Colombian Entertainment Industry

Of course, what Li Lin was looking for was not actually an acquaintance in the Ark of Tomorrow game.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to look for it, but that he doesn’t have it at all. You can’t find something that doesn’t exist can you?

The emperor is living well in Colombia now, and there is no Penguin Logistics in Longmen at all. The idol that Kong is working in Longmen is not in Columbia. He wants to find him, but there is no such person at all.

At first, Li Lin thought that he might have found the wrong person or something, and he had messed up Siren Records, but it turned out that the time axis was indeed wrong. It was a little unlucky to find the most famous idol group and a few virtual idols and go back directly, confused by Siren Records.

As we all know, Siren Records, being one of the top ten distributors in all of Terra, has something in it, but you don’t even need a big celebrity, how many small idols do you need for such a big battle? Who do you look down on? Then Li Lin threw the emperor on the scene without saying a word. It can only be said that spending other people’s money really doesn’t feel bad, and there is also a vague kind of inexplicable happiness.

According to what the senior said, Londinium really spent all their money and money here, naming and naming Li Lin to keep him in Columbia, and it would be best never to come out, so why not do it? ?

According to the appearance of insects in the intelligence systems of both sides, Li Lin has no doubt that he knows the news faster than Tracys. Even a Colombian tabloid reporter might know it sooner than Tracis. I don’t know when he will realize that all his money has been thrown into the water.

“It is necessary to complete the hosting and warming up of the annual meeting within 12 hours, and find a good host, and contact idol groups and virtual idols… You can really make requests, brother.”

“If it’s a simple request, will I find you? The words have already been released, so I must find a real expert.”

“Ha, that’s true. We are the most professional in Colombia.”

“Awesome, as expected of you.”

Although I don’t know what the arrangement of the annual meeting has to do with the record company.

Looking at the haughty penguin on the projection screen, Li Lin praised this legendary man very much.

Of course, he is also worthy of praise.

Columbia’s big singer, big producer, everyone knows everyone who knows the super bad mouth expert, and even the legendary immortal “emperor”.

Li Lin, who knows some plots, naturally knows how many plot lines are connected behind this guy who seems to be an ordinary producer. Although there is still a long time before the main plot, this does not prevent Li Lin from going up to build relationships.

And in the end, it’s not him who mainly draws connections in his outreach department, but his weird senior. The senior was always able to contact all kinds of strange dignitaries or figures in a simple and rude way, and then connected them in series and threw them to Li Lin’s side to start the series. The whole of Rhine’s life is rich and powerful, and he is out of breath when he walks.

This time, Li Lin, as a department head, directly booked a bar in the core area to find popular singers to sing, and even not many people felt that something was wrong, and he could tell the extent of the recent expansion of Rhine Life. Of course, Li Lin himself also made a small contribution. When negotiating with the emperor, a group of gangsters whose intelligence information might not be very accurate came to ambush them.

The emperor died instantly from dozens of bullets, and Li Lin solved the battle in thirty-two seconds with his raw stone skills alone. Then both the emperor and he became famous.

The emperor is famous because this guy didn’t die at all, and even came out alive and kicking the next day like a normal person. The reason why Li Lin is famous is even simpler. Not everyone can solve a group of gangsters in thirty-two seconds. What’s more, this is a person from Rhine Life.

“Speaking of which, those gangsters don’t seem to plan to trouble me? I’m ready to be attacked.””No one is going to fight against a monster who can’t lose a duel, brother. Your ability is known all over the world. If you don’t have an army, no one will make a move against you.”

“Can I say that I’m used to it? I feel like everyone knows what my information is.”

“This is the celebrity effect. Your every move will be observed under a magnifying glass.”

On the projection screen, it looked rather embarrassing. Sitting on the resplendent sofa, the emperor looked at Li Lin wearing sunglasses, with a hint of curiosity in his tone.

“However, brother, I’m really curious about one thing. You don’t have to tell me if you think it’s inappropriate, but I’ve always kept this thing in my heart, and now I can’t help but ask it out when I see you.”


“I heard that you can even kill gods in one-on-one duels. Is this true?”

“If within a distance of five meters, God’s eyeballs, brain tissue, and central nervous system can withstand my acceleration impact, then I can’t kill him.”

“Cool, brother. I just like your self-confidence. Although you were beaten by gangsters twenty meters away, you ran around and hid, but I still think you are right when I see you showing great power when you get close. ”

The amber liquid swirled in the glass, and was then gulped down by the penguin wearing sunglasses.

“But it’s almost Chinese New Year, and you know your current situation. Many people are staring at you.”

“Why are they staring at me? I won’t steal their stuff, I just want to work hard at Rhine Life.”

“You’ve got problems because you’ve acted like you’ve got nothing wrong, bro. People aren’t afraid of idealists because they know idealists’ ideals are unrealistic. But when an idealist starts to be practical When you act on reality, people will feel fear.”

“Columbia is tolerant of your theories and your happy partners, but this kind of tolerance has an upper limit. I am not threatening or warning, but just stating the facts.”

“Am I so great? I want to make people laugh.”

“Many things are not convenient to talk about here, brother.”

The emperor who was sitting on the bronzing sofa jumped off his chair and tilted his head towards the camera.

“Let’s go talk in the bar you booked. That friend of yours made some big news recently, which made everyone very unhappy.”

“How big is it? How big can it be?”

“It’s so big that I don’t even have the idea to say some witty words. I can only talk to you in the bar. That friend of yours did such a big thing.”

“…That’s really quite big.”

Looking at the emperor who seemed to have a serious face, Li Lin’s expression gradually became serious.

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