Xu Xiuyuan leaned in front of Shi Zhuyun and chuckled lightly. Dan Feng's eyes were full of mockery, "You are so smart, you should understand what I mean."

His voice was gentle, like a lover's whisper.

In spite of the pain on his face, Shi Zhuyun stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Xiuyuan's sleeve, "You speak clearly."

What does it mean that only she will drop the baby?

Could it be that?

no, I can not.

The appearance of her panicking is really rare. After all, this is the second time Xu Xiuyuan has seen her like this. Dianthus Jun, who has always been calm and self-sufficient on weekdays, is really tired of seeing it, "It's what you think you mean, you dropped Xiangxiang's child, so am I."

How about a husband and wife?

From this level, the two of them are really a natural pair.

Shi Zhujun hasn't heard Xu Xiuyuan call Shi Xiangjun like this for a long time, and her mind is in confusion, repeating what Xu Xiuyuan said: "Me too."

He is too.

He also dropped Shi Xiangyun's child.

Whose child did Xu Xiuyuan use to replace Shi Xiangyun's child, "Su Che is not Shi Xiangyun's child, he..."

Shi Zhujun's words stumbled because she had a faint premonition in her heart, and that premonition was precisely the one she was least willing to admit.

I have already guessed it, but I can't believe it, it's really pitiful, Dianthus Jun!

Xu Xiuyuan smiled. He hasn't laughed like this for a long time, "Su Che is your child."

Xu Xiuyuan would never admit that Su Che was his and Shi Zhuyun's child. This child was the biggest stain in his life, a stain that could never be washed away.

It's all because of the woman in front of me.

Shi Zhujun's hand gripping his sleeve tightened again, her eyes were red, "Where is Qingli?" Whose child is Qingli?

"Qingli is Xiangxiang's child." Xu Xiuyuan said.

Shi Zhuyun let go of his hand, and he collapsed on the chair, covering his face with both hands, and muttered, "That's it."

In the past few years, even though Shi Zhujun hated Xu Xiuyuan, she had to admit that Xu Xiuyuan was very good to Xu Qingli. For Xu Qingli, he is indeed a competent father. Xu Xiuyuan dutifully taught Xu Qingli, cared for him, and cultivated him into a qualified heir. After Xu Qingli graduated, Xu Xiuyuan handed over the company to him, assuming only the false name of chairman.

It turned out that everything was just because Xu Qingli was Shi Xiangyun's child.

Shi Zhujun raised her head, her cold eyes turned red on weekdays, and she pointed Xu Xiuyuan with her finger: "You are crazy!"

He was actually willing to give up his family property to other people's children.

"I'm crazy too." She tried her best, but she didn't expect to finally calculate it to her son.

what is this? Stealing chickens won't lose rice.

Tears flowed down Dianthus's cheeks and hit the ground. She looked at the man in front of her, "You actually like her so much."

crazy! All crazy! The world is crazy too!

Su Qingxu stood there, dumbfounded, Shi Zhujun and Xu Xiuyuan's dialogue, she heard clearly, Xu Qingli is not her cousin, but her brother.

Xu Qingli squeezed his hands tightly, his veins violent, he raised his foot and walked forward, his face was as calm as ever.

The corridor was quiet, and the sound of footsteps was getting closer. Shi Zhuyun and Xu Xiuyuan turned around, and at the same time they looked at the coming person, it was Xu Qingli.

Xu Xiuyuan looked at him calmly, his eyes calm, "Have you heard all of them?"

Xu Qingli did not say "yes" or "no". He stared at Xu Xiuyuan closely, and a mocking smile evoked at the corner of his mouth, "Is Xiangxiang in your mouth Shi Xiangyun?"

For so many years, the relationship between Xu Xiuyuan and Shi Zhujun has always been poor, and the source is Shi Xiangjun.

Because Xu Xiuyuan likes Shi Xiangyun.

The person in front of him was the father who made him love and hate before today, but now he is not.

Xu Qingli walked a few steps forward, grabbed Xu Xiuyuan's clothes, punched him severely, and then released him.

He looked at the embarrassed man in front of him, his eyes looked like he was looking at the dirtiest mouse in the underground waterway, the filthy, stinking mouse, "You are so disgusting."

After Xu Qingli said these words, she walked to Shi Zhuyun's front, squatted down, and kept her sight level with her, "Mom, are you okay."

"I'm okay." Shi Zhuyun shook her head, looking at this son who had made her extremely proud. He was her spiritual support through the ages.

She never thought that Xu Qingli was not her son.

"Ding Ding Ding." Bright leather shoes reflected on the floor.

Su Yibo is here.

Xu Xiuyuan stood up and Shi Zhuyun also stood up. She took a deep breath and exhaled again.

This is the end of the matter, so let's make it all clear today, she has endured it for so many years, and she doesn't want to endure it anymore. She walked up to Su Yibo with a solemn expression, "Brother Yibo, I have something to say to you."

When Su Yibo first walked in, he felt that the atmosphere was not right, especially the expression on his daughter Su Qingxu's face, which was very complicated.

Su Yibo knew exactly what had happened. To be honest, he had expected such a day, so when he received a call from the hotel manager, he was not surprised at all.

