Seven: Thunder

“I fucking knew that there must be pitfalls in such a comfortable job as a bodyguard!”

Looking at the figure gradually walking out of the spreading smoke and dust, the security forces of the building quickly began to gather at the entrance of the building, and they each gathered behind a purple-haired woman in black armor.

And the purple-haired woman signaled to the armored bodyguards around her through several tactical gestures without hesitation, and quickly scattered to various shooting points, nervously aiming at the huge crater billowing in smoke and dust in the center of the square and the slowly Prominent figure.

Compared to most of the bodyguards who were dawdling around, the bodyguard team led by this purple-haired woman reacted quickly, and even had the courage to aim at the area where the smoke was rising. And the bodyguard team that can respond like this is naturally not some unknown people.

Makayla Chunlei.

Columbia’s war hero, the famous “Patrick’s Spring Thunder”. To some extent, he is also a household star among soldiers.

“There are all of them. They spread out and form a sniper formation. He cannot be allowed to walk within five meters.”

“I’m just here to talk.”

“But the task I received is to prevent you from appearing within five meters of anyone around the boss. Including ourselves.”

Makayla, who is holding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, or the operator Jianlei with the code name in the Ark of Tomorrow game, is looking vigilantly behind the shield at Li Lin, who is wearing a white robe and looks helpless as if he is shopping.

Just as all Colombians know how Makayla’s double swords in the spring offensive tore through other people’s defenses, all people in the bodyguard circle are also very clear about how much Li Lin’s extreme raw stone skills will bring to the defense and assassination Trouble.

The ability to assassinate from the front is not a joke, but a real threat. As long as anyone appeared within five meters of his sight, he was no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Although five meters away is considered weak, it is also under the condition of a group attack on complex terrain. An enemy that at least needs to be faced with a small group as soon as you meet it is an extremely difficult monster from any angle.

You can’t treat him as a person, but as a moving war machine. He’s not even a moving Scourge. Because as long as the natural disaster is handled properly, there is nothing wrong with it, but if you want to kill this person, there is no possibility except to use your reaction speed. Vajvan’s super-standard body made poisoning very troublesome, and his raw stone skills and instinctive reactions basically eliminated the possibility of sneak attacks. To deal with him, one must have the awareness to contribute to a strategic combat team.

What’s more, if you hit him, there will be big problems. This is tantamount to making things worse for Jian Lei, who is already living in a difficult life.

In Colombia, money is more important than fame. The star of the soldier is just for fun, it really depends on the ability and so much on the money. This is the iron law of Columbia, and Jian Lei knows it very well.

Opposite him is the director of Rhine Life’s field service department, and he is a bodyguard. If he gets beaten up, he will probably be beaten for nothing. But as a bodyguard, it was impossible for her to give up her responsibilities, so she could only bite the bullet and stand in front of Li Lin.

“I actually don’t want to be your enemy, Miss Instructor.”

“I have never taught you, and I am not qualified to be called an instructor by you.”

Pulling down the shading mask, Jian Lei immediately said in the team channel:

“Everyone is loaded! I’ll go up to fight first, don’t worry about accidental injury, just shoot at him. This is our only chance of victory.”

If there is a trial-produced Origin Stone individual mecha, the effect may be much better. But it’s probably of no use.

Throwing the shield aside, he pulled out his two electric swords and released the thunder light. Jian Lei looked at the man in front of him who seemed to be moaning resolutely, and his information flashed through his mind.

Lilin Adot Mann.

The shadow of Londinium. The smiling executioner.

The former leader of the Guards Corps, exiled young student, of course, is most famous for his assassination and rough stone skills.

The original stone technology is controlled by position. Simple and crude unimaginable explosive skills. He once destroyed the enemy’s defense lines and combat personnel by himself in many battles.

Although the battlefield he experienced was not as intense and cruel as Jian Lei’s spring offensive, it would be ridiculous to say that his abilities must be weak. able to make thisSynonymous with the era, the top universities in Victoria rated it as an unstoppable horror of face-to-face assassination, and the deterrent power of melee combat that can make all the geniuses in Victoria dare not even breathe under the pressure, and dare not refute. Jian Lei was not interested in giving it a try.

But at the same time, his incompetence and confusion in mid- and long-distance combat are obvious to all. His ability depends entirely on his reflexes and judgment. He is naturally invincible in one-on-one battles, but in multiplayer battles, his performance will not be stronger than other rough stone craftsmen. Even compared to those inheritors and spellcasters with years of experience in spells, Li Lin’s single thread and relatively monotonous observation skills are even easier to deal with.

In other words, as long as a high-speed target is sent out for dogfighting and coordinated shooting from the rear at the same time, there is a high probability that it will be blocked or even repelled. This is really a good record for a person of this level.

Although he was just a bodyguard, he didn’t want the soldiers he trained to become targets of death for no reason.

“It seems that my information has been known by everyone.”

Looking at the black-armored protectors in sniper formation, Li Lin sighed and waved his hand.

“But who told you that I came alone? Everyone in the Field Service Section is on guard and shooting. Tell them what to do.”

‘boom! ‘

There was almost a continuous sound, and a cloud of flying dust rose from the feet of all the guards in shooting postures.

Jian Lei’s expression suddenly turned pale. Seeing the smiling Li Lin in front of him, he bit his lip and clenched the lightning sword in his hand, not knowing what to do.

If you stick to the honor of the so-called protector and rush over directly, I am afraid that everyone here will die in less than ten seconds. But she also has to stand here.

But it’s also limited to standing here.

“Thank you for your reason. This has saved us a lot of unnecessary risks. If you have any questions about this operation, please call the Columbia Police Department. Our agency very much welcomes retired professionals from all walks of life to come to re-employment.”

I wish you a pleasant day.

Seeing Jian Lei biting his lip and keeping silent, Li Lin saluted her with a smile, and then walked to the gate.

It was as if an invisible monster had punched the gate forcefully. Accompanied by a grotesque attack, the entire gate exploded into countless pieces.

Under the horrified gazes of countless people inside, Li Lin gave them a friendly smile, then tidied up the Rhine Life work clothes on his body, and walked upstairs step by step.

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