Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 495: God King and Dragon King

However, more people were most surprised by Qin Feng's performance. The battle between the two aroused the emotions of many powerful men and made them extremely frightened.

In their opinion, Qin Feng's sudden emergence from a nameless person is too brave and brave.

The life story of the other party has long been dug out, from the so-called crape myrtle blood prison step by step, the battle is more amazing every time, and he has become the holy son of the ancient holy land at a young age!

Nowadays, it is the most powerful Tianjiao fighting in Yanbei. The two are equally divided. Everyone is commenting on this matter. They are extremely looking forward to see if Qin Feng can make more glories!

"Qin Feng confronted the Second Highness with the strength of Shenzhao Fifth Heaven, it was terrifying!"

"The future of this son is boundless, and the future achievements will definitely be even more amazing!"

"Unfortunately, he met the second prince, and he has no chance."

The many Tianjiao by the lake were full of noise. The battle between the two aroused the emotions of many people. Many people wanted to know where Qin Feng's upper limit was.

If Qin Feng really defeated the second prince, with such a glorious record, I am afraid that it will break the sky. Who can compare it?

Of course, this idea just passed by in many people's minds.

Qin Fengneng's match with the second prince is already very unusual. If he can beat the second prince Yanyu, then it would be really fantastic.

No matter what they think, there is no doubt that the battle between the **** king body and the dragon king body is definitely an unparalleled battle, and countless monks talk about it, all of which are very excited and excited.

They are all the arrogances of Yanbei. Some of them come from great education, and more are the sons of princes and princes, and all of them are young talents. Such a young showdown makes them very yearning.

Because Yanyu, the second prince of Yanbei, has been invincible all over the world since his fame. Many older figures are not his opponents, and no one has ever been able to challenge successfully.

At this moment, Qin Feng is doing exactly what they want to do, but their strength is weak and they can only hide this idea in their hearts.

Now, Qin Feng has really implemented it, and the battle with the opponent has become a tie. This stunning battle has made people very excited!

Over the courtyard of the lake center, the sound of the sound of sound in the killing field was endless. Qin Feng stood in the realm of the gods and was in a fierce battle with the second prince Yanyu.

The two people have already fought thousands of moves, but they all have supernatural powers, bright visions appearing all over their bodies, and their supernatural powers are endless.

Now that the war has come, if it were ordinary monks, they would have been defeated because of their lack of true power, but the two of them have become more brave as they fought, their magic power has reached boiling point, and the surging energy is dazzling!

"The Dragon Emperor is coming!"

Suddenly, the second prince Yanyun yelled. All around him, countless bright rays of light rolled. Behind him, his dragon emperor's vision was completely manifested, revealing endless glow, like the same eternal jade plate, entrenched in it. Suppress it with a statue of a god!

At this moment, Qin Feng was extremely cautious, his right hand was the perfect immortal sword, and his left hand was six immortal knives. Under the blessing of the divine forbidden realm, he was sacred to the world!

Jue Xian Sword used the sword of nirvana, and the six ways of immortality used the sword of reincarnation. The terrifying light suppressed the front, causing an earth-shattering explosion here!

At this moment, even if it was the formation of the courtyard in the heart of the lake, it couldn't bear it. A regional formation collapsed instantly, and a big explosion overflowed directly out of the killing field!

"Gosh, go back!"

"This is the Dragon Emperor's vision!"


Many people watching the battle in Yuankong immediately retreated, facing the power of the heavens and the earth, they were afraid to keep silent.

However, even so, just a few storms that overflowed caused unparalleled terror and destructive power, tearing open the void.

There are three rockery, and the big explosion in an instant became a fan. The lethality and combat effectiveness of this kind are unimaginable.

Many powerhouses were all shocked. True Qi surged all over their bodies and suspended in the air. They looked at the rockery that had been shaken into powder, and they were all terrified.

If such a terrifying coercion were to act on him, they would have no solution and would be killed instantly!

The entourage soldiers brought by the second prince all had a gloomy face, watching the shocking battle in the sky.

Similarly, Qin Feng's little apprentices and others also clenched their fists nervously. This battle is related to their future life and death, and the result will cause many major events anyway!


Under the blessing of the realm of the gods, the Absolute Immortal Sword and Six Immortal Swords blasted brilliant energy, rushed forward and collided with the war spear, causing a big explosion in this place, and endless ripples spread in the void.

The terrifying power flowing out here caused everyone to retreat far away, lest they would be affected by the energy of the collapse of the space and die.

In mid-air, a vision of Shura appeared, and Shura and the Dragon Emperor collided with each other, bursting out endless coercion. This result was all surprising.

The power of Shura's vision was beyond imagination, and it actually resisted the opponent's vision of the dragon king body, and the golden energy danced wildly, and many runes all exploded in the air!


At this moment, the killing formation of guarding the courtyard of the lake center finally caused a chain reaction and broke directly!


"Back again!"

Everyone around was taken aback. They retreated and retreated, and even the formation of guarding the killing field couldn't stop the two of them!

This is really terrifying, if you can't dodge, you will definitely fall here instantly!

Qin Feng's heart trembled, the second prince Yanyu's dragon emperor body was boiled with a vast ocean of mana, and the opponent's divine body was not weaker than him, it was difficult to defeat it!

At this moment, Qin Feng is standing in the realm of God's Forbidden Domain, and he can only dominate the opponent!

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Between the sky and the earth, the lunar and sun intertwined, and a dozen Kunpeng appeared in the heavens and the earth in an instant, and the red bird divine form appeared, flowing out of the red bird divine fire.

At the same time, the four great Asuras appeared. These visions surrounded the Qin Feng, bursting out a devastating aura, erupting in the void, completely submerging this place!

The second prince Yanyun and the Dragon Emperor rushed forward with the vision of the six gods dragons roaring forward, and the energy was boiling!


The earth-shattering sound erupted, and the general scene of annihilation here made people horrified.

For the first time, Qin Feng retreated. He stood in the forbidden realm. When he was hit by the dragon emperor's body, the golden bell was also trembling. After all, he blocked all the energy!

At this moment, the corner of Qin Feng's mouth was bleeding, his mana was overwhelming, and all the visions dissipated, turned invisible, and exploded.

Between the heaven and the earth, endless light was flying, divine power was boiling, Qin Feng was shot flying, spit out a mouthful of blood, and dyed his white robe.

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