Nine Star Burden

Chapter 1123: Fried

The old man looked up and looked at the lone whale swimming in the rainy night, and said, "Your lone whale is from the earth, right? It is its projection."

Jiang Xiao's brow frowned. It was possible, but ...

Jiang Xiao, who has already done experiments, knows very well that once the star beast in the alien ball disappears, the alien dimension space on the earth will also disappear.

If the old man did not take away the so-called "solitary whale", the projection of the solitary whale will inevitably be thrown into the earth · bottom space on the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Why has the Humming Whale been living alone?

This old man should have taken the original Humming Whale, so no other lone whale projection will appear in the lower space.

Since he took away the only star and beast in that area, why did n’t Earth, North Atlantic Ocean bottom, and underwater ruins have a different dimension?

Why not ...

Jiang Xiao suddenly awakened in his heart. No, there are not only buzzing whales there.

When Jiang Xiao and His Majesty the Princess and Prince of the West Malaysia Kingdom explored the ruins of the sea, from below the palace's huge statue, they entered a hidden space full of "murals", which is where the altar is.

And before entering the altar, another "barrier"!

It was a barrier constructed by a group of unknown undersea trees.

Are they also a kind of star beast? Is the existence of the undersea trees in the different spheres, maintaining the lower space without collapse?

But ... why did Juliet leave no star beads after destroying that tree?

Or, is there another creature that exists in the different spheres and supports the lower dimension space not to collapse?

Jiang Xiao couldn't figure it out, and the old man asked again: "Isn't it?"

Jiang Xiao: "Yes."

Old man: "Do you have one, in that underwater city, are there any other lone whale projections?"

Jiang Xiao's thoughts turned sharply, and he shook his head gently: "Just this one."

"Hmm ..." The old man groaned for a long while, but the next words made Jiang Xiao completely stunned.

I only heard the old man's voice hoarse, and slowly said, "Here is still lonely with me. How about I give it to you?

Let it be with its companions for the rest of their lives, although ... the only people in it are their projections ... "

Jiang Xiao? ? ?

Looking at Jiang Xiao's miserable face, the old man couldn't help but smile, and said, "Do you like such a meeting ceremony?"

This meeting ceremony is a bit too big!

The projection of the lone whale is a diamond segment, so the lone whale on the different sphere must be a star, and it may even be above the star!

Jiang Xiao's heart was extremely complicated and he said, "I haven't asked your name yet."

The old man's body flickered successively, 10 meters, 5 meters, 3 meters, 1 meter ... until Jiang Xiao was in front of him.

It seems that he is preparing for Jiang Xiao psychologically, for fear of flashing directly in front of Jiang Xiao, he will scare Jiang Xiao.

Standing in front of Jiang Xiao, the old man slowly extended his right hand.

Jiang Xiao hesitated for a moment, and also extended his right hand, holding it with the big and old hand.

The corner of the old man's mouth raised slightly, and he said softly, "Hop Kings."

Jiang Xiao nodded silently: "Hello."

Old man: "Will you show me your star map, your nine-star map?"

Hearing that, Jiang Xiao was silent.

The old man looked at Jiang Xiao. He groaned for a moment, and said, "Maybe, my kindness is not enough."

"Om ..." The lone whale traveling across the sky, a whale moan, seemed to be expressing dissatisfaction with Jiang Xiao.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh ... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since there he had a snoring hush in his mouth.

The old man suddenly asked, "Tell me, what is your star power? Starry sky? Or starry?"

Jiang Xiao froze for a moment, star star?

Is this the name of the realm above the stars?

Why is it called Xingji?

The end of the starry sky?

Wait ... how did this old man know the name "End of the Starry Sky"?

Did he name it himself?

still is......

Jiang Xiao shivered and was afraid to continue thinking ...

Old man: "Or ... you're just Xinghai."

Jiang Xiao nodded.

The old man looked at Jiang Xiao silently. It seemed that Jiang Xiao's eyes could tell that Jiang Xiao was lying, but ...

