Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2435: The Jedi Strikes Back

"General Faarezer, those mages have raised gargoyles and are preparing to break through from the air... Everything is as you expected."

Outside the city, through the report of the Vampire King, Faarezer, who was dispatching troops, also knew the intentions of the mages.

"very good."

Falezer showed a sure-fire look. After the Demon-forbidden Domain took effect, there was a massive blockade of vampire bats at the city gate. There were only two directions for the mages to break through, the sky or the underground. Compared with the hard and thick earth, the vast sky is undoubtedly the best way to break out.

Falezer, who had already anticipated all this, made targeted arrangements in advance. He took out a sound transmission conch and said to the other end: "The enemy is approaching, now it's your turn to take action and leave those mages behind. "

On the other side of the conch, Trosa, who had taken control of the city wall one step ahead, pouted in dissatisfaction. As an adjutant of the legion, he believes that his command ability is not under Farezer, but he still has to obey Farezer's dispatch. He squeezed the conch in his hand tightly, and then shouted at the others: "Push our baby out!"

Under Trosa's order, the members of the nearby legion pushed the assembled ballistas over and placed them on the city wall.

Beside Trossa, a dead magician turned into a corpse witch king in the death domain, scratched his head and said: "Lord Trossa, in the domain of Tanan, we can't use magic, what should we do? How to drive these magic ballistas?"

"You idiot! Who said the ballista was driven by magic?" Trosa blew his bushy beard and scolded the magic corpse witch, "Perhaps ordinary ballistas can't hurt those high-level mages. But to shoot down gargoyles, isn't that simple?"

The magic corpse witch suddenly showed an expression of sudden realization. In addition to being good at tactics, Trosa was also skilled in alchemy and engineering. When Deken developed the magic ballista, he also consulted his opinions many times. Everything about the car can be said like the back of your hand.

Looking at the soaring gargoyles, Trosa stretched out his hand and slowly stroked the ballistas. He thought that the ballistas stored in the Red Crystal Magic Academy would be washed away by the huge wave. At the last moment, the giant waves were contained, and everything in the academy was preserved. The numerous ordinary ballistas, as well as the unfinished magic ballistas, were also undisputedly under the control of Trosa.

Under the arrangement of Falezer, Trosa occupied the city wall in advance and assembled the ballista. Now is the time to let the enemy learn.


With the violent vibration of the strings, the thick crossbow arrow shot out suddenly, piercing through two gargoyles that were close in a row, and the momentum was stopped.

In addition to Trosa, the ballistas placed on the nearby city walls also shot out, and a large number of gargoyles were hit for a while, and the mage behind him also fell down with a wailing sound.

"That's it! Shoot down all those mages!"

Trosa looked at this scene with satisfaction. It is said that in the distant elf kingdom of Eli, there are a group of top phantom archers. The lethality above, I don't know if it is true.


There was another intense vibration of strings, and Trosa was furious that the arrow shot in the air. It was much harder to hit a target in the sky than to hit a target accurately.

"Can this be missed? Let me come! You go and load my crossbow bolts!" Trosa kicked away the magic corpse in front of the ballista, grabbed the operating position, and aimed at the enemy.

Under the suppression of the ballista, gargoyles were continuously shot down, and the morale of the breakout mages dropped to freezing point. Finally, one or two broke through the blockade of the crossbow bolts and rose to high altitude, getting rid of the shroud of the forbidden magic field, but Thinking of the death of their previous companions, they didn't dare to turn around and use spells to fight back, but disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the wizards fleeing in embarrassment, Faarezer couldn't help shaking his head. He thought that some **** wizards would definitely cast spells to fight after leaving the forbidden magic realm, and even directly assassinated himself as the commander, and arranged various Defensive measures, I never thought that those mages actually ran away.

In the city, the battle situation has also come to the most critical moment.

Perhaps stimulated by the sight of the great demon Slaughter Mage, Tanan also picked up his battle axe and jumped into the battle. The big devil may be slaughtering the mage in front of him because of the execution of the order, but Tanan's heart is full of indelible hatred for the mage, and his methods are also the most cruel. A piece of meat.

The instinctive enjoyment of killing in the blood makes many great demons forget their own tasks, and Tanan is also under the deliberate or unintentional provocation of the nearby The members of the legion who protect him are getting farther and farther away.

Agran, who was wiping the blood on the scythe, suddenly felt something was wrong. Those mages who should have been frightened in the realm of forbidden magic now seemed to have found some kind of hope, and rushed over one by one shouting.

At first, Agland just thought it was a show of cowardice, shouting to hide the fact of fear, but it was a little too unusual for everyone to do this, it was a distraction at the same time. A means of lowering the opponent's vigilance.

"not good……"

At this moment, Aglan's face was ashen. He seemed to realize the key to the enemy's actions. If there was any way for the sorcerer to turn the tide of the battle in an instant, it would be to kill the hero Tanan on the side.

"Protect Tanan!"

Agran let out a roar, and the nearby great demon was stunned for a moment, but also quickly reacted, and his eyes were placed on Tanan, who was far away from the center of the battlefield and was holding a mage's head.

"It's too late to find out! Mage of Trisi City, your sacrifice is worth it, and it will never be in vain!"

At the foot of Tanan, under the cover of blood, the crimson crystal dragon almost merged with the ground. At this moment, it suddenly burst into shape, revealing ferocious fangs that were harder than steel.

Behind the crystal dragon, Kanso had already burst into tears, watching the mage sacrifice one after another under his plan, and his heart was suffering. Fortunately, it was all worth it. The mage used the sacrifices one after another to get this. A chance to break the game.

As long as Tanan is killed, without the forbidden domain, the remaining mage in the city can retreat safely. Not only that, but he can also defeat the conspiracy of the necromancer and let Brakada return to peace.

Inheriting the legacy of all mages, Kanso, riding a crystal dragon, launched a Jedi counterattack against Tanan.

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