
Asteria Ubica.

Saying this name may feel strange to many people.

But this girl’s operator code name in Tomorrow’s Ark is Xingji.

Rhine’s life occult assistant consultant is currently one of Li Lin’s main negotiating objects. After such a long time, she finally arrived at Rhine Life and began to provide assistance related to occultism.

But to be honest, there is also a little coincidence here. If it weren’t for Li Lin’s own efforts to fight against all opinions and demand more efforts to integrate occultism and ask for more support from units, Xingji probably would not have appeared. Although her younger sister, a talented researcher, has always admired Xingji’s own divination technology, but the upper echelon wanted to have a more essential and discounted mystic ability at the beginning.

After Li Lin’s argument and reasonable discussion, Li Lin successfully created an experimental project team related to the meme project and a series of subordinate work units within Rhine Life. I run back and forth in various departments every day. And not only that, he is also responsible for the progress control of the water tank laboratory, after all, he is the investor who must watch. Li Lin didn’t have the time or space to look at the plan for the activation of the Origin Stone’s physical body, not to mention the current division of functions, which is not his business.

“Have you gone to talk to a certain girl?”

“I don’t think the director of the ecology department is a girl.”

“You misunderstood. I mean a child who looks like a flame and has been enduring pain.”

“Oh, Ifrit. As you said, that child is indeed very powerful. His spirit and will are also very tenacious, and his condition looks very good. Otherwise, I wouldn’t plan to say that directly.”

“Did you say that according to the predetermined plan?”

“I’ve already said it. Then it’s up to Hemo and Saria. You’ve already done the math, so it should be fine.”

Seeing Xingji’s slightly strange appearance, Li Lin said it naturally.

After all, the girl in front of her can pinch and count, and her calculations are extremely accurate, so there is no need to cover up or anything.

Strictly speaking, the relationship between them is an allied alliance. Li Lin needs Xingji’s divination and prediction and related mystic research to help him in his experiments. Sometimes I also serve as a spiritual counseling expert. The issue of comforting Ifrit was only confirmed after communicating with Xingji.

After all, Li Lin is not the director of the project department. Because Li Lin has a lot of things on hand, the source stones of the physical body, which are completely unrelated to the external relations department, were transferred to other departments for research. It is impossible for Li Lin to If you have nothing to do, go to other departments and play the emotional card with the experimental subjects in other departments. This thing is no moral or quality behavior.

What you imply is that our department doesn’t know how to do anything, and the entire experimental body needs you to pull affection? In addition, as the proposer of the plan, Li Lin has a large part of his favor in it. If he wanders there all day, the department head may not look right at him. Moreover, after Jian Lei’s incident, Li Lin is relatively indifferent to the various characters and stories in the original work, and there is no need to be particularly obsessed with becoming Ifrit’s family or something.

It’s better to say that living in the laboratory is pretty good as it is now, and there are a group of experimenters who care about her and love her, which is already a good result.

In the final analysis, the relationship between Li Lin and her is just a sign.

Neither raised her nor assumed any responsibilities, but just selected her file and signed it. It’s a little strange to say that there is any deep feeling. That’s why others didn’t ask him much at all.

Because he has nothing to do with it. Forcibly making do with the past can only make the progress of the experiment go wrong, and it will only make people angry at the report meeting. If anything goes wrong then it will be his fault.

So it’s best to ask for advice from various sources like now, and then cut through the mess and explain things clearly.

If the original colored filter is discarded, Ifrit is the sweetheart of other departments, and it is only for scolding if I put it together to be true. It is correct to let professionals guide professional things. This is his last effort.

To a certain extent, Li Lin even doubted whether Muirses did it on purpose.I still have some ideas about this plan, so I deliberately had to find myself as this villain and cut off contact. Anyway, she, Muirses, is tied to the biological source stone activation plan, and her external relations department is an outsider instead.

After such a long period of time, Li Lin has more or less understood the fact that Muirses is a problematic person. It is not surprising to say that she did it on purpose.

“By the way, do you think my statement is okay? Can it keep her alive?”

“The stars reflect your path forward, proving that your choice is absolutely correct.”

“Is that so? That would be great.”

Li Lin looked at Xingji’s smiling face and nodded.

Although Xingji didn’t count the news that his sister was infected with Originium Disease, he was also infected. But Xingji’s speculation so far is still very perfect.

The matters related to Ifrit came to an end, and it was impossible for him to put all his thoughts on the Balrog’s plan. In comparison, he has accumulated four or five similar plans on hand, and there are more important meme experiments. It would be better to say that it is already a preference for him to read psychology books and try to guide him for Ifrit.

“Then let’s go back to the topic we talked about earlier. It’s about the connection between memes and occultism.”

Putting the plans related to Ifrit and Rhine’s life behind him, Li Lin looked at the smiling mysterious girl in front of him and raised his own doubts.

“There is an inextricable connection between your mysticism and rough stone skills, but simple rough stone skills can’t explain your complicated rituals and theories. I’m trying to explain the star track in a concise way. It exists, but the effect is not very good. I know that occultism has all kinds of strange spells, but can you briefly explain what you saw?”

“This is a craft that takes decades and dedicated talent to understand. If you really want to deconstruct in an easy way, you will definitely be disappointed.”

Seeing Li Lin still listening, Xingji smiled slightly and said in a low voice:

“For me, it’s the stars that guide my gaze. I can see a bright future beckoning to my sister, and that’s why I’m connected to Rhine Life. It’s a life connection. Can you understand?”

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