Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2408: tax officer

Remember [New] for a second,! "We're here, this is the inner city hall of Sao City."

In front of the tall house, Berry stopped and introduced to the middle-aged man with monocle beside him.

"I didn't expect that I, who was famous in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, would actually be reduced to where I am now..." Ender sighed, "The City of the Undead... I might as well be trapped in the space ring."

"What are you talking about, father?" Berry gave him a dissatisfied look and said angrily, "Do you know how much effort I put in to get back that space ring?"

"Yes, yes, my daughter is the best, why don't you find a way to take down Lord Rhodes, then I can enjoy happiness." Ender stretched out his hands and pointed at her hopefully.

Barry pouted, turned his head aside, and stopped looking at him.

"You're angry? I didn't say that, when I was as old as you, I was entangled with many noble ladies..." Berry glared at him, and Ender had to close his mouth and stop talking.

"Captain Berry, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Just as the two of them were talking, a greeting interrupted their words. Following the sound, they saw a human-looking woman with a strong magical aura.

"City Lord Vita." After seeing the visitor, Berry immediately recognized her identity, "I heard from Lord Rowling, you have gone on vacation to another place, is your journey going well?"

"Don't mention it, I was driven back not long after I arrived in the Magic Plains. Something seems to have happened there, and martial law has been fully enforced." Speaking of that trip, Vita showed a somewhat dissatisfied expression and complained in her mouth.

Soon, her gaze was also placed on Ender beside Berry: "This one beside you is..."

"He is my father, Ender, who was ordered by Lord Lord to serve in the Interior Office." Berry took the initiative to introduce.

Vita looked interested and could be valued by Rhodes. It seems that he has something special: "What are you good at? Public security? Land planning? Strategic scheduling? These are the urgently needed positions in Sao City. ."

Ender waved his hand and said, "Actually, I'm best at identifying treasures. I used to work in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce. If it's a tax issue, I think I can handle it."

"Taxes... The current tax collector in Sao City is in the room at the end of the second corridor. You can follow her arrangements in the future. If you have anything you don't know, you can ask her or me directly. ." Vita nodded.

According to Vita's instructions, Ender quickly came to the room where the tax collector was.

In the room, one skeleton was sorting files, the other skeleton was holding a baby, shaking his arms slightly, Ender could even hear the creaking sound of the bones shaking, and the necromancer who controlled these skeletons, a A blond human woman is sitting by the window drinking tea leisurely.

"Good luck." Seeing Ender's unrequited appearance, Berry laughed mercilessly, and then left first.

"Hello, beautiful lady, I'm a new tax collector. From now on, we will be responsible for handling the city's tax..." After entering the room, Ender took the initiative to greet him.

"Shh, be quiet, you're about to wake Noah." Ender's greeting was immediately replaced by the woman's complaint.

Hearing this, Ender hurriedly raised his hand to apologize, and when the skeleton came to a quiet corner with the baby, he asked, "Is that your child? He looks very cute."

"Yes. Thank you for your compliment." The blonde woman smiled.

"But... do you really want a skeleton to take care of your child? You're not afraid of having bad influences on him, such as having nightmares while sleeping?" Ender tentatively asked the question in his heart , Let the corpse witch full of death energy take care of a baby who can't speak yet, this is not a good idea no matter how you look at it.

"Don't worry, Noah is also an undead creature. He is very close to those corpses." The blonde woman replied with a smile.

Ender was startled suddenly, he looked at the baby who had woken up and stretched out his small hand, grabbing the corpse witch's ribs, and finally couldn't sit still. The baby who seemed to be born not long ago turned out to be an undead creature. What is going on? Are there any normal people in this city of the dead?

" transformed him into an undead creature?" Ender asked in disbelief.

The blonde woman sighed: "I wouldn't do this. The cursed land of the dead does not allow new life to be born. Noah is very unfortunate. He died as soon as he was born. I thought I would never see him slowly again. Growing up, fortunately Lord Rhodes changed all that."

"Rod..." After hearing the name from the blond woman, Ender couldn't help frowning slightly. He would come here, and it was inseparable from that name.

"Yes. In Lord Lord's domain, my child has awakened again. Although before that, all necromancers, even Lord Rowling, have concluded that my newborn child's soul is not fully developed, and even spiritualism is not enough. It doesn't work, but Lord Rhodes, he brought my child back to me."

Looking at the baby not far away, the blond woman's eyes showed kindness and gratitude. Before that, she had fallen into deep had given up all hope, but Rhode's domain, but Change all this completely.

Listening to the blond woman's remarks, Ender's expression changed. He never imagined that Lord Rhodes, who was famous for his viciousness, would have such a side. If Ender hadn't heard about it, he wouldn't have believed it.

"I'm very happy that you can be reunited with your child, and I believe you can play the value that belongs to him." Ender congratulated heartily.

The blond woman laughed and extended her hand to Ender: "My name is Leah, I'm glad someone came to help, I heard that the tavern in the city has a batch of good wine from the Qizhen Merchant Group, how about a drink later? Like? Don't worry, I'll invite you this time."

"Qizhen Merchant Group..." Ender stretched out his hand, he seemed to think of something, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Have you heard of the Qizhen Merchant Group? I heard that the goods they bring are rare luxury goods, and they have already earned a lot of gold coins in Sao City. Hmph, why don't we raise taxes and increase the commission? At the same time, how about adding some more items and giving them a little blood?" Leah suggested rubbing her hands.

"...I think we should discuss other things. I've just come here, and I'm not familiar with the situation in Sau City. Can you give me an overview of Sau City's territory?" Ender coughed dryly and hurriedly The conversation between the two led to other places.

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