Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2350: unmoved

"Elliot defeated the members of the shadow mercenary group, and now waiting for him is his last test. Once successful, he will become the second time after many years, he will pass all the tests and become an S-rank mercenary. As a newcomer to the Freelance Chamber of Commerce! The last assessment is about to start, everyone is ready to leave!"

Under the huge gold coin banner, as the members of the chamber of commerce continued to shout, the atmosphere in the audience became enthusiastic.

Originally it was just an ordinary day. The attacking demon had already made many mercenaries panic, fearing that the tasks they had accepted would be affected, but at this moment, they were able to witness the birth of a legend. The tension and fear of the past few days were left behind by them, and only the swordsman in the field firmly occupied their attention.

Not only that, they can participate in it in their own way, and the market of the Yaojin Merchant Group is prepared for this.

Standing under the banner of the Yaojin Merchant Corps, the brunette mercenary's constant hesitation finally settled down.

Thinking of that swordsman, he defeated the members of the shadow mercenary group, who were usually fierce and famous, and he was not injured at all. He forgot how many people he saw in the shadow mercenary group. At that time, the fear and despair of losing light appeared in my heart, replaced by a strong desire.

Although all the gold coins on his body have been bet on the possibility of him becoming an S-rank mercenary, the brown-haired mercenary is still not satisfied, he wants to win more, and he has seen that moment coming.

For this reason, he also needs to borrow some money from another group of Yaojin merchants, even if the interest is higher, what does it matter? Anyway, when he wins the money, he can pay it back immediately.

"Crack, snap."

In the trial venue, as several members of the Shadow Mercenary Group left, just as Rhodes was examining the cracks on the great sword to assess the damage that the magic crossbow machine could cause, a burst of applause came to his ears. .

Looking at the reputation, Rhodes saw Frank, the head of the mercenary camp. Rank clapped his hands, but his expression was very indifferent, and he could not see the slightest congratulations. From him, Rhodes felt a faint hostility.

"Do you still want to continue the assessment? I have to remind you that this time you will face three S-rank mercenaries at the same time. They are all real legendary powerhouses. The difficulty of the assessment is not the same as before. Grade, if you insist on doing it, there is a possibility of losing your life at any time."

Seeing that the swordsman was unmoved, Rank asked slowly.

"Continue." The swordsman replied lightly, as if he was about to face an ordinary battle.

"I'm very optimistic about you, Elliot, you should spend your life on more meaningful tasks, instead of dying in vain in the assessment." Rank continued to persuade.

The swordsman shook his head: "The assessment is not over yet."

After getting the answer from the swordsman, Rank did not send the order. He moved his body closer and lowered his voice: "Elliot, you have crossed the border. Although this is a mercenary camp, it is the territory of the Freelance Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh? Didn't I come to join here?" The swordsman asked back.

Rank sank his face and glanced at the mercenaries who were onlookers nearby: "You should have told us the news of participating in the assessment in advance, it is already too late. All along, I have been the mercenary who participated in the assessment. Conduct a strength assessment, and then tell the Yaojin business group the news, but I have missed you."

Speaking of this, he took a deep breath: "Because of my mistake, the members of the Yaojin Business Group offered odds that were not commensurate with your strength, and now the pressure is on me alone. In the last assessment, You can't pass."

The swordsman laughed: "Can you pass, is it your mouth or the sword in my hand?"

Rank said unhurriedly: "Elliot, you may have made a mistake. I'm not threatening you, but giving you a wonderful choice. You want to be an S-class mercenary, nothing more than I want to receive more advanced tasks and earn more gold coins from the business group, but I can give you more. Not only that, the tasks released in the camp will also pass through my hands, as long as you lose the test, I will To arrange a relatively easy task for you, it is just a matter of spending more time for you to become an S-class mercenary. For you, this is not a loss, but an opportunity."

Seeing that the swordsman was unmoved, Rank said again: "Or do you want fame? Then you have come to the wrong place. Believe me, the fame of mercenaries is not as good as you think. As far as the great nobles are concerned, unless you can form a mercenary group, even an S-rank mercenary is only a higher-level subordinate, and it is far less practical than a team of knights. I happen to have a good personal relationship with many nobles. If If you want to do something for the nobles, I can introduce After hearing the conditions offered by Ranke, I am replaced by a general mercenary here, I am afraid I cannot refuse at all, let alone lose the assessment. , even if they asked for their entire net worth, they would give it with both hands, but Rhode just shook his head, Lanke's conditions were not attractive to him.

"All I want is victory... Brilliant victory." The swordsman's muffled words came from under the helmet that covered his face.

Rank's expression changed: "Your Excellency Elliot, are you really ignorant of current affairs?"

What answered him was the great sword raised high in the swordsman's hand.

For a time, the chilling air of the sky rushed towards Ranke. Ranke, who had never been on the battlefield, had never felt such a terrifying momentum. In a trance, he heard countless grievances roaring in his ears, and saw the hideous The demon was cutting his body apart, his face turned pale, and he took a step back subconsciously, unable to even stand still, and almost fell to the ground.

"Very good... I hope you don't regret it!" After regaining his senses, Ranke touched his body and found that he was intact. All that was just an illusion generated by the terrifying momentum released by the swordsman, and he couldn't help but be filled with illusions. anger.

He glanced at the men who wanted to come and help, and shouted: "Find me the hero Kenlo, the leader of the Shadow Mercenary Group Marion, and the leader of the Blood Silver Mercenary Group Fei Rui, these three S-rank mercenaries. Come."

When he heard the names of the three mercenaries named by Rank, his subordinates were stunned: "Lord Rank... Are you sure it is these three?"

"Stop talking nonsense, go if you want!" The confirmation of his subordinates was also exchanged for Rank's anger.

Seeing Rank's burning anger, his subordinates naturally did not dare to say more, so they went to summon the S-class mercenaries mentioned by Rank. Judging from the solemn expression on his face before he left, it seemed that something big was about to happen in the mercenary camp.

(End of this chapter)

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