Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2460: make matters worse

"At the order of the Dragon King Moriel, the undead of Trith City, surrender quickly. The merciful she will let you rest in peace forever, otherwise, you will be burned to ashes in the fiery dragon breath!"

In the sky above Tris City, Jedette stood on the back of the black dragon, threatening the creatures in the city loudly.

According to the information obtained by Moriel, Rhodes is anxious in the two battles in the southeast of Brakada, and there is a faint trend of failure. She will not miss this opportunity to beat the underdogs, and immediately dispatches her subordinates to take down the nearby Tris. City, to remove the obstacles that Rhodes placed under her nose.

As Moriel's trusted subordinate, the death knight Jedette took over the task and led the red dragon squad with the most fiery dragon's breath among the giant dragon army, supplemented by a few black dragons, and vowed to raze the entire city of Triss. The flat land left a painful lesson for Rhodes.

"It's those giant dragons, prepare for defense, and I will ask for the master's assistance."

In the city, Kanso, who was appointed as the city lord by Rhodes, changed his face slightly at this moment, and then ordered to the other undead creatures in the city, while he himself climbed to the top of the city and looked directly at Jedette behind the black dragon.

"Surrender? You don't know who you are fighting against. When the master's subordinates come, they will destroy you all!" Kanso yelled loudly.

"Ha ha……"

Kanso's words were also exchanged for Jedette's laughter. The reason why he became a death knight was all thanks to Rhodes. What made Jedette even more unacceptable was that Rhode did not kill him head-on like facing a powerful enemy, but took his life in such a trivial manner as crushing an ant. Let his hatred for Rhodes come to an extreme, how can he easily let go of the opportunity to ridicule Rhodes's men at this moment:

"Are you waiting for Rhodes to save you? He has long been overwhelmed, and the mages of Bracada will teach him a heavy lesson. Only the most tragic failure awaits him, and you insignificant undead creatures, just Die with him!"

Kanso's expression changed slightly. He wanted to refute Jadette's words, but when he just reported the situation, there was no response from the master. It seemed to confirm Jadette's words from another aspect. He still did not give up. Said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't leave here with the dragon, or you will learn how powerful we are!"

"It's no use procrastinating, no one will come to save you!"

Jedette saw Kanso's intention to delay time, and immediately ordered to the nearby giant dragon: "Use your dragon's breath to burn everything in the city. By the way, the matter of burning the corpses of those undead creatures must be handed over to the black dragon. , don't give Rhodes a chance to resurrect them!"

From the previous battle, Moriel also found out the weakness of Death Field. The destruction of the black dragon's breath can restrain the healing ability of all creatures. The undead creatures burned by the destruction of the black dragon cannot be resurrected to their original appearance, and their bodies will be more or less incomplete, thus losing the ability to fight, using the destruction of the dragon. Burning for a long time can also completely cut off the possibility of the resurrection of the dead domain.

In order to completely eliminate the undead creatures in Tris City, Moriel can be said to have taken great pains, and the black dragon beside Jadet was prepared for them. Moriel couldn't wait to give Rhode a big gift when he lost, making his situation even worse.

Following Jedette's order, the nearby Chilong immediately took action. They used the dragon's breath to plow through the houses in the city. For a while, the fire lit up the sky, and the streets of Trisi City were plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

The flame dragon breath belonging to the Chilong is the most fiery of all dragon breaths. The flaming dragon breath cannot restrain the healing ability like the black dragon's destroying dragon breath, nor can it dissolve magic like the golden dragon's purifying dragon breath.

Under the burning of the dragon's breath of flame, even the earth begins to melt. Any mage who is infected with the dragon's breath will become a burning man in a moment. Trish City is in danger.

Kanso's face was unwilling. Although the mages in the city were still able to cast magic, all they could do was raise an aegis of great power to slightly block the approaching pace of the dragon. Other damage-type spells were almost impossible. Works on these dragons that resist magic.

"Master, what should we do..."

At this moment, Kanso's heart also felt a bit of despair, which is exactly the same as the sense of despair he had faced with the hero Tanan before. In front of those terrifying creatures, even the magic on which the mage lived was lost at this moment. due effect.

What makes Kanso even more unwilling is that, as the city owner, he should organize the undead creatures in the city to use the gate of time and space to But the master's order does not include this option, or it is to hold Tris The city, or all the creatures in the city are destroyed, there is no other result at all.

"Sad undead creature, dare to offend the great Moriel, this is the painful price you have to pay!"

Looking at the city of Triss, which was caught in a sea of ​​flames, Jadet couldn't help laughing wildly. After experiencing a death, he also changed a lot of habits after being reborn. With the previous him, even if he won a big victory, he wouldn't be overjoyed, and he wouldn't get carried away like this.

"Thunder bomb!"

While avoiding the pursuit of the dragon with teleportation, Kanso kept an eye on Jadette's reaction. Seeing that he was oblivious to the victory in front of him, Kanso also found an opportunity to release the most lethal monomer towards him. magic.

Those giant dragons can greatly reduce magic damage, and even achieve magic immunity, but Jedette, who is a sorcerer, can't, and this is the chance to break the game that Kanso is always looking for.

A dull roar sounded from the air, and under the bombardment of thunder bombs, the space where Jadet was located could not withstand the bombardment of spells, and cracks began to appear, revealing the endless void below.

However, Jedette had already noticed that the last time he died under the attack of the ultimate lightning, how could he make the same mistake this time? Long before the thunderous bomb exploded, he teleported away one step, and the black dragon under his seat only received a painless impact.

The flaming dragon breath from the red dragon finally ignited the body of Kanso who could not dodge. In the flames, his consciousness was about to fall into silence again.

"Did you fail..."

In a trance, Kanso murmured that while he was dying, he seemed to see a figure appearing above Tris City.

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