Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 876: Identity 2

Through the observation of the surrounding scenery, Rod noticed that due to the height limitation of the connecting tower, the existence of the ritual core is not on the top layer of the tower, but the layer below the top layer.

In this special environment, Rod himself made new discoveries. Rod confirmed that it was the existence of the core of the ritual that determined the changes in the lines on the surrounding walls.

In Rod’s sight, the dark red pattern on the wall appeared right above the core of the ritual. Before that, Rod Ke had never seen this dark red pattern inside the tower of souls. The presence.

The dark red lines around it also began to spread on the wall after Luo Luo went up the stairs, and it derives to the outermost layer of the soul tower. At this point, Luo Luo, who is on the stairs, can have a clear judgment.

Rohde noticed that the dark red lines that appeared around him were not much different from what he had observed on the tower wall when he had not yet entered the tower. No matter the style or form, there was not much difference.

When Rhode passed the gate and entered the interior of the soul-recalling tower, the original dark red ritual pattern receded, and replaced by a more special form of blue-green pattern that emits bright light.

This situation gradually changed when Rod arrived at the location of the core of the ritual and saw a core composed of pure turquoise lines.

Looking at the dark red lines next to him, Luo could not help but feel a sense of familiarity in his heart. Compared with the strong cyan lines in the tower, this dark red line was easier for him to accept.

Recalling that when the mutation happened, that Dao appeared directly in my mind. For Sandru's voice, Lord at that time also had a sense of familiarity in his heart.

The signal from the perception made Rohde realize that there seems to be some kind of connection between himself and the owner of the voice. No matter where it is, he has seen the owner of the voice.

This discovery undoubtedly made Rod aware of something, but before Rod confirmed it, the surrounding environment had changed again.

In the process of Rod Thinking, he did not slow down his pace. Before Rod Thinking could come up with a concrete result, there was no upward ladder in front of him. At this time, Rod had already come to the whole On the top of the Convocation Tower.

Similar to the environment on the top of the watchtower that Rhodes had been to, the top of the Conjuration Tower was not blocked by any guardrails around it. Except for the large number of creatures that already existed on the top of the tower, the overall appearance was extremely wide.

Rod noticed that before that, those who came to the top of the tower one step ahead of him, whether they were powerful vampires, necromancers dispatched by Sandru, or even Sandru himself, seemed extremely solemn at this time. .

Without the limitation of the building itself, everything on the top floor borders the real sky.

In addition to Rhode’s impression, a small number of vampires who chose to end the bat transformation and appear in human form, there are also a large number of bats around the top floor.

The entire top floor was covered by orange-red light. Rod noticed that in such an environment, without the cover of the dark sky, the surrounding native vampires would more or less look a little uncomfortable.

This point, even the hero Degar, is also unavoidable. Perhaps it was because he had been sleeping for a long time before that. Under the strong light, the hero Degar seemed more uncomfortable than other vampires.

Compared with that, Sai Li, who originally performed the task with Rhodes, is much better.

Perhaps it was at the third location calibration point that he had already experienced such a battle, or perhaps it was his evolved form. Compared to the other vampires around, Sai Li was obviously more adaptable to the environment in front of him.

Rod noticed that Sai Li's own form was extremely different from the surrounding vampires. If he didn't know this beforehand, anyone would treat him as a necromancer.

And Sai Li himself is also aware of this and understands the advantages that exist in him.

At this time, Sai Li was not in a crowd of vampires, on the contrary, he was closer to the necromancer who came to the top of the tower.

When he appeared on the top of the tower, Rhode could also more clearly perceive the abnormal mana fluctuations that had previously been transmitted.

In Rod's sight, Sandru, who came to the top of the tower first, was also looking at the direction of the mana fluctuations, and there was an indescribable dignity in his expression.

The dignity shown by Sandro undoubtedly surprised Rod.

In Rhodes's impression, even if he was surrounded by many vampires before, Sandro seemed calm and relaxed, and in his expression, he did not pay attention to these vampires at all.

The final result, just like Sandro's performance, he did not have any loss, and he completely controlled these vampires in an instant.

But at this moment, what Rohde didn't expect was that such a change would happen in Sandro's expression.

Rod understood that this kind of extremely solemn emotion would only emerge in Sandro's expression when facing a truly equal existence, or even a completely invincible enemy.

Following Sandro's gaze, Rod also looked in the direction he was looking at.

This look immediately shocked Rod's heart, and the scene in front of him completely exceeded Rod's expectations.

Before that, Rod had thought that the identity of the mighty enemy who might appear here could be tit-for-tat against the protagonist of the second expansion. Rod believed that this mighty enemy would never be an unknown person.

Reminiscent of Sandreu's various deeds, Rod knows that the number of his enemies will never be less ~ ~ and may even far exceed the expectations of other creatures.

Sandru's journey along the way, among these deeds, whether it is the collection of artifacts or his own actions, will bring him countless enemies of different identities, among which there are naturally such enemies with incomparably powerful strength.

Looking at the figure in the sky not far away, Rod's eyes condensed. Before that, Rod could not have imagined that it would be him that came at this time.

The scene happening in front of him had already exceeded Lord's expectations, but at this time, Lord also saw an opportunity of his own.

While Rhodes was thinking about it, behind him, the figure of Vidnina, had already ascended the stairs and appeared on the top of the Tower of Souls.

After appearing, Vidnina's movements were the same as Rod, and for the first time, she looked at the figure in the air.

After noticing the presence of this figure, Vednina's expression changed slightly, and she muttered to herself:


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