Iron Dynasty

Chapter 1162: Canal runs through

Zou Xingwen is watching nervously the part where the Suez Canal connects with the Red Sea.

Now the construction workers are placing explosives at the bottom of the canal. Once the explosives explode, the remaining soil between the canal and the Mediterranean will be blown up. From then on, the Suez Canal will be officially penetrated. This means that the imperial warships will no longer have to go around Europe and can directly The Red Sea enters the Mediterranean through the canal, reducing the voyage by 10,000 kilometers.

Moreover, there are many European countries along the Mediterranean Sea, Portugal, Spain, France, Austria, Greece, and the Ottoman Empire.

Once the empire controls this canal, it is equivalent to controlling the Mediterranean. European countries must look at the face of the empire if they want to pass through this canal.

"Zou Shilang, the explosives are all set up, and now they can be blasted at any time." While Zou Xingwen was thinking, a general in military uniform approached him.

This time the blasting army provided a lot of explosives, and the low-level construction personnel also came from the army.

"Thank you Master Lu for your help this time. After the canal is opened, I will definitely ask the emperor for you on behalf of the Ministry of Industry." Zou Xingwen said with a smile. "Zou Shilang is polite. You and I are all for the empire. Why do you want to say thank you? If you want to say thank you, we should thank you. Now that the canal runs through, the empire's army can save a lot of distance." Lu Jun said.

After Persia allocated the Suez Canal and the surrounding land for a hundred miles to the Empire, he was ordered to lead 10,000 soldiers stationed in Suez to protect the smooth progress of the canal.

After all, although Ottoman paid the land to Persia, many people still miss the Ottoman Empire in this land.

During the implementation of the project, many bandits tried to sabotage the implementation of the project, but they were all thwarted by his soldiers.

Although the canal will be completed soon, he understands that the tasks they face will be more severe in the future.

Now that the order from the empire has come down, the empire will set up military bases along the Suez Canal to protect its interests overseas.

"Master Lu is really righteous." Zou Xingwen said with a smile. He has very good senses for Lu Jun and is a conscientious soldier.

Bringing high hats to each other, Zou Xingwen said: "Since the explosives have been placed, please order from Master Lu!"

Lu Jun clicked, and he immediately evacuated the excavators and construction workers in the canal. Once the blasting was carried out, the Mediterranean sea water would directly pour into the canal, where it would meet the Red Sea water in the middle of the canal.

When all the personnel were evacuated, Lu Jun gave orders to the soldiers at this time. With a shocking sound, the soil was lifted into the air by explosives, and the last barrier blocking the Mediterranean sea collapsed. At this moment, the Mediterranean sea fiercely poured in. The Milky Way.

Zou Xingwen’s eyes were wet. He was dispatched by the Ministry of Industry when the canal was constructed. After more than a year of arduous construction, they spanned 175 kilometers and used thousands of excavators, nearly 80,000. Workers from the empire and the locals finally dug through this artificial canal.

Now he finally doesn't have to worry about progress anymore, no longer worry about being attacked by the local tribes, but a deep feeling of reluctance is rising in his heart at this time.

Lu Jun is equally excited and has continuously won military victories in empires all over the world, but here, the victory of the imperial project is equally great.

For him, the passage of this canal is no less than winning a war, and even more important, because the time from the empire to Europe will be shortened by almost half...

One month later, the news of the Suez Canal arrived in Qingzhou, and the news was published in the newspaper, which immediately caused a shock across the empire.

Businessmen with a keen sense of smell naturally understood the significance of this canal. Soon, there was a call from the empire to dump industrial products into Europe.

With the steamship and the Suez Canal connection, the time for the Imperial fleet to reach Europe will only take forty days.

For the businessmen of the Empire, such a short voyage meant huge business opportunities.

"The emperor, the merchants are very excited, and it is urgent to open the European market. After all, for the empire, Europe is currently the world's largest market."

After the Suez Canal was completed, it was not Pang Yukun or Cui Shangan who came to him first, but Li Kaiyuan.

The businessman has squeezed his office, and everyone is asking about trade with Europe.

"What anxious? It's not the time yet. Europe is fighting fiercely, and it's not the time to intervene." Xiao Ming said lightly.

He naturally knows that Europe is the largest market today. After all, European countries have colonized the world for more than two hundred years and plundered a lot of wealth from the world.

These wealth have greatly improved the living standards of Europeans, which are not comparable to countries such as Japan and Korea.

Because of this, no matter how tragic wars Europe and the West have experienced in contemporary history, they can recover quickly.

Because no matter how they fight, the wealth they grabbed is still in Europe.

Therefore, now he must try his best to transfer gold, silver and all kinds of expensive wealth from Europe to the empire.

The agreement he made the British sign was to seek wealth from Europe.

"Wait?" Li Kaiyuan was a little disappointed, "How long to wait?"

Xiao Ming pondered for a moment, and spent three months inspecting important military industrial bases across the country, and he had a detailed understanding of the construction progress of each base.

He said: "In three years, as long as three years, I will be able to build a European Expeditionary Force, which can fight like Europe once conquered South America. Europeans can't find Kaiyuan Nodded, "With the words of the emperor, the empire feels relieved, just waiting for this day to come. "

Xiao Ming smiled and said: "Even if you are not in a hurry, I am also anxious. The high welfare benefits of the empire are waiting to rob Europe? Otherwise, where can I get the money to provide education and medical care for all."

Li Kaiyuan was even more excited when he heard it. He said sincerely: "It is a blessing for the empire to have an emperor to be an official, and it is also a blessing for the people. The emperor's name will be in the annals of history forever."

Xiao Ming shook his head lightly. He didn't care what name was left in the annals. As the owner of the technology spar, letting the empire reach eternity with the help of technology was his ultimate goal.

"Okay, after so many years, you still can't change your flattering skills. Go back and dismiss the merchants and tell them that the empire has something to eat, and naturally they have something to eat. The empire doesn't give it to them. They just want to die!" Speaking of the last sentence, Xiao Ming's tone became severe.

His meaning is very clear. If anyone dares to smuggle, sell materials, or resell technology to Europe during this time, don't blame him for being rude.


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