A few seconds later, the old man sighed softly, and a deep disappointment appeared in the deep blue eyes: "I thought you deceived everyone. It turns out that you are really just Xinghai ... "

While talking, the old man's chest suddenly burst into a star map, which was a simple and heavy book, thick to the level of ... a sea of ​​words.

The majestic star power spread out, and the strong and irritable star power wind, with a hint of suffocation, made Jiang Xiao subconsciously step back two steps.

The old man gently took down the star map on his chest, which should be a way to turn the stars into military.

He lowered his head, opened the book, and under the rain, his finger lightly slid across the page, as if it was something.

Such a picture, however, made Jiang Xiao's mind come up with an image.

Before, on the earth, Jiang Xiao and his companions had seen the ubiquitous statue when they explored the ruins on the sea floor.

There was once a huge sculpture of a young scholar, and there was only one sculpture, which was everywhere in the ruins under the sea.

The scholar was clothed with the soul that swallowed the sea, his face was a little blurred by the seawater, holding a huge book in his hand, and the top was filled with strange words.

Jiang Xiao and the second princess Sophia had recognized the text, which did not seem to belong to the language of human society.

And the posture of the young scholar looking down at the book is exactly the same as that of the old man at this time!

The man in the undersea ruins ~ ~ is him! ?

Times have changed, and young scholars have become gray-haired and have entered the age of uncle! ?

Jiang Xiao was so shocked that he realized a very serious problem!

In other words, the ruins under the sea, the once glorious ancient city, are the home of this old man!

Those deep sea giants, the sea soul fish demon, the centaur spirit, the golden feather walker ... the leaders of the three armies of sea, land and air are exactly this old man!

Palaces, libraries, gladiatorial courts, temples, bazaars ... all built by him ...

"It seems that you guessed my identity." The old man still looked down at the book, but seemed to feel Jiang Xiao's expression at this time, he said with a smile, "Yes, after all, you are in my home, find that Lone whale. "

In my home?

Jiang Xiao was shocked and admitted? That underwater ruins is really his city?

The old man sighed deeply and sighed endlessly: "After I left there a long time, once I took my lone whale back to my city and strolled around, but only saw a ruin.

Maybe ... it was then that the lone whale was projected onto the ball.

I never expected that my city would be put on the earth ... "

Jiang Xiaoxuan looked at the old man in front of him. There was too much information, and Jiang Xiao had no idea what to say.

And in the lost civilization on the bottom of the sea, there is a "shrine", of which there are not only statues of ~ ~ scholars, but also 6 statues of men and women!

There are men and women, and their occupation can be seen from their clothing and weapons.

In addition to the old man, a total of 7 statues, like gods, were enshrined in the temples for admiration.

Those people ... was his companion?

Jiang Xiao's thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly she thought that Her Royal Highness the Second Princess of the Kingdom of West Malaysia once revealed a very important information!

The extinct Jinyu Walker, the "air force" in the three armies of sea, land and air, has become extinct in the 1960s. (See Chapter 769 for details)

At that time, the information of the second princess Sophia was obviously not equal to Jiang Xiao.

The second princess believes that many factors have caused the disappearance of Jinyu Walker's space, but her so-called reasons are all on the earth level.

The space where the Jin Yu walkers lived was scarce. Some countries sent people to destroy it, or the Lanxi country did not protect it well, which caused the fragmentation of the holy market and it was no longer opened.

But Jiang Xiao knew that the disappearance of Jinyu Walker's different-dimensional space had nothing to do with the earth!

As long as the golden feather walker in the alien ball exists, the earth will be thrown out of the alien dimension space.

In other words, in the 1960s, on the different balls, the genocide of the Golden Featherwalker occurred!

From this ... it can be speculated that the old man in front of him on the different ball would have to fight north and establish a kingdom in 1960!

Otherwise, his Majesty could not have a creature like the Golden Featherwalker.

Even this old man who calls himself "Hopkins" is likely to be the culprit of the genocide of the Jinyu Walker.

And the emergence of heterodimensional space, the emergence of Star Force and Star Warrior, was in the 1950s!

Jiang Xiao's mind speculated madly ... Things like Xingli only appeared in 1950. Before 1960, the old man had set foot on a different ball!

