Iron Dynasty

Chapter 636: Enthroned

"Get off!"

With Qian Dafu's slender shout, Luang set out from the palace to the palace.

The streets of Qingzhou City were already full of people. Seeing Xiao Ming's Luan driving out, they bowed their heads to show their respect.

Although the country of Da Yu has been repeatedly humiliated by foreign enemies, from officials to the people, they never bow down to the king.

Sitting in Luanjia, Xiao Ming and Fei Yue'er looked outside through the gap in the curtains. Seeing so many people coming to wish him ascended to the throne, his heart couldn't help but feel warm.

Over the years, he has won the love and support of the people for his improvement of the people's livelihood. From the modern age, he deeply understands a truth, as long as he can get the support of the people, he can be stable.

As long as he holds the will of the people, no matter whether it is a wealthy family or capital, it is not terrible.

Fei Yue'er held Xiao Ming's hand tightly. She was also a little nervous at this time. Now she looked a little graceful and luxurious when she put on a queen costume.

Perhaps because of the rich diet of the palace, Fei Yue'er was a bit fatter than before, with some baby fat on her face, which in turn made her look even more prosperous.

Along the wide street, Luanjia arrived at the government office in a quarter of an hour.

At this time, Pang Yukun and Fiji came up from behind, and the officials waiting in front of the government office were all standing behind them.

As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Pang Yukun personally lifted the bead curtain of Luanjia and said loudly: "His Royal Highness, please enter the hall!"

As soon as his voice fell, the officials inside and outside the government all bowed to greet him.

Xiao Ming and Fei Yue'er got off the road together, and they walked side by side along the Bluestone Avenue at the main entrance of the government office towards the Palace of Government.

According to Fiji, the two of them were sitting on the dragon chair in the main hall when the bell of Qingzhou city rang nine times.

Xiao Ming has never heard of such rules, and Fiji’s interpretation corresponds to the Ninth Five-Year Lord.

Stepping into the Yeezheng Hall, Xiao Ming suddenly smelled a strong scent of smoke. In the Yeezheng Hall, two rows of vermilion lacquered pillars lined up on both sides, with a dragon chair in the middle.

At the same time, there is a memorial tablet on the right side of the Yeejeongjeon Hall. The gold letters on the memorial tablet are shining, and it says-"The throne of the emperor of Hongde and benevolence to Xiaochunshan".

The emperor on this tablet was Xiao Wenxuan. According to Fiji's orders, Xiao Ming stepped forward and bowed to the tablet three times.

At this time, Qian Dafu brought him a glass of wine, he raised the glass with both hands, and then sprinkled it in front of the tablet.

Xiao Wenxuan died tragically in Chang'an, Xiao Ming naturally could not go to Chang'an to worship, so Fiji set up a memorial tablet in the palace, which is also the etiquette before the new king ascended the throne.

After paying the salute, Xiao Ming was regarded as seeing off Xiao Wenxuan, and then Princess Taiping, Song Guogong and other imperial family members cried in grief at the same time, crying like heaven and robbing the ground. This was a farewell gift.

When the required farewell etiquette was over, Pang Yukun led hundreds of officials suddenly shouted, "Long live my emperor, long live, long live! Long live the empress, thousands of years!"

Xiao Ming and Fei Yue'er walked forward amid the congratulations of the ministers. Xiao Ming sat down on the dragon chair while Fei Yue'er sat down beside him.

Looking at the officials in the Hall of Discussion, Xiao Ming and Fei Yue'er sat on it and accepted their worship.

When the voice of "Long live" sounded in the Hall of Evidence, the people outside the office responded and shouted "Long live" at the same time. The whole Qingzhou city was in a frenzy.

From then on, their Qi king will be the only emperor of Dayu.

Xiao Ming had a smile on his face. He had only watched this kind of formal ceremony on TV. He never thought that one day he would sit in this position and accept the minister's worship.

Fei Yue'er also had a look of excitement, she tried to straighten her body to make herself more like a queen.

After accepting the adoration of the ministers, Qian Dafu took out Xiao Wenxuan's will, and read out: "The first emperor's will said: Since I entered the Datong, I have been in the Fengzong Temple for more than fifteen years. Although I am conscientious and work hard, I walked on thin ice, but I was finally raped. Fracture, and even the world cannibalize, the fall of the country is my fault, and it is really a shame to the ancestors."

"My seven sons, Xiao Ming, benevolent, filial and filial, and wise and succeeded, should follow the ancestral precepts, that is, the emperor's throne. Those who do not respect the imperial chaos are rebellious, and the whole country should discuss it!"

After reciting the will, all the ministers said in unison: "The ministers wait for the orders!"

Xiao Ming nodded. At this moment, he said: "When I first ascend to the Great Treasure, I will do my best to cultivate morality internally, fight against foreign enemies, work for the well-being of the people of the world, and build a foundation for the future generations."

When the words fell, Qian Dafu picked up the prepared imperial decree and said: "Zhiqi Princess Fei, Xiang Zhong Huaxuan, Xiuyu Mingmen, Wenhui Bingxin, gentle and graceful expression, the six elements are well prepared, long Zhao Shude, in the palace The four religions propagate, allow the maternal ceremonies to be in the world, and have been mercifully ordered by the empress dowager to set up as the queen with the book of treasures, honor this!"

The first stage of the enthronement ceremony has come to an end. At this time Pang Yukun shouted: "Roll the curtain, leave the class!"

In another "Hurray!" congratulations, Baiguan withdrew from the Palace of Discussion ~ ~ Xiao Ming and Fei Yue'er got up and walked out at this time. There are also worshipping the ancestral temple and rituals below.

The enthronement ceremony lasted from morning to night, fulfilling all the tedious etiquette, Xiao Ming and Fei Yueer only took Luangjia back to the palace at dusk.

At this time, however, the plaque of the Qi Palace had been removed, and a gilded plaque of "Royal Court" was replaced on it.

According to a group of officials, now that Xiao Ming has ascended the throne, the title of King Qi has become a thing of the past.

But the palace hasn't been built yet, so he can only live here, so this place should be changed to a royal hall, so that he can live here as a matter of course, because this hall is the emperor's temporary residence.

"Slaves see the emperor! Empress empress!"

When the two returned, a group of court ladies and eunuchs were divided into two groups, bowed and shouted.

"Free gift." Xiao Ming and Fei Yue'er laughed.

These palace ladies and eunuchs all escaped during the chaos in Chang'an, and Zhen Fei chose the clean ones to stay and serve them.

In the past, the slavery in the palace was placed in the dining room, but the current dining room was moved to the courtyard next to the palace, because the emperor’s bedroom could not live in men other than the emperor.

After accepting the worship of a group of court ladies and eunuchs, Fei Yue said with a serious face: "From now on you will all serve the emperor. This palace hopes that you will remember that in this palace you have to do more facts and less Chew your tongue, if anyone dares to eat inside and out, don't blame this palace's methods at that time."

"Yes, Empress Empress." The court ladies and eunuchs said in unison.

At this time, Fei Yueer's expression relaxed, and she said to Xiaohuan who was serving by her side; "Today the emperor is rejoicing and rewards them with ten taels of silver each."

Xiaohuan has already prepared the broken silver, because this is also one of the procedures of the enthronement ceremony, the purpose is to treat the servants with grace and power.

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