There are not many people in this world who can cause his mood swings, and currently there is only Su Qingxu.

Su Yibo is now extremely disappointed with his son Su Che. Although he has never controlled Su Che for so many years, Su Yibo can't understand that Su Che can develop this temperament. If you don't understand, you don't want to. Su Yibo always doesn't like to bother about people and things that you don't care about.

Su Yibo saw traces of tears on Dianthus Jun’s face, and his left cheek was a little red. What's wrong?

"Brother Yibo, I'm sorry." Shi Zhuyun said, "I instructed my grandmother to drop your child." Now she really regretted having her baby. She didn't expect Su Qingxu to have the same pair as Su Yibo. My eyes, I didn't expect Su Yibo to like Su Qingxu's daughter so much.

If she had known this, she would never have done it.

Su Yipo frowned, a little unbelievable, "Why?"

Dianthus Jun has no reason to do this.

"Because I hate Shi Xiangyun." Finally he could say this cleanly.

That's right, Shi Zhujun hates Shi Xiangyun, she hates Shi Xiangyun's arrogant willfulness, and hates her father's partiality towards Shi Xiangyun. What she hates most is that Shi Xiangyun ruined her life for her own selfish desires.

She hates Shi Xiangyun? why? The relationship between their sisters has always been good.

Su Yipo didn't understand, "You hate her, why?"

Xu Xiuyuan, who has been silent, wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth with his hand, "Because she likes me."

Xu Xiuyuan likes Shi Xiangyun, and Su Yibo knows it, but based on his understanding of Dianthus, Dianthus will definitely not take away the child because he is jealous of Shi Xiangyun.

Su Qingxu, who was watching silently, was about to laugh at Xu Xiuyuan’s words. She didn’t know what to say for a while. This man was really stupid, crazy, stupid and narcissistic. Su Qing Xu finally knew that Su Che looked like Who's up.

Parents and sons are worthy of being fathers and sons, even if they are not raised by their side, they are still of the same temperament.

"I have never liked you, Xu Xiuyuan." Shi Zhuyun said, "I have always liked Brother Yibo."

Dianthus Jun likes Su Yibo.

How can this be?

Xiang Xiang clearly told him that Dianthus Jun likes him!

Xu Xiuyuan was a little incredulous, "Do you like Su Yibo?"

Shi Zhujun sneered, "Did Shi Xiangjun tell you that I like you, so she can't like you?"

how do you know!

Xu Xiuyuan widened his eyes and looked at Dianthus Jun.

Back then, Xu Xiuyuan and Shijia sisters grew up together. His sister Shi Zhujun was cold and arrogant, his sister Shi Xiangjun was lively and lovely, and Xu Xiuyuan liked Shi Xiangjun very much. The Su family and the Shi family had a marriage contract, but the Su family did not specify which of the Shi family sisters the object of the marriage contract was. After learning of the existence of the marriage contract, Xu Xiuyuan was extremely frightened. He hurried to find Shi Xiangyun to show his thoughts, but Shi Xiangyun refused.

Shi Xiangyun rejected him because his sister Shi Zhuyun likes him, and she can't steal someone her sister likes.

"My good sister, I know you like her a long time ago, and she also knows that I like brother Yibo. In order not to lose your love, she deliberately fabricated a lie to teach you to think that because I like you, she can't like it. You. For so many years, you hate me so much, isn't it because you think she would love you without me?"

"You are willing to be deceived by her for so many years, and even willing to give all the wealth of the Xu family to her son, Xu Xiuyuan, you are really affectionate."

It's a pity that I made a mistake in a deep feeling.

After Shi Zhujun mocked Xu Xiuyuan for a while, she laughed at herself again in her heart. She opened her mouth with a bitter expression, "Brother Yibo, Qingli... is your son."

Is Xu Qingli his son?

What does it mean?

One person does things and the other person. If you dare to do something, you dare to admit it. Xu Xiuyuan said: "I...I lost Shi Zhujun and Xiangxiang's children."

Xu Xiuyuan meant that Xu Qingli was his son.

Rao is that Su Yibo always looks like Taishan collapsed before, and after encountering two consecutive packet dropping incidents, he can't help but stagger a few steps, "ridiculous, too ridiculous."

He pointed to Xu Xiuyuan and Shi Zhujun and said, "You..."

Looking anxious, Su Qingxu hurried forward and sat down with Su Yibo, with a worried expression on his face: "Dad, please calm down first."

Su Qingxu didn't expect things would turn out like this, although she always felt that Xu Qingli was more like her brother than Su Che.

too messy!

It's too confusing!

Both Dianthus and Xu Xiuyuan are lunatics, too scary, no, Xu Xiu is far more terrifying than Dianthus.

Until now, Su Qingxu realized that she had been underestimating Shi Xiangyun, and with her IQ, she had been able to play with Xu Xiuyuan for so many years.

She really "admired her".

Thinking of this, the doctor opened the door of the ward, walked out, and said as calmly as possible: "Mrs. Su is awake."

The doctor heard it clearly inside, and he couldn't help but be amazed, the wealthy were really messed up.

The author has something to say: Dog Blood Shura Field, the next chapter will continue.

Don’t be stingy with the friends who have the nutrient solution overlord ticket mine, please smash at me as much as you like~

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