He is an inner ghost, catch him!
“How many ghosts have you come this time!?”
“Master Qi, there are two teams in total, 12 in each team, 24 guards in total, and the 18th son of the patriarch leads the team. This son is stronger than us, but don’t worry, we will join forces to kill He’s not the problem!”
“We really want to take refuge with the Great Elder!”
After learning that they had the opportunity to become a “ghost on ghost”, the [Xuanming Guards] were very active. They didn’t doubt the identities of Zhou Ze and Chu Yun at all. Because Zhou Ze took out his gains on the [Ghost Ship].
With so many advanced materials, you can’t get much out of a whole layer of hell, right?
And Zhou Ze also said.
“This was collected recently. The previous ones were taken away by the [Reception Envoy]. Since he encountered an accident, I am afraid that those things on him are also… ah~”
Zhou Ze pretended to sigh, but the spirits of the Specter became alive.
You can collect so much in a short period of time, and the [receiving messenger] only comes to pick it up once in tens of thousands of years, so how many treasures should he bring?
Those demigods who co-authored did not discover that the second-tier hell regarded them as “horses and horses”, it was likely that the [receiving messenger] had lost their wealth, and they killed the [receiving messenger] because of their wickedness. fortune!
The first-level hell can’t understand the information of the second-level hell, and it is impossible for them to know the treatment of ordinary low-level demigods in the second-level hell. “Is it too late to go back now! We also want to chase those demigods who escaped!”
“If you catch up with a few, maybe you will get a lot of treasures! Even if the elders don’t know how many treasures [the envoy] brought back, we can completely hand over some of them and keep some for ourselves!”
“I knew what kind of hell I came to! I thought that using our strength to come to the first level of hell would be a blessing and extort a lot of benefits, but now it seems that the real big head is still on the second level!”
“Yeah, looking at this guy’s appearance, the first floor of hell is afraid that they are almost looted by them! This ghost market is jointly established by several demigods on the first floor of hell. Being able to occupy the biggest and best position here also means that Their status is the top in this layer of hell!”
“After all, we have the support of the elders. Now I just hope that those Specter can run around for a while. When we finish the task, hurry back and go back. Maybe there are still fish that slip through the net!”
The [Xuanming Guards] rolled their eyes, each with their own thoughts.
【Xuanming Guard】
【Divinity: 10~20】
[Introduction: I learned about the family secret by chance and had the opportunity to join the master’s command, and I was very excited. also wantQuickly end the mission and return to the second level of hell] Looking at the introduction of [Xuanming Guard], Zhou Ze knew that it was stable now!
The partition between the first and second floors made his rhetoric unquestionable.
The first-level hell and the second-level hell are all sealed. Only when the [Ghost Ship] comes to pick up the “leek” for a fixed period of time will a batch of fresh blood be sent to the second-level hell. How could a ghost on the first-level know about the second-level hell The message, and take out the family token?
After Chu Yun showed her face, she “entrusted” everything to Zhou Ze, saying that it was inconvenient for her to show up as a demigod, so Zhou Ze, a nine-star ghost saint, was assigned a smaller goal.
[Xuanming Guard] understands this, indeed, most of the demigods in the first hell should step on the [ghost ship] and go to the second hell. “I know that they should hide when they come, how can I mix with them?
It was right for Chu Yun not to be with them, it would be bad if she was seen by the eighteenth son of the patriarch!
“My lord, I have contacted the other brothers, they will be here soon!”
The 24 [Xuanming Guards] quickly gathered in front of Zhou Ze. Most of them only had a dozen points of divinity, and only four ghosts like the team captain and vice-captain had twenty points of divinity.
【Second Captain of Xuanming Guard】
[Introduction: The Great Elder arranged for the spies of the Spectre Ghosts at the bottom. I heard that there are people of their own in the first floor of hell, so I came here to check. Get ready to use the cipher connector! ps: The password is: Brother, have you eaten? Eat, eat a big table (big table means big elder)! 】
[Xuanming Guard-Deputy Captain]
[Introduction: The spies arranged by the patriarch among the ghosts at the bottom are used to monitor the dynamics of ghosts at the grassroots level and prevent ghosts from doing things. I heard about you, I came here to check…]
Okay, why don’t you play Spy: Impossible?
Ordinary [Xuanming Guard] is nothing, just a low-level “bull and horse” who doesn’t know anything. Hearing that there is a chance to change his fate, he came excitedly.
On the contrary, the four team captains and vice-captains, two are the spies of the chief elder, and two are the spies of the patriarch.
But now they are in the first layer of hell, and they have no ability to cross the barrier of the two layers of hell to contact their respective masters. Zhou Ze can still pretend.
“Oops, welcome, brothers, it’s been a long journey, hard work, have you eaten yet?” Zhou Ze said the “secret code” without showing any trace.
The unaware [Xuanming Guard] thought it was a simple greeting, and was about to say a few words of courtesy when the spies arranged by the two elders spoke up…
“Eat, still a big table!”? ? ?
Captain, what are you talking about! when do we eat?
Will you be polite!
Can’t we even have a meal when we go out on a field trip?
Oh yes, I haven’t given the name to the Great Elder yet, so I can’t leave the Great Elder the image that they are a group of wine bags and rice bags.
Hmm~ Captain did the right thing!
The password is correct, and the two Specters are sure that Zhou Ze is really “my own person”, otherwise they would not know the password of the Great Elder.
Just as they were about to reveal their identities, Zhou Ze suddenly pointed at the other two Specter.
“Kill them! They are the inner ghosts of the patriarch!”
“What! How did we expose it!”
“Brothers, you have to think about whether you want to be with the patriarch or the first elder!”
The two Specters were “exposed” and launched an anti-counterfeiting plan at the first time. However, Zhou Ze said that he had never been afraid of anyone!
The top of deception, proud of the world, if I have Zhou, there will be heaven!
“The elder has already said that the captain and vice-captain of each team is his own ghost, and the other is arranged by the patriarch to monitor and control the bottom. Since the two brothers have matched the code, then these two must be The patriarch is in the same vein!
In addition, the remaining brothers, you all swore allegiance to the great elder, and said that you would kill the eighteenth child of the patriarch as a certificate of entry. Do you think the patriarch will be generous when he knows about it, or will he settle the account after the autumn and kill you all? ! You have to think clearly! ”
Zhou Ze explained his method of identifying “inner ghosts”, and by the way brought a bowl of “poisonous chicken soup for the soul” to the ghosts.
The Specters heard: “Generous? Let go of the past?”
These two words have nothing to do with the high-level ghosts of the second-level hell!
The thief ship has already boarded, and it is too late to go back on it. So far, I can only…
“Deputy captain, I’m sorry, for the sake of the brothers, I can only ask you to die!”
“What, you…”
22 against two, two of which are comparable in strength to them, the result of the battle is naturally beyond doubt.
The “inner ghost” arranged by the two patriarchs – pawns!
Of course, they also pulled two pads under their desperate efforts.
Zhou Ze put away their fallen divinity and shed crocodile tears.
“Brothers, why are you all gone! Don’t worry, we will avenge you!”

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