He led his companions, formed the three armies, and conquered all forces. At least his footsteps have set foot on the will country, the Hiya country ... in the Quartet in Europe.

This old man must be the first person in this world to awaken the star power!

It only took less than 10 years from awakening, to entering the different worlds, to conquering all things, and establishing a city-state?

Hmm ... it is possible, after all, Jiang Xiao has only experienced 5 years, or even less than 5 years, from the time he awakened to the present.

But this is Jiang Xiao! It is Jiang Xiao who owns the star map of the inside view, and the words of others ...

Between thoughts, the motion of the old man below stopped, and his finger was on the strange text.

The old man said something in his mouth, raised his head, looked at Jiang Xiao again, and smiled and nodded, "Maybe, this can express my kindness."

The words fell, and a series of strange words suddenly appeared on the thick books held by the old man. The strange words composed of blue star power suddenly flew out of the book, on the open pages, constantly Rotating.

At the same time, Jiang Xiao found out that there were countless huge strange words around his body!

It looks like a strange halo, surrounding Jiang Xiao, lighting up this dark rainy night.

"Don't move, remember, you are not alone, you still have tens of millions of Chinese comrades in arms, do you care about this, right?" The voice of the old man was extremely penetrating, and it was transmitted to Jiang through the rain curtain Xiao's ear.

And Jiang Xiao's body was stiff, her face was also stiff.

This threat ...?

But at this moment, Jiang Xiao could not hear the words of the old man.

But, inside the body, as if there are countless energy bursts out ...

He remembers this feeling, even he just experienced it!

That's ... that's how Jiang Keli felt from being promoted from the Xinghai to the Xinghe period, feeling that her physical fitness was greatly improved.

In the rainy night,

The mysterious star power text surrounding Jiang Xiao suddenly lit up, exuding an amazing luster.

In Jiang Xiao's internal star chart, however, one after another came the terrible message:

"Star power upgrade! Xinghai period lv.7!"

"Star power upgrade! Xinghai period lv.8!"

"Star power upgrade! Xinghai period lv.9!"


"Click ... click ..."

A series of sounds like the sound of broken glass sounded around Jiang Xiao, slowly moving mysterious star power text, one after another.

And Jiang Xiao felt the breakthrough of "small thresholds", felt the influx of layers of star power, filled his body, and transformed his body ...

In the end, Jiang Xiao's realm of star power was fixed in "Xinghai Period lv.9".

When Jiang Xiao's physical fitness was not enough, he forced to use his skills to go to the realm of Mangxingli, and there was a half-step Xinghe, which was lv.10 in the nebula period.

And when Jiang Xiao couldn't turn the stars into martial arts, and used skill points to recklessly, there was also a half-step Xinghai · Xinghe period lv.10.

This time, Jiang Xiao ’s body gave him back the information that made him very sure that his body was ready and there would be no “half-step starry sky” situation. The next stage would not be the Xinghai period lv.10. Instead, they will step directly into the sky!

This bizarre transformation of stars into martial arts, mysterious and bizarre star power text, is completely different from the realm of star power that he recklessly used to look inside the star map!

Below, the old man was holding books in his hands, and a little tiredness appeared between his eyebrows. He looked up and looked at Jiang Xiao standing in the air and said, "Now, do you feel my sincerity? You Your body is ready. The rest is up to you. "

Jiang Xiao bit her lip, but she didn't know what to say ...

Everything he experienced tonight is beyond his cognition.

An old man who called himself "Hop Kings" appeared in front of him in this way, and used the magical star to turn into a military, and improved his star power realm! Greatly strengthened his physical fitness! In less than a minute, Jiang Xiao was about to break into the starry sky ...

And this old man should also be the leader of the alien continent 60 years ago, who fought the Quartet, established city states, and established civilization ...

The old man slowly said, "I thought I was like a lone whale, and there was a lonely existence.

Unexpectedly, an accidental revisit to the lone whale has a tribe in the lower dimension.

Similarly, I did not expect that the fusion vision of the earth and the different spheres gave me more information and also found me to be of the same kind.

Tell me, why do you call it?

Do you, like me, call it ... a star map? "

Jiang Xiao :! !! !!

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