It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Vol 2 Chapter 1413: Received 1 general

[This time travel is a bit early][]

This time travel is a bit early. Chapter 1413 of the main text volume: I got a general. "This meat is delicious!"


"Oh, God, try this sea cucumber, I guarantee you will eat it off your tongue!"

"This sweet and sour fish is so authentic! Do you want to try it?"

"Fuck, Cen Hao, put the plate down for me! Do you believe me if I try to protect the food and slap you?"

"Why do you only make so much Yipin Tofu?"

At the dining table, Chu Heng, Cen Hao, Martin, and Na Daohui were wolfing down the delicacies on the table and almost started fighting.

Among the four items, three of them had not eaten such authentic hometown dishes for a long time. It was not easy to eat something satisfying, and I felt a little carried away for a while.

It was the first time for a foreigner like Martin to eat such authentic Chinese food, and he was immediately intoxicated. The sweet and sour carp with thorns, and the nine-turn large intestine filled with feces were all welcome, and the food was delicious.

The old man didn't join the fight. He didn't even eat much. He basically just took a few bites of each dish and spent most of his time drinking and chatting with Cheng Xi.

In Mr. Lu Shuren’s words, he probably ate memories rather than taste.

A glass of wine tells a story, a sip of food tells a story.

After not seeing each other for nearly twenty years, the two old brothers had endless things to talk about, from their friendship when they wore crotchless pants to their experiences after separation.

Chu Heng and the others were also very sensible. After they had eaten and drank, they would not disturb them. They would either leave the table quietly, or sit quietly and listen.

Unconsciously, an hour passed in an instant, and both old men were drunk.

"After living for such a long time, I have understood a truth. Life is like traveling on a road. You must be cautious every step of the way. If you take a wrong step, you will be doomed."

Cheng Xi, who was already smelling of alcohol, hooked his arm around the old man's shoulder, squinted his eyes and sighed: "Just how many years have we, the restaurant owners, worked so hard to accumulate such a fortune? Well, I didn't even hear it last year. Whose fool, suddenly went to play some stocks, and now the coffin is gone, and even the restaurant that has been open for decades has to be sold."

"Ha, after all, it's just a greedy word." The old man sneered and curled his lips.

"What you said is insightful!" Cheng Xi's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he gave a thumbs up.

Chu Heng, who had been eating the melon for a long time, rolled his eyes when he heard this. He came up to Cheng Xi and asked, "Mr. Cheng, what's wrong? Is your restaurant going to be bad?"

"No, we've been talking about it for the past few days. I heard that the buyer is going to turn the restaurant into a nightclub." Cheng Xi sighed reluctantly. He had worked in that restaurant for more than ten years and had already had feelings for him.

Chu Heng's face lit up after hearing this, and he quickly asked: "Then what should you do?"

Hearing this, the old man put down his wine glass and looked sideways at this guy, with a half-smile but not a smile on his face. He could already tell what he was up to.

"Go home and coax your grandson. After working for so many years, you are almost sixty. It's time to take care of yourself." Cheng Xi said with a waning look on his face.

"Don't worry, at your age and body, you haven't washed your hands in a golden basin yet." Chu Heng suddenly became anxious: "Why don't you come to my place? Don't worry, with your skills, your salary It must be tall!”

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[This time travel is a bit early][]


Cheng Xi looked embarrassed, as if he was hesitant to speak. He had not seen what this hotel looked like. There were only a few guests, and the people in the kitchen were so idle that they almost got maggots. Maybe one day Just a yellow shop!

When he comes here, isn't it just a place for **** and piss?

What's the point?

"What the hell!" The old man was actually facing his apprentice. Seeing that he was hesitating and not very willing, he immediately opened his eyes as big as cow eggs and cursed: "This is a business started by my apprentice, let you Come and help me, you **** girl are still here to get Qiao? You are looking for a slap!"

Cheng Xi shrank his neck and hurriedly smiled at his old friend and said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, how dare I take Qiao in front of your master? I just can't let go of my apprentices."

Chu Heng could see what the old man was worried about. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "That's okay. I'm short of people right now. You can just hire an apprentice. The salary will be based on the maximum salary for each station, and you don't have to." I’m worried about my business here, not to mention it’s deserted now, but this is all temporary and it will be fine after a while.”

Seeing that both the master and the apprentice had talked about this, Cheng Xi couldn't refuse any more and immediately nodded: "Then Cheng, from now on I will eat under your hands."

"Haha, I respect you." Chu Heng picked up the wine glass with a smile on his face. With a Shandong cuisine chef like Cheng Xi joining the team, his hotel's restaurant could become a major feature.


"You old boy is wise!"

After finishing the glass of wine, Na Qingyuan wiped his mouth and stood up, saying to Chu Heng: "Okay, that's all for today. You go and get a room for us brothers. Let's live in the same room today and have a good chat. "


Chu Heng quickly stood up and went to the living room to use the hotel's internal phone to call the front desk. After a while, a waiter came to the door and took the old man and the two of them to other rooms.

After the two people left, Chu Heng drank a cup of tea to sober up. Seeing that it was still early, he greeted Daohui and Cen Hao who were chatting in the living room: "Let's go, Du Laozhi wants to play again?"

"It's done." Cen Hao hurried back to the house to get dressed.

"Is...isn't this bad? If your sister-in-law finds out, she won't tear me apart!" Nahui, who had never been to Fengyuechang, rubbed his hands nervously. He wanted to go but didn't dare, and his heart was itching like a cat's paw. .

"Hey, if you don't tell me, if I don't tell you, where will she go? Let's go, let's go, don't be disappointed." Chu Heng couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled him Oh, No, this is really not good, let’s not go. "That Daohui refused on his lips, but he was very honest on his legs, and his little steps were brisk.

"Wait for me for a while."

Cen Hao also put on his clothes and caught up. After a while, the three of them took the elevator downstairs and went straight to Du Laozhi in the hotel car.

Na Daohui was restless throughout the whole process, smoking and drinking from time to time, looking very nervous.

Not long after.

A group of people came to Du Laozhi.

As the Chu Heng brothers are regular visitors here, the employees have long understood their preferences, and they did not need to ask them. The location, food, drinks, and girls were all clearly arranged.

"Mr. Chu, what are you going to do today?"

"You have the final say!"

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[This time travel is a bit early][]

"Then it's the same as usual, playing dice. If we lose, we'll kiss you. You'll lose a hundred yuan!"

"No problem!"

"Brother Hao, can we play too?"

"Sure, you won't lose my money anyway."

Na Daohui sat stiffly on the booth, looking at the Chu Heng brothers who were drinking and having fun with the girls, and then looked at the two girls beside him. Having never experienced this scene, he really couldn't let go, so he drank a few After a glass of wine, we chatted with the girl.

"How old are you?"

"Why do you do this so young and gently?"

"What to do next?"

"Let's save some money and start a small business."

Cen Hao looked at his stupid look, and suddenly felt ashamed of looking in the mirror.

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