Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2451: Rowling's Confusion

"Hello, beautiful living lady, coming to Trith alone? Do you know where this place is?"

   In front of the teleportation monument just built in Trisi City, the mage in charge of guarding was boringly studying spells, when he suddenly found a figure that made his eyes bright, and immediately stepped forward to stop the person and looked at it carefully.

"Are you crazy? That seems to be the master's sister." Seemingly recognizing the identity of the person who came, the companion beside him changed his face and hurriedly grabbed him, and at the same time apologized to the figure walking out of the teleportation monument, " Lord Rowling, please forgive his offense, he does not know who you are."

  Rowling waved her hand, without any intention of blaming, and then used a prophecy card to summon a Pegasus and headed towards the Shanzel Snow Mountain behind the city. The guards who stayed there breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the flying horse, it didn't take long for Rowling to come to the top of the snow-capped mountain. After a series of magic rituals, and after passing through the secret passage used for cover, Rowling came to another cave in the center of the snow-capped mountain, which is the magic plain. where.

  The rich magic elements wrap Rowling. Unlike the cold snow-capped mountains, the four seasons here are like spring, and the warmth is full of the unique fragrance of the grassland.

  Rowling's eyes didn't stop on the surrounding scenery, she didn't come to appreciate the beauty, she came to find someone to solve the confusion in her heart.

   "The Prophet of Messiah." Soon, Rowling found the person she longed to meet.

In front of a wooden house, the man was leisurely leaning on the deck chair, enjoying a moment of tranquility in the magic plain. Behind the deck chair was a big dog lying on the ground, snoring loudly, and Rowling followed the snoring sound. , which was precisely found.

"Rowling." Seeing Rowling approaching, the man opened her eyes, her eyes seemed to be no longer sharp, only the depth in them remained, "What do you need my help for? trouble?"

   "No... I'm just wondering about something." Rowling sighed.

"What else can stymie you? Your brother dares to confront the elemental monarch, dare to challenge the **** monarch, and you have inherited my power, there should be nothing to confuse you. Unless, it is about love. Aspects of the problem." Messika glanced at her with interest and said thoughtfully.

  Rowling shook her head and denied her statement: "You are right about one thing, my confusion is indeed related to him."


  Mesika showed an interested look, and after standing up, she slowly moved her body that had been relaxed for a long time.

The tall Messika is a head taller than Rowling, and with that curved nose, even if she just stood in front of her, Rowling could feel the oppression coming from a height. There is an unquestionable majesty about Messika.

   "What's bothering you? Not just boring justice."

   Listening to Messika's question, Rowling bowed her head in embarrassment.

   "I got it right?" Messika asked in surprise.

Rowling put her right hand on her left arm. At this moment, she looked alone. She turned her head slightly and said, "I followed the members of the undead legion and saw what they did. They killed mages from city to city and killed them. Turn it into an undead creature, sometimes I close my eyes, and I can hear the mage's wailing... I swore to help my brother with my own power, but I'm still not suitable for such a thing, maybe I'm more You should stay in Sao City."

  Mexiga glanced at her: "Have you talked to Rhodes about these things?"

"No... I don't want him to see my weak side." Rowling sighed deeply, "Sometimes I envy Enota, she never thinks about these issues, she will believe what my brother says... But I can't turn a blind eye to these problems, so I came to find you."

"This is the difference between you and her. Inota is a happy dragon, and there is no problem to trouble her." Mercika took a deep breath, put her hand on Rowling's shoulder, and looked straight at Her eyes said, "But you're not, you're a hero of pain. I've always been curious about your status as a born hero. Rowling, can you tell me what made you a born hero?"

   Rowling was slightly taken aback: "I don't understand... a natural hero, isn't that an innate ability?"

"Of course not." Messika shook her head, "Heroes are the awakening of the will, the unwilling roar of the soul, but not the gift of God. Even natural heroes have experienced the stage of awakening, but the awakened The process takes place in their infancy, and many creatures have no memory of infancy at all when they become adults, and can only regard the power of a natural hero as an innate ability."

   Listening to Messika's story, Rowling was stunned for a moment. Before that, she had never thought about this issue, and always believed that the strength of her natural hero was innate. On this issue, Messika, who has survived for countless years, is obviously more researched and knows all kinds of information unknown to Rowling.

"I...I don't know." Rowling tried to recall things from her infancy, but she didn't have any clues, as the Prophet said, she didn't have any memories of infancy at all, "I seem to have forgotten all that. "

  While the two of them were talking, the big dog lying on the back of the recliner also seemed to wake was leaning over and listening to the words of the two with some curiosity.

"It doesn't matter, it's a very common thing." Messika didn't care, she seemed to have expected Rowling's answer, "I have a prophecy card that can help you recall things from your infancy, you want to try Maybe? Maybe the answer you want is in that prophecy card."

   Hearing this, Rowling looked surprised, she

  This chapter is not over, please click to continue reading! Page 1 of 2 took out the stack of prophecy cards taught by Messika. It looked like a thin stack, but among the 100 cards, there were thousands of powerful prophecy cards.

  Mexijia stretched out his hand, curled a corner of the card with his thumb, flipped his fingernails from bottom to top, and quickly stopped on one of them.

Pulling out the card, Messika stared at the contents of the card. It was a twisted vortex that looked like a portal, but unlike ordinary space portals, the portal was full of twisted characters and huge of the disc.

"Time and space rewind, that's how I call this spell. This is the fifth-order magic once cast by the holy female dragon. With her domain, it has the power to reverse the entire world. Although we can't change the past like her. things, but knowing your childhood memories is enough."

   Holding the card between his fingers, Mesika said slowly.

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