In the depths of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, there are continuous mountains.

   The deeper you go, the stronger the monster you encounter.

   After a distance of tens of thousands of miles, a mountain full of spiritual energy suddenly appeared. Chu Yuan saw it. There were red trees everywhere, all of which were phoenix perches.

   A mountain, like an ancient phoenix spreading its wings, gathers the spirit of heaven and earth, a family of luck.

   "This is the land of my Gufeng tribe, the Gufeng Mountain Range."

   After more than 20 years, Zhu Fengfeng returned to the family land again, his eyes full of memories.

   When she was a child, her veins had been weakened and withered, and her clansmen had almost disappeared.

   If she hadn't been rescued by the first emperor, this line would have disappeared.

  The battle between monsters and beasts is more cruel than the battle between human races. Failure is an extermination.

Taking away this emotion, Zhu Fengfeng once again returned to that cold look, saying: "Although the land of inheritance is within the clan land, it can only be opened by special methods. This is the ring representing the clan leader. With my blood, Only by urging the ring can the place of inheritance be opened."

   There is a ring on her hand, which is carved with Gu Feng's pattern.

   "Now I am the patriarch of the Gufeng clan and the last clan member of my line!"

   A drop of blood dripped into the ring, shining brightly, revealing a fiery red flame!

   This drop of blood is not ordinary blood, but Feng's blood!

   When this drop of blood entered the ring, a burst of fire suddenly burned out, like an ancient phoenix spreading its wings and soaring for nine days. Immediately in front of it, there was a void of space, like a twisted door.

   "Your Majesty, the place of inheritance of my Gufeng clan is inside!"

   Zhu Fengfeng's face was a little pale.

   "The power of space?" Chu Yuan was a little surprised. It seemed that the ancient phoenix who left the place of inheritance had a high realm: "In this case, I will follow you in the place of inheritance."

   "Your Majesty follow me closely."

   Zhu Fengfeng nodded.

   The two entered the land of inheritance at the same time.

  The land of inheritance is desolate and dead. It turned out to be an independent space. The top of the head is gray and the ground is dry and cracked under the feet.

  In this so-called ancestral heritage, what Chu Yuan saw were not treasures, but pieces of tombstones. There were probably thousands of tombstones. They were all the dead from the line of Zhu Fengfeng for tens of thousands of years.

   "It seems that this is not only a place of inheritance, but also a place of burial." Chu Yuan said.

   "Your Majesty said it is true. After the death of my people, they will be buried here, and the ancestors are also buried here."

   Zhu Fengfeng looked at these tombstones.

   "Ding! The host completes choice one, gains 300 fate points, and the beast control ring x1."

   Beast Control Ring: A special artifact, specially crafted by the master beast control, to control a beast.

   collects the soul of the monster beast, can control the life and death of the monster beast, is absolutely loyal to the owner, and can receive them in the beast control ring.

   The current beast control ring is bound to collect ten monsters of the same realm from the host, and one hundred lower realm.

   [Remarks, the monsters that have been collected can clear the soul source. 】

   "Can be used to collect monsters."

   Chu Yuan was slightly startled.

   Although his current realm is Peeping God Realm, there are people who add one to the Emperor Sword Realm, and there is no difference between the level and the Illuminating God Realm, which means that he can collect ten shining Gods and 100 Peeping God beasts.

   The reason for this condition is probably because you can't suppress the soul of a monster with a high realm.

   "Very useful artifact." Chu Yuan secretly nodded.

   "That is the ancestor of my line."

   At this time, Zhu Fengfeng pointed forward.

It turned out to be a huge ancient phoenix. Although it has been sitting for tens of thousands of years, it is still filled with a fiery red flame. It is lifelike and has no corrosion. If it is not without the breath of life, it will be the same as before. .

   "What a powerful breath!"

  Chu Yuan cultivated the great flame technique and was extremely sensitive to the breath of flames. He was shocked and said: "It is definitely not the power of the gods, at least it has reached the position of God!"

   The strongest person in the dangling realm is the strongest existence in the dangling realm. There are only a handful of existences in the dangling realm. That kind of existence has touched the law of space and condensed the god's position.

   Do one more step, it will power the spirit, the power can power the spirit!

"The ancestors were the tenfold existence of the gods, but unfortunately they still have not broken through to the gods. Although the ancient phoenix clan has a long life, when they leave the clan, the ancestors have passed long live, sitting here, in fact, it is said to be inherited. The land is better to be a burial place. Apart from me, other people of the tribe will only step into this place just before they die."

   Zhu Fengfeng said.

   "In other words, there is no other ancient phoenix inherited." Chu Yuan said.

   "That's it." Zhu Fengfeng saw a tombstone and said sadly: "That is the mother's tomb, but her mother was not buried here. He was completely Nirvana back then."

   Complete Nirvana, for the Gufeng clan, it means complete death, and no bones will be left.

   "The law of inheritance is sealed in the ring."

   Zhu Fengfeng is also not sure how to obtain the inheritance.

   She silently recited the spells of the Gufeng clan and poured her own blood into it.

   Suddenly, a strange blood red appeared, and a sky curtain shot out from the ring, and a loud phoenix sound resounded.

   A flaming ancient phoenix flew out of the ring!

   is only the size of a I'm all illusory!

   "This is the ancestral spirit, sealed in the ring!"

   Zhu Fengfeng was shocked.

   "Gufeng inheritance!"

   There was a cold woman's voice from the ancient phoenix spirit.

   The entire heritage site has undergone drastic changes. All the tombstones were buzzing and trembling at this time, and then they were all shattered. On the dry ground, blood-red Juanhong continued to flow towards the ancestor Gu Feng.

   "The ancestors are disappearing!"

   I only saw the huge **** Gu Feng suddenly igniting a raging fire at this moment, completely nirvana.

   Following the nirvana of this ancient phoenix, a blood-red pool appeared on the ground, filled with blood.

   Phoenix Blood Pond!

   "What an extreme legacy of ancient phoenix!"

Chu Yuan was surprised and said: "It turns out that this so-called inheritance is a collection of the essence and blood of many ancient Feng people, and then the ancient Feng ancestor also sacrificed himself to form a blood pool. This inheritance is a sacrifice to himself! "

   At the beginning, he thought that the so-called inheritance refers to the techniques or treasures of the ancient Feng family left in the ancestral land.

   I didn't expect to be so extreme, to sacrifice all the Gufeng clan.

   And this time the inheritance is over, the place of inheritance will no longer exist.

   "It is the patriarch of my line who holds the ancient phoenix ring. With the blood of the tribe, Nirvana again!"

   The voice of Gu Feng came out again.

   The huge ancient phoenix bones are becoming more and more illusory, and the blood in the blood pool is burning with raging flames, as if calling Zhu Fengfeng.

   "Go, I will protect you." Chu Yuan said.


   Zhu Fengfeng nodded.

   "The place where the ancient phoenix clan inherited has appeared!"

   But at this moment, a voice resounded throughout the Gufeng Mountain Range!

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