Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2420: dragon surrender

"Are you guys okay?"

Chewing the magic eye in his mouth, Inota tilted his head towards the group of giant dragons and asked with some doubts.

"...Beautiful fairy dragon, are you the one who released Morril's control over us?" At the forefront of the giant dragons, the golden dragon Lacante asked quickly.

"Yes. You are free now, and you don't have to obey Moriel's orders." Inota swallowed the demon eye and smacked her lips.

After confirming this, Lacante also showed a different expression. From the fairy dragon, he felt a majestic and majestic bloodline aura. The bloodline power that can compete with Moriel is by no means ordinary. what a dragon can have.

Looking at the fairy dragon in front of him, Lacante also felt a breath of blood connection. Not only him, but also other giant dragons nearby felt that peaceful and warm aura, just like facing the common mother of all giant dragons, the legendary holy female dragon. It has a unique magic power that makes other dragons unable to take their eyes off of them, and even many dragons have tears in their eyes, and the excitement in their hearts is beyond words.

After thinking for a while, Lacante's mind was firm, he flapped his dragon wings and shouted to all the giant dragons with him: "My fellow countrymen, Moriel enslaved our people, and she enslaved all the people in the world. Even if you leave here, you can only get a moment of peace. Maybe one day, you will be enslaved by Moriel again! The only thing we can do now is to unite and resist Morier's rule. , only in this way can we be freed again!"

Listening to the chanting of the golden dragon Lacante, the other giant dragons fell into silence one after another. Their long age also gave the giant dragons considerable wisdom and could easily see the pros and cons of this matter. As Lacante said, only when they seized this hard-won opportunity and completely defeated Moriel, they could soar freely in the sky.

In addition, the breath of Inota's body has deeply attracted the attention of the giant dragons. Many well-informed giant dragons recognized the aura the moment they felt the breath. The fairy dragon is the only existence that leads them to resist.

"But... I have more important things to do, and I can't deal with Moriel with you." A green dragon said with a frown at this time.

"You mean to go back and see the child for the first time? But what's the use of that? When Moriel's bloodline command takes effect again, you still have to bear the pain of separation, not only that, your child with dragon blood, Will also be enslaved by Moriel, and will never be free at the moment, just like the rest of our kin." Lacante glared at her.

After listening to Lacante's words, the green dragon lowered his head, not because Lacante's golden dragon blood is nobler than her, but more importantly, Lacante's words are not without reason.

On the side, Tanan looked at Lacante with a different look. From the golden dragon, Tanan felt a will that was very similar to his own. awareness.

After the other dragons had no objection, Lacante turned around and looked at the fairy dragon again: "The fairy dragon who liberated us, what's your name?"

"Inota." Fairy Dragon said casually without doubting it.

Lacante nodded, and the pale golden dragon pupil stared at her: "Respected Inota, you contain the great power belonging to the holy female dragon, we are willing to make you the dragon king, and ask you to lead us and enslave us. Moriel, the evil dragon king of our own race, fought to the end."

"Huh?" Inota's eyes widened, and there was a bit of surprise in the dragon's eyes. Obviously, he didn't expect things to turn out like this. "Please wait a moment."

After she finished speaking, she took Rhodes and his party behind her to the sky beside her, and the noise caused by the huge waves below also covered up the voices of their conversation.

"What are you doing? Inota, why don't you accept the allegiance of those giant dragons?" Rhode stretched out his hand to rest his forehead and asked with great confusion. In his opinion, this time Inota was undoubtedly lucky to the extreme. Relying on the blood of the holy female dragon, he obtained the effectiveness of a large number of giant dragons. What he did not expect was that Inota did not immediately Accepted, but brought a few people to the side to discuss.

"What should I do, Rhodes? Help me find a way, I don't want their allegiance." Inota looked at him pleadingly.

"You don't want the allegiance of those giant dragons?" Rhode's mouth twitched. What puzzled him was that Inota didn't even want those giant dragons to follow him, "I remember you said that you came to Buenos Aires. On the battlefield of Lakada, I hope to inherit the will of the holy female dragon and lead other dragons to fight against Moriel."

Inota glanced at him: "Actually, I'm talking about liberating Moriel's enslavement to them and freeing them. This is the responsibility of the holy female dragon, not leading them to fight."

Rhode thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was really the case, which also made things difficult. Those giant dragons in front of him were undoubtedly a powerful help, especially for dealing with mages. Many great demons, and Rhodes also hoped to get the power of those giant dragons.

"I seem to understand what you are talking about." At this moment, the hero Tanan on the side took the initiative to say, and from their conversation, Tanan also clarified the key to the matter, "As a rebel, your Emancipation is never enough. Like the relationship between a slave and a slave owner, you just untie the shackles on the and tell the slaves 'you are free, run away' without caring about the slaves How to survive after that, how to face the hunted and hunted by slave owners.”

Listening to the story of the hero Tanan, Inota seemed to understand something and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"It's very simple, you have to fight with those slaves, and finally slaughter the slave master, and then drink the blood of that person. Only in this way can you completely liberate those slaves and bring them true freedom..." Ta Nan Shen said in a loud voice.

Seeing Inota's thoughtful expression, Rhode hurriedly interrupted him, lest the hero full of revenge would affect Inota's own thoughts: "You decide for yourself, Inota. You don't have to bear anything because of the power on your body. I have the blood of some Titans and the blood of the great demons. I can borrow their power. Am I on the mission to rescue these creatures? Everything depends on your own will. ."

Hearing this, Tanan shook his head, as if he did not agree with the idea mentioned by Rhodes, while Inota showed a thoughtful look.

Chapter 2420 The dragon surrenders

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