Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2455: multiple awakenings

Following the sound of the beating heart, North and his party, under the guidance of the man in white, came to the ruins somewhere in the Krulod desert.

The ruins seem to be quite a few years old. The stone pillars have long been dry and riddled with holes. The accumulated gravel blocks the way forward, but there is a road that can only be walked by one person magically.

"We're too late... He took the rib buried here first." An elderly elf in the team couldn't help sighing at this moment. Although they were already moving at full speed, they didn't use space magic and only rely on Walking on both feet, the result is only one beat behind.

The man in white remained silent, but the result did not surprise him. At this moment, a dazzling light erupted in his arms, causing several other people to turn their heads. The source of the light was a silver-white jade token.

"Someone opened the door of Cloud City and touched the power of Heaven's Order."

Saying that, the man in white looked into the distance, his eyes seemed to penetrate the void and saw what was happening in the distance.

"'re not dead yet."

On the battlefield by the icy lake, Andorra raised her head slightly, her long golden hair fluttered slightly behind her, and there was a little more melancholy between her brows. Like a teenage girl who is worried about something.

Just now, she felt a sense of peeping. She felt familiar with that peeping. She had felt the power that belonged to that person a long time ago.

Shaking his head, Andorra looked at the enemy in front of him. Tanan, who exudes an extremely sharp breath, is located at the forefront of all the undead creatures, and is rushing towards this side with an indomitable momentum.

Tanan stepped on the ground hard, and cobweb-like cracks spread under his feet, and he himself jumped up with the help of this power, slamming the battle axe, roaring angrily towards the angel in the air.

"Be careful! Lord Andorra!"

Several nearby archangels immediately stepped forward and protected Andorra behind them, trying to block Tanan's attack, but in front of the will of the immortal hero, their actions were in vain.

The battle axe swept across the room, and the weapons in the hands of the archangels were broken, and even their bodies were divided into two under the battle axe. Blood spilled from the sky, and the members of the nearby legion cheered in unison, especially those demons who belonged to hell. Nothing is more exciting than seeing the angels shriveled, and even the movements in Ling's hands are a little bigger. points, and the angels looked ugly, and it was difficult to accept the result for a while.

"You are not his opponent, let me deal with him."

Andorra gently pushed the angel who was standing in front of her away. Her movements were gentle, but there was an irresistible power in it. The angels were still immersed in her gentle words, and her body had already arrived unconsciously. other locations.

"Awakened ones who have turned their backs on God and succumbed to evil heroes, I will give you a holy judgment to save your soul."

With the golden light flowing in front of him, Andorra looked down at Tanan, who had fallen to the ground again, and said without any emotion.

"I think you're only full of nonsense." Wiping the blood on the battle axe, Tanan glared at the angel above his head and bared his teeth, "When the Krulords were enslaved, you angels who professed justice did it again. Where? Did you help us?"

"Evil aliens, that's the punishment you deserve! What qualifications do you have to ask for God's protection?" Andorra's face sank, and there was unquestionable majesty in his words.

Tanan slightly arched his body and bent his knees, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed: "Then go to death! I don't care about your rescue. Maybe my companions don't understand me, and my clansmen hate me too. But I will still take revenge for them, and let me be the **** who protects Krulord and destroys all enemies."

"Ridiculous!" Andorra let out a coquettish cry. She was so devout to God that she would never allow any creature to offend God. Tanan's words also aroused real fire in her heart, "Accept God's judgment."

The dazzling rays of light swept across the sky, smashing straight into the tower Nan on the ground like a meteor, Andorra no longer waited, and took the initiative to kill the tower Nan on the ground.

Feeling the overwhelming power of the Holy Inquisition Angel, Agrand behind Tanan trembled. It was already a king's level, and it belonged to the power of the seventh-order apex. Tanan.

The supreme will is condensed on Tanan. If Moriel, who is also a natural hero, can see Tanan in front of him, he will be shocked. It is a sign of the third awakening. Just when Tanan said that he wanted to become Krulo After the patron saint of Germany.

The first unconscious awakening of the natural heroes gave them unique abilities. If they want this power to go to the next, they must go through a second awakening. Different from the first awakening, the second awakening requires more stringent conditions. It must be the combination of strong stimulation from the outside world and the ambition to include the world, so that the natural hero can radiate real power.

In addition to natural heroes, it is very difficult for ordinary creatures to even awaken a hero, let alone a second awakening, which is almost impossible.

At this moment, what no one could notice is that the dazzling will condensed on Tanan's body is actually a sign of the third awakening. When this awakening is completed, he will completely become an immortal hero.

It is a pity that Andorra did not intend to give Tanan such an opportunity. The battle axe collided with the blade, and the violent air wave directly pushed the nearby creatures far away, and the invincible force on Tanan was finally hindered at this moment.

In the competition of pure power, angels are not weaker than any creatures. They are the most perfect creatures in the world, and they have the gift of God. Tanan was able to easily deal with those angels, thanks to the invincible heroic will.

The strong anti-shock caused the mouth of the Tanan tiger to crack. At the collision place, the blade of the golden light was intact, but the battle axe had a deep gap, and cracks spread on the surface. , Tanan doesn't know how many mages have been killed with it, but at this moment, he can't even bear the blow of the Holy Inquisition Angel.

"Alien, is this your ability?" Andorra's wings fluttered, and he instantly bullied him. After swinging the broken battle axe in Tanan's hand, the sharp blade stabbed straight into his chest.

In front of the weapons blessed by divine power, Tanan's invincible will seems to have lost its efficacy. In the face of stronger enemies, the Forbidden Demon Domain also seemed useless. On the contrary, it hindered Aglan, who was in a hurry, and evacuated him with flames.

(End of this chapter)

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