadow, the broken stones stabbed with the blade, and continuously splashed around.

At the foot of Jiang Xiao's feet, he stepped out of the aura of nostalgia, struck the rocky body in the shadow of the void, and quickly searched for star power.

After a short while, Jiang Xiao was absorbing the star power, and his pale face was a lot better.

He squatted down, prying off the gray-white rock skull that had been split in half, and a star bead rolled out of it.

Jiang Xiao picked it up, looked around, mixed with his own tears and rain, wiped it on his clothes, drew it into his pocket, and just wanted to teleport away, but it seemed to remember something.

Jiang Xiao squatted down again and picked up the half of the rock skull. Above, the crystal clear ruby ​​was still there.

"Uh," Jiang Xiao tried to rub the ruby ​​down, rubbed his fingers, and watched curiously.

This gem is very similar to a handicraft, like the kind after artificial sanding. It is in the shape of a drop of water, with an irregular cross-section on the surface, in which light red and dark red alternate, exquisite and unusual.

My dear, I'm afraid this thing is very valuable, right?

Although Jiang Xiao called this thing a "ruby", it was just what it looked like. Jiang Xiao didn't know what it was.

But there is a truth in this world: things are rare and precious.

Regardless of what this drop-shaped gem is made of, it is very rare as the eye of the shadow of the void, so

Take it back and wear a bracelet for Xiaojiang Xue.

Jiang Xiao thought secretly, flashing back, and returned to the previous battlefield.

Although Jiang Xiao is thousands of kilometers away, the situation here is clear.

At this point, Erwei and Han Jiangxue were around the corpse of Void Shadow, studying carefully.

Apparently, Zhong Ling's injuries have been cured.

Han Jiangxue squatted down, picked up the half of the burned head with one hand, and turned upside down in his hands, saying: "The weight is not light."

"Huh." Jiang Xiao also crouched down, touching one hand with the wet rock arm of Nether Shadow, and said, "The creature's structure is really strange. The arm is thicker than the body. Just one foot, the first to feel their shape. At that time, I thought it was a scarecrow. "

Han Jiangxue looked up at Jiang Xiao and said, "Can you fill their star beads?"

"You are not afraid of big things! If you refill it, the shadow of the void is of diamond quality!" Jiang Xiao repeatedly shook his head and denied Han Jiangxue's proposal.

In fact, Jiang Xiao can really fill the void of these platinum bands, but if you upgrade again, the void of diamond quality will be too threatening.

Today, Jiang Xiao already knows the law of upgrading the rank.

Under normal circumstances, the creatures in the silver position will be greatly changed in shape after being filled by Jiang Xiao to the golden position.

Just like the humans in the Nebula period were poured into the Xinghe period, their physical fitness will make a qualitative leap!

He Yun, a senior in the land reclamation, once told Jiang Xiao that the promotion of the Xinghai period to the starry period still improves physical fitness!

In other words, it will make the physical indicators of the Star Warrior have a second leap.

It can be obtained that once the creatures in the platinum ranks are promoted to the diamond ranks, it is not always possible for Jiang Xiao to break through the defense of the ruins of evil.

Well, of course, of course, life safety is the most important thing. Don't find yourself uncomfortable.

In addition, Jiang Xiao's star power was not enough at this time. If he wanted to fill the diamonds, Jiang Xiao had to go to the North Atlantic to find a buzzing whale to help.

Jiang Xiao said: "It's the best and the most threatening is teleportation, and I can perceive tears in the field, and can restrain them with silence, so I restrained their advantages.

Their defense is also very strong, but it is not indestructible. Such a result is acceptable to us. Do n’t try to inject them, and accidents may occur. "

"Um." Han Jiangxue nodded.

Jiang Xiao thought for a while and said, "Their physical defense is indeed very high, but the legal defense does not seem to work. You have Bai Yantian Zhao, I have tears."

Han Jiangxue said, "Experiment it. You use a silence to imprison a shadow of void, and then directly drench it with tears to see how it works."

Jiang Xiao touched his chin and nodded silently.

This method is extremely vicious!

That's perfect!

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