Nine Star Burden

Chapter 67: Finish it

"Dripping! Group 2 lost their fighting ability and Group 3 won." The referee waved the flag in a timely manner and announced the result of the game.

The students were still in shock, and almost forgot to applaud, especially this group of freshmen who had just entered high school. They watched a group of vegetables and chickens pecking each other. The routine of the last stop was quite classic.

However, this station just showed the huge gap between the senior three group and senior two group.

Very very huge gap!

Just as the students gave applause, Gao Junwei turned his head, searching for a moment, his eyes fixed on Jiang Xiao.

Gao Junwei didn't scold Goldman Sachs like his younger brother, but instead stood still, silently staring at Jiang Xiao, and allowed the medical staff to lift the female commander on the stretcher aside.

Blood was dripping down on the wooden tang. Although the tang was wooden, under the strong star power and under the special effect of "charge", the female conductor's chest was cut out. A big hole, flesh and blood, in a terrible state.

唰 ... 唰 ......

In the sophomore camp, two students raised their hands, and two blessings of light fell on the stretcher, slowly healing the injured female conductor.

The female commander left the medical staff to cover her chest and received treatment from her classmates and medical teachers. She bit her silver teeth and uttered no painful sound.

Girl, I respect you as a man!

How the medical teacher rescued the female commander, Gao Junwei ignored it. He was still staring at Jiang Xiao. However, in the sophomore camp, the only two medical students in the second high school shot and Gao Junwei turned his head sharply. Go and look at the two high school medical awakenings.

No words, only silence, and those fierce eyes.

One of the female medical awakeners hesitated, and slowly lowered her palm.

The other male medical student stared back fiercely, staring directly at Gao Junwei, and his momentum was not bad.

The male student still held his hands up, and all the holy lights fell. His eyes looked back at Gao Junwei, and his eyes were full of anger.

There are not a few rich and powerful people in this world.

Some people are afraid of Gao Junwei, others don't care.

This high school male medical student belongs to this kind of person. Normally, he and his team should have been in the high school championship group, but in the final exam, due to the problem of teamwork, the other party won.

At the same time as the male students blame themselves, they are also convinced by the champion team of the same session, and they also adore the female conductor of this team.

At this time, he didn't care much.

Also don't care much, and Jiang Xiao.

A light fell instantly, its color was more intense, and its range was larger. It directly enveloped another holy light, it was full of more healing powers, and it suddenly descended on the stretcher.

The female commander gritted her teeth, forbearing the pain of moaning, accepting blessings from many parties, but did not want to finally fall under this light, groaning slightly.

The high school girl was scared back by Gao Junwei's eyes.

So no doubt,

This holy light comes from the first camp!

The only medical awakening student in the senior year of high school did not have the guts. Gao Junwei knew too much about his classmates.

Gao Junwei turned his head and saw Jiang Xiao, who was also glaring at him. Suddenly, Gao Junwei didn't get angry.

Only saw Jiang Xiao draw a mouth: fortune telling?

Gao Junwei seemed to hear the words before Jiang Xiao: "What are you?"

Horse, I'll let you know what I mean today!

"There are always wins and losses in battles. You also see people outside and heavens and heavens. I believe that this battle will allow you to recognize yourself, maintain humility and awe, continue to work hard to train, and target high school seniors. You have a year. Grow up. "The teacher was talking on the stage, and passed to the ear of the female conductor who was still leaving.

She lay on a stretcher, clenched her right hand into a fist, and worked hard? She worked very hard, not only on her own, but also with her teammates, but in this world, many things can not be successful without hard work.

The female conductor is also very familiar with the abilities of the students of the same medical department. She knows that the ultimate feeling of comfort is not from the blessings of her classmates, nor from the female doctor sticking to her chest, exuding a green glow. palm.

The female conductor struggled to turn her side, looked up, and looked at the first two and high school camps. She didn't have much thought, she just wanted to see him and express her gratitude, but in the vast crowd, the boy hid Behind the team.

"I think you also know the purpose of this exhibition match. The battle just now is enough to sound the alarm for you and know the gap between you and a good student." The teacher continued with the microphone and said, "As usual, I I want to ask, is the high school champion group trying to challenge the academy? "

In an instant, all eyes gathered on the camp of Class One and Two.

This time, even if this team is hiding at the end of the team, the students in Class 2 have turned around.

Liu Ke's cute little face was full of worry, and her dreams were always beautiful, but when she really saw the absolute strength of the senior group, her original confidence had disappeared.

"Let's not challenge them anymore? It's scary, it's too easy to get hurt." Liu Ke dragged Elena's sleeve.

And Elena, as a relatively weak player in the team, and relatively weak in her character, so she did not take the idea, but just looked at Jiang Xiao.

The second brother with a flat head looked at Zhu Wen, which was different from the others. The elder brother Zhu Wuna's eyes were full of war-like eyes.

There is always a group of people who are naturally challenged.

The elder brother Zhu Wen's face was calm and hesitated for a long while, but he thought that Jiang Xiao had not hesitated to give the silver star beads to Liu Ke.

It seems that Jiang Xiao has given him a good example of how a man should renew his promise.

So Brother Zhu Wen turned his head to Jiang Xiao and tilted his head in the direction of the big podium.

"This group of silly children, won't they really want to go?" Su Rou held the mobile phone and sighed. "The contradiction between Gao Junwei and Xiao Yuan inch was just in your eyes. If my little Yuan is on the stage, it will be clear. Just give each other a chance. "

The camera of the mobile phone clearly recorded the picture, watching the children in class one and two.

A screen of barrage was also drawn across the screen:

"Haha, if your little round inch dared to lift it, it would surely be beaten and even the **** would be left."

"It makes sense, the gap is too big, there is nothing comparable."

"This kind of exhibition match is really nothing to look forward to. There are three opponents who haven't taken any action."

"Shit, stupid? Go up and get beaten up? I'm afraid that all of these high school students have passed the nebula period, and their physical fitness is higher than this rookie. I don't know how much, and there are 8 star skills. None of them is a bad guy, and the stardust rookies with up to 4 star skills are not like hitting their sons. "

In the silence, both teachers and students were waiting for the response from class 2. Suddenly, a beautiful and pleasant voice sounded.

On the football field, Xia Yan excitedly waved to Jiang Xiao and shouted, "Little skin! Little skin! Come on!"

For a moment, the audience was amazed.

Jiang Xiao grinned and shoved the shoulders of his head brothers, saying, "Come on!"

The two brothers said nothing and ran forward. Jiang Xiao ran forward as well, and said to Elena next to him: "Follow me."

Yi Lina shook her head with a bitter smile and broke away from Liu Ke's small hand, and ran up with three teammates who were not afraid of the day.

For a moment, the audience was uproar.

"How dare these grandsons go! Are you looking for death?"

"Strange, obviously subtitles, why did I smell the bean juice?"

"Anchor, your little round inch is going to be bruised and swollen."

"Well? Was the girl talking Xia Yan disgusted by Jiang Xiaopi?"

"Shocked! Ignorant that the high school student was bewitched by the queen and dragged her home to the stage to die!"

"The original match is about to hit Primary Three, and it will open at the beginning of the game.

"Guess! The anchor will start quiz!"

"Right on the right, ruined!"

The teacher on the stage looked a little weird, and for a long time came out an idiom: "Courage is commendable."

Jiang Xiao nodded to the teacher and said, "It's over!"

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