Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 672: You can't think of it, I have more here

A loud voice came out!

   The gate of the void appeared on the sea, opening the channel of transmission!


  In the vast sea, many warships appeared from the gate of the void, and among these many warships, there were several very huge ones, which were surrounded by many warships like a mobile starry sky fortress.

   "Shenwu Army!"

   The eyes of these people looked immediately.

  This kind of battleship is the symbol of Shenwu!

  The battleship is here, and Shenwu is here too!

   "What new battleship is that?"

   Their gaze fell on the star field battleship again, this kind of battleship that is hundreds of times larger than the star sky battleship, they had never seen Shenwu used it before.

   has appeared now, is this announcing that they have become an empire?

   "Shenwu's reinforcements are here!"

   The Canghai Sect became excited, like seeing a touch of light in the darkness, and seeing the hope of life in despair.

   They were attacked by the Burning Heaven Empire. They didn't expect that the only one to rescue was actually the Shenwu in the Eastern Region.

   "Shenwu Emperor Dynasty!"

   The fiery eyes of Emperor Lihuo Fentian suddenly looked over, and he shouted: "Emperor Shenwu, come out!"

   "I have heard of the name of Emperor Burning Heaven, the most violent emperor in ancient times."

   Chu Yuan has come, and the king is on the sea.

   He looked at Emperor Burning Sky with a stern look. This emperor was really warlike, and he was about to destroy the Canghai Sect and declare his hegemony.

   "I have seen Emperor Shenwu!"

   Sect Master Canghai came to salute immediately.

   "Other words, wait until I fight back the Great Emperor Burning Sky." Chu Yuan raised his hand.

   "Haha, I've heard of Emperor Wu's name, Bendi. It's rumored that you are the protagonist of this era and you have many weird things in your hands, but in the face of absolute strength, everything is futile!"

   The Great Emperor Burning Fire believes in power, and laughs.

   "I think so too."

   Chu Yuan recognized this sentence.

   The most important thing is always strength.

   "Today I rescued the Canghai Sect, do you have any opinions?"

   Chu Yuandao.

"Yes, I have a big opinion. I have to say that your tone is extremely arrogant, but your rise is indeed magical. The emperor originally wanted to fight with you. Since you have come in person, it is better to let the emperor Look at your strength, whether you have this strength!"

   The monstrous flame roared out, and the Great Fire Burning Heaven was surging!




   The people of the Burning Heaven Empire roared loudly.




   Shenwu Empire is also not to be outdone!

   Two great emperor-level existences stand on the sea. Although they have not yet met each other, the collision of momentum has already caused the eternal world to earthshaking, and the entire sea has swept out an endless tsunami storm.

   "The Great Emperor Shenwu and the Great Burning Heaven are going to fight!"

"The Great Fire Burning Heaven is a peerless powerful man who has become famous in the ancient times, but the rise of Emperor Shenwu is more legendary than the Great Burning Fire Great Emperor, and he can be called the strongest man of this era. !"

   "I don't know, can Emperor Shenwu resist the attack of Emperor Burning Heaven?"

   "I don't know, but this time if Emperor Shenwu repels Emperor Burning Heaven, his reputation will be truly forged, and Emperor Shenwu will be recognized by the entire eternal world as being no weaker than the five ancient emperors!"


   The Fiery Burning Heaven Empire’s attack on the Canghai Sect was too dynamic. Many people knew that they did not dare to appear to directly rescue the Canghai Sect, but watched the movement here.

   "Let the most combatable Emperor Burning Heaven among us test the strength of Emperor Shenwu, we are too strange to him."

   The other four emperors are also watching the movement here.

   "The emperor wants to see if you really have strength or bluff, a paper tiger!"

   boom! The sky-reaching pillar of fire burst out!

   The Great Emperor Lihuo Fentian used his true strength now. The flames were all over the sky. He was the master of the flames. Stepping on, the palm of the burning flames slapped Chu Yuan.

   "A stronger power than before, Emperor Burning Heaven is using all his strength!"

   Sect Master Canghai paled.

   was extremely worried, if Emperor Shenwu couldn't resist, he would definitely die.

   Chu Yuan looked calm when he saw Emperor Burning Heaven kill.

   He also slapped a palm, and two palms immediately impacted. When fighting against each other, the infinite light dazzled out, and he didn't even move, and no one took advantage.

   "This is the Great Light Art!"

   Everyone was even more shocked when they saw Chu Yuan's great light technique.

   "Have you seen that Emperor Shenwu just resisted the blow of Emperor Burning Heaven."

   "No, it shouldn't be used to resist, but should be used to fight the hand of Emperor Shenwu directly, without falling into the wind."

   "Oh my god, how did Emperor Shenwu cultivate? Is he the incarnation of fate?"


   Everyone was shocked.

  The Great Emperor Burning Fire is a legendary existence in the eternal world. Not to mention being able to fight against him, it is extremely difficult to see him.

   "Not bad!"

The Great Emperor Burning Heaven did not panic. He stepped on all four poles, his body was like a mad dragon, and he attacked again. This man is a true fighting mad emperor, his tactics are crazy, every palm he slaps, his palms are violent and bring destruction to the world. Fluctuations.

   The boundless flame fell, like a sea of ​​flames falling down.

   Everyone's expressions are changing drastically. The Five Ancient Emperors are undoubtedly the fiercest and most frenzied offensive emperor.

   At this time, a small portal appeared in Chu Yuan's palm, and flames rushed out.

   "Want to fight fire with fire? The emperor thought you had some ability, haha, don't you know that the emperor is most afraid of fire?"

   The Great Emperor Burning Fire laughed wildly.

  If Chu Yuan used any other means to fight him, he would still be afraid of three points, but he was really not afraid of this flame.

   Two flames clashed The impact exploded, and the scorching meteor fire burst out.

  According to common sense, the Great Fire Burning Heaven should have swept away in the face of the flames, but the facts exceeded everyone's expectations. The Emperor Shenwu didn't know what kind of flame it was, and he didn't let the wind fall.


The Great Emperor Lihuo Fentian stared at the portal in Chu Yuan's palm, "A portal that can summon the power of the flame's origin. If it is obtained by me, my power will be able to overwhelm the other four emperors, and the battle of the eternal world is my decision! "

   His heart moved.

   He saw that Chu Yuan's portal was an extremely rare god.

   "Unexpectedly, you have enough fetishes!"

   With a violent shout, the monstrous might swept across, the Great Fire Burning Heaven's combat power was fully deployed, and a flame of God's palm fell from the sky.

   "You can't think of it, I have more here!"

   Chu Yuan slapped the palm of his hand, layer upon layer, endless flames spread out, layer by layer, containing countless different powers of flames, and the last door was like a real flame.


   Chu Yuan teleported in one step, and the flame gate instantly pierced the flame palm.

   He attacked heavily with the door of flames, and the supreme majesty swept from him. He also controlled the existence of an empire. The majesty and majesty of the emperor slammed the chest of Emperor Burning Heaven with one blow.

   This door fell on the chest of Emperor Lihuo Burning Heaven, and it zoomed in instantly!

  :. :

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