Sure enough, this cunning little guy slipped faster than anyone when it was time to grease the soles of his feet.

"Quickly withdraw! For ease of movement, discard the communication cable."

When the machines were connected to the communication cables, Masha was very careful not to leave fingerprints on the girls, and also arranged Shelley's duties in advance-responsible for burning the traces.

Shelley unloaded the electromagnetic gun backpack, entered the light loading mode, and began to set fire.

While operating the flames to burn down the abandoned equipment on the ground and the lawn that may leave traces, she retreated towards the gate.

Cai Shi let the power armor carry the cannon backpack that should have been abandoned, and retreat directly to the gate.

Probably she didn't want to waste an unfired weaponry.

People who have experienced actual combat are really different from those who have no actual combat experience and the feeling of dancing on the tip of a death sword.

The last stone was sent into the door, and Cai Shi also retreated behind the door.

Shelley quickly backed away while setting the fire.

The heavy mortar shells kept falling around.

Shelley stopped to set the fire at the door, and jumped in directly.

The sound of a laser-guided bomb falling was heard in the sky.

Masha closed the random door.

Chihiro asked: "That's it? Is this over?"

"Otherwise? Even if the superpower who came to attack us was broken when he awakened, he has now changed his evil and returned to the right. We can't catch them... Uh, convict."

Xiao Shi smiled suddenly: "Convicted...good second."

"Men are teenagers until they die, not to mention that I'm only 18 years old."

The party secretary said: "I just think it's not appropriate for us to run like this if people rushed up so aggressively? How much to compare with others?"

"The goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue. I think it was a big success as a sudden decision to implement, and the preparation time was less than fifteen minutes. There was no loss, and the desired thing was successfully obtained. This is a big success. ! You can open champagne to celebrate and then take a day off, that kind of big success!"

Bai Quan gave Ma Sha a thumbs up and said: "That's right, you guys are awesome. This kind of plan that is decided with a single shot of the head, there is no problem in the whole process, it is really amazing, it is like a plan for a long time or even a rehearsal. It’s the same many times."

"This is definitely a plan that has been planned for a long time, and has even been practiced many times!" Ms. M said to Ms. Berry decisively.

Ms. Berry nodded: "Well, they look swift and professional. It is indeed possible that they have been preparing for a long time."

Ms. M picked up the remote control and turned back the image of the sea of ​​fire that had only been left, and then froze for a certain moment. She pointed to one of the pillars of Stonehenge and said.

"When Stonehenge was in the air, only this pillar was slightly offset, and then moved back. Look carefully around it, it is obvious that something like iron is installed, which must have special significance!"

In fact, it is just testing the placement accuracy of Stonehenge.

But of course Ms. M would not think so, how could she think in this direction? After all, it was a shadow organization, an organization that was born out of an ancient Eastern secret society that has been hidden for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. After all, no one knows exactly when the era of Chinese myths has ended.

Such an organization must know all the mysteries in the world.

Moreover, this organization had premeditatedly stolen the tripod discovered by the Soviet Union, and also removed a door that had gone through an unknown amount of time from the place where tripod was discovered.

Shadow must be moving around some big plan.

Everything in them is carefully planned and organized.

These are the conclusions that Ms. M has drawn with her years of espionage experience.

In fact, she is not to blame, she has spent her life fighting against KGB, Stasi and even Mossad and the CIA who are allies.

These espionage agencies are the most rational and most rigorous organizations in the world.

Without thorough rationalization and an impenetrable organization, they will be defeated on the harsh front of espionage.

So "I just came to build a fast-travel spot but accidentally discovered that Stonehenge is actually glowing, so I temporarily decided that we should steal Stonehenge." This situation is completely beyond the scope of Ms. M's cognition.

Ying is a new ship opponent she has never experienced before, and her rich experience has become a stumbling block for her at this time, causing her to draw a completely wrong conclusion.

"Shadow not only stole Stonehenge, but also did some special things. It may be a ritual. You cannot steal Stonehenge without performing this ritual."

Ms. Berry's eyes widened: "It's so? But aren't they just stones? It takes so much trouble to steal it?"

"Your Excellency Shoufu!" Ms. M raised the volume, "Now the times have changed. In the era of rejuvenation, we can no longer use modern science and perspective to look at problems. In the age of science, those are indeed stones, but in the age of myths, It may be an altar, or some kind of forbidden artifact, or even a weapon. It must contain those powers that need to be revived in the age of mythology!"

Ms. Berry gave an "Oh" and nodded: "I understand. So the shadow organization came and stole these stones. Are they going to use its functions?"

Ms. M nodded: "Yes."

Her expression was very blatantly expressing the emotion of "You only understand now".

Although Ms. Berry was professional and capable when she was in the House, she was obviously too focused on her professional direction-that is, having parliamentary debates with others.

"Then how should we regain these stones now?" Ms. Berry asked again. When this question was asked, her expression looked reminiscent of Winston or a certain iron lady in the darkest hour.

It seemed that the next moment she was about to order "we fight them in the sky, the sea, and the land", or "the Frank Islands are the Queen's territory and the Royal Navy is obliged to take it back."

However, Ms. M showed a tired expression: "I don't know. We don't know where the shadow is. This is where he is terrible. Although I am pregnant with someone who is the leader of the shadow, I still have no evidence at the moment. Moreover, I have no confidence. My suspicion is correct."

Ms. Berry looked at M. When she was still in college, M was in charge of MI6. This old lady gave every head assistant the impression that she knew everything.

So now, looking at M who said "don't know", Ms. Berry didn't know what to do for a while.

It's 12 o'clock, I'm here to ask for a ticket!

Thomas survived, I didn't expect it!

See you at 7:30 tomorrow morning.

Chapter 473

Johnny punched the table.

The table collapsed.

Ben: "Wow, have you started to awaken the super powers of the physical stamina?"

Johnny: "Scream, please. I think I have a broken finger."

Ben sighed and stopped the agents who were going to find medical personnel-no one thought that casualties would happen in the central satellite control room in Bunker Hill Bunker, so it is impossible for doctors to be on duty in this place all the time. It is just a wound medicine such as a band-aid.

Ben: "I am the best doctor here, a bioscientist to be precise. Give me the medical kit."

While Ben was bandaging Johnny's wound, Johnny was still venting his emotions: "They are ahead of the game again! They are ahead of the game again!"

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