Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2432: Trish City

Commanding the elites in the legion, Faarezer, led by the great demon, passed through the flames and came to the Shanzel Snow Mountain behind the city of Tris.

"How many people do you need to take Trisi City?"

In his mind, Rhode's question before leaving seemed to echo.

"Master, the focus of this operation is not how many people I need, but how many mages I can keep from this operation."

For his answer, Rhodes seemed extremely satisfied: "Let go and do it, and I will follow your orders when necessary."

Recalling Rhode's words, Farezer's heart seemed to be flooded with heat. When he was in Erathia, he had never been used so much. He was even ridiculed by other nobles because he devoted himself to tactical research all the year round. Think he's just a nerd, and if it weren't for the fact that he's a relative of General Morgan, he wouldn't have a chance to command the army at all.

But in the undead legion, Rhode never cared about his background, and never mocked him because of his weak human blood. Instead, he recognized his ability as a commander and entrusted him with this important responsibility. How could this not make him extremely excited? He vowed to repay his master with a glorious victory.

Soon, Farezer turned his attention to the core of the core of this mission, that is, the hero Tanan.

The existence of the Forbidden Magic Domain has made Tanan a strategic weapon for dealing with mages. Under the shroud of the forbidden Magic Domain, no matter how arrogant Legendary Magicians are on weekdays, they can only be captured obediently.

Since the ability of the forbidden magic field is two-way, when dividing the troops, Farezer deliberately selected those legion members who were excellent at melee combat and did not rely on magic to join him, while the remaining legion members, including Rhodes, were good at The existence of the spell will go all the way to the area east of Bracada, and strive to open up the connection with Verning as soon as possible.

Without opening the Forbidden Realm, Tanan, like other legion members, can quickly cross the space through space magic, which also enables Falezer's command tactics to be executed more effectively. Even if there is an accident on the master's side, he can send Tanan to another battlefield in time.

Now, Faarezer finally understands how wise the master's decision to seize the remains of Tanan was. With this immortal hero, those mages could only be beaten passively.

"Agran, you lead the big demon team and send Tanan to the center of Tris City. After Tanan opens the demon-forbidden realm, you must protect him. Even if you all sacrifice, he can't do anything. The key to the battle. Rowling, you are responsible for opening the gate of different dimensions outside the forbidden realm, sending the vampire army over, and letting them block the gate. The goal of this battle is to wipe out the mages in the city."

Following the orders given by Falezer, the members of the nearby legion took action one after another, and the entire legion suddenly moved like a sophisticated slaughtering machine, and Falezer's sight was also placed on the distant city of Tris.

As a town stationed under the Shanzel Snow Mountain when Durken conquered the Land of Dragons, the city walls of Trisi City were so tall that it was difficult for even a giant dragon to leap. escape.

Under the forbidden area of ​​the hero Tanan, the entire city cannot cast any spells. The only way for the mages to survive is to escape through the not spacious city gate, and waiting for them will be the vampires who have already been ambushed here. army.

As a commander, Farezer actually wanted to use the entire row and column of terrifying knights to greet those mages outside the city gate, but unfortunately there were not so many terrifying knights in the undead army.

Due to the unique ability of the master, the largest number of the undead army is the vampire corpse witch who is affected by the scarlet eye and the ghost king's cloak at the same time. When they need to cast spells, they can spray a cloud of death that covers the sky like the corpse witch king, and when they are in close combat, they have strong vitality and terrifying destructive power like the vampire king. As for the well-known horror knights in Diya, they are not very common in the undead army.

"General Farezer, you don't have to be so nervous, those mages can't stop us at all! I think as soon as Tanan appears, they will run away."

The confident words of the big demon Aglan reached Fareze's ears, which also made him shake his head slightly.

It is true that the great demon is extremely powerful. It is difficult for a legendary mage to deal with the great demon who constantly uses flames to hide. However, under the realm of forbidden magic, flames are also ineffective. If you underestimate the enemy, I am afraid that A big The master is watching our every move. What we have to do is to repay the trust of the master with a perfect victory. I think you should understand this. "

Under Fraser's reminder, Agland finally put away his original laughter, and his expression became serious. He didn't want to disappoint his master.

"Let's start! We must teach those mages this time and leave some deep lessons!" Back in the great demon's team, Aglan instructed the other great demons, and at the same time, he turned his attention to the crowd. On different barbarians, "Hero Tanan, are you ready?"

"Let's kill all those mages." Tanan's answer was as firm as ever. Even if he died, he couldn't kill the hatred for mages in his heart.

Under the leadership of the Great Demon Squad, Tanan's figure traveled through the flames and came to the center of Triss City, the forbidden area of ​​magic that cut off all the mages' hope of escape, and was about to cover the entire town.

Outside the city, Fareze watched all this lightly. The process of capturing the city of Telis does not require the assistance of trebuchets, nor does it need to push down the towering city wall. It is only necessary to let Tanan start the forbidden magic domain, those mages. It will swarm to the only way to survive, which is the city gate. The whole process is like catching a turtle in an urn, and it is the fortifications built by the mages who are bound by one hand.

Standing at the foot of the snow-capped mountain, where he could clearly see the condition of the city gate of Trisi at a glance, Fareze couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling the battle that was about to start, and Fareze couldn't help but raise a great ambition in his heart.

I heard that the master also led the necromancer to launch a great battle, but unfortunately it ended in failure, and the whole Diya fell into a slump. Fareze believed that if the master at that time had his own assistance, he would definitely be able to rewrite the entire battle situation.

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