Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 681: Ling Zhi Xian Zhi

This life star cannot be said to be vast and boundless, but at least it will not be classified as 'small'. Its volume is comparable to that of an asteroid, and its land area is roughly equivalent to the area of ​​three or four provinces in the ordinary world.

After breaking into the realm of the Seven-striped People, Lin Lang was extremely fast. It took him less than two hours to patrol the entire planet.

Primitive forests can be seen everywhere on the planet, each of which is an old tree more than a century old, leafy and towering into the sky. Of course, in addition to these old trees, there are some other lives on the stars.

Just like a snake.

It can be seen that many tree branches are lined with piebald snakes, some triangular heads, and a pair of sharp fangs are exposed. The toxins contained in them are very dangerous to monks.

Some are huge pythons with a waist of one meter thick, and the huge snakes meander out for more than ten meters, which is a very rare behemoth.

Pythons comparable to human gods are everywhere.

Being able to grow to such a large level that has not yet reached the level of puppetry obviously also has a very wonderful stance, but there is no aura support, and the level of life can only temporarily stay at the level of snakes.

Lin Lang has had an experience of collecting elixir, knowing that it is almost meaningless to deal with these pythons in the periphery. There must be a larger guy deep in the planet, guarding a kind of elixir.

Lin Lang continued to search in the stars.

Until half an hour later.

Within his shroud of consciousness, he faintly felt the signs of spiritual power fluctuations in the fight, and he spotted that direction and drove the Divine Rainbow directly.

There is also a primitive dense forest, but it is just a group of snake coils, tens of thousands of primitive snake species, large and small, like a lightning bolt, swimming fast on the ground, the denseness makes the scalp tingling.

Right in the center.

There is a snake king that is comparable to the peak of the fairyland. The snake king does not know how many years of growth and toughness. It is even better than the stone ant king Lin Lang encountered before.

Opposite the snake king, a human monk was fighting fiercely with the snakes. Lin Lang happened to know that it was Qin Ya who had seen several faces.

Qin Ya's practice speed is a little slower than that of Pei Jun and Mao Huacan. They can break through to the level of realm in only half a step. But even so, her combat ability is quite outstanding, all kinds of means combined can be enough to counteract the immortal immortal.

Her strength is very good, but the snake king is not vegetarian, and she is only between Bozhong, plus countless other poisonous snakes, which has given her a life-like danger.

There are also a few shallow wounds on the graceful and beautiful body, and the whole body seems to be born and raised, and a little miss may become a lunch of swarming snakes.

Regarding Qin Ya, although Lin Lang had fought with him once, there was no hostility or friendliness, but now Qin Ya is in danger, and he obviously has no willingness to help.

All he cares about is the magic potion.

Growing there really is Lingzhi Xianzhi!

Lingzhi Xianzhi is currently deep in the dense forest. The snake king is not guarded, but instead leaves the magic medicine aside to take the initiative to attack Qin Ya.

Lin Lang frowned, thinking the scene was a little strange. However, at this time, there is no python guard beside Lingzhi Xianzhi, so it is impossible to miss this opportunity.

Lin Lang stepped out directly, close to the end of the earth, and immediately approached Lingzhi Xianzhi. Until he was close to the ten-meter range of Lingzhi Xianzhi, a sudden alarm rose in his heart.

Lin Lang didn't hesitate any more, a flashing body retreated from a distance of 100 meters.


A roar rang, and Lin Lang's original standing position, a huge skull emerged from the ground, opened his mouth and shattered the ground directly, soaring high into the sky.

It was a sturdy giant python, with a head that was three or four meters wide, a red meat crown above it, half of the snake's body exposed, standing tall, and a thirty or forty meter snake body like an Optimus Pillar. , Stand upright.

As for the remaining half of the snake body still buried in the snake nest deep in the ground, its true length cannot be estimated.

It swallowed the earth and stones in its mouth, and then opened the mouth of the blood basin, and spit out the scarlet snake letter. Oncoming was a **** rain, with a stinky smell.

It is conceivable that if Lin Lang was not avoided in time, I am afraid it will be torn into pieces in no time.

"It turns out there is a snake king hidden here." Lin Lang's eyes were faint, no wonder that the snake king would abandon Lingzhi Xianzhi regardless of the fact that the true guardian here was a snake king.

It is naturally impossible for Qin Ya, who is fighting fiercely in the distance, to fail to notice this scene. When she sees her pupil shrinking, she can't help crying.

The Snake Emperor, which is equivalent to the level of human immortals, is particularly superior in physical strength. It is extremely difficult to entangle, and I am afraid that it has the ability to instantly kill them.

"How can this **** Chu Wang lead the Snake Emperor out, **** it." Qin Yayin bit his teeth straight. She didn't even expect that there was a snake emperor here, otherwise she wouldn't be involved easily.

Just in this instant.

The Snake Emperor has already shot at Lin Lang. The huge body is tumbling with clouds, and harnesses the endless power. The head of the snake rushes like an irresistible giant artillery shell. Lin Lang did not shy away, but instead of rushing away, he rushed forward.

He would like to try how much the current strength is worse than Dixian.

The state of Qiwen Jindan, coupled with various measures on the body, even if it can't really compete with the earth fairy, but at least it is safe.

"In the realm of Qidan Jindan, I went to fight with the Snake Emperor. This Chu Wang is like a lunatic like that guy, and he won't be peaceful wherever he goes." A figure appeared inexplicably in Qin Ya's heart.

Two years ago, the guy who fought against him still needed the power of Jian Hongfei. The two teamed up to compete with her under the condition of imprisonment.

Two years later, the man had already made a big impact, defeating the beheaded immortal immortal by more than one hand. She was already beyond the reach of her former powerhouse.

"He's looking for death, even if Pei Jun doesn't dare ..."

But soon, Qin Ya's thoughts came to an abrupt halt. She imagined that Chu Wang was bumped into a mud by the Emperor of the Snake, but it didn't happen, but he just knocked the latter a few hundred meters away.

Lin Lang was unscathed and still brilliant.

"The evil beast is really thick and fleshy."

Lin Lang shook his wrist, and the strength of that blow was so amazing that he directly cracked his hand bone. Dixian is indeed not what he can defeat now.

Now that the gap has been determined, Lin Lang will naturally not find fault anymore. The speed at his feet has soared and he headed for Lingzhi Xianzhi.

"How is this possible!" Qin Yajiao trembled and stared at Lin Lang with shock. "This is impossible. How can there be a second evildoer who can conflict directly with the earth gods?" "

Qin Ya raised a speculation in her heart. The two figures in the memory gradually overlapped. The two were also the seven-stroke fairyland, and they seemed to have similar stature.

The only difference is the mask.

"That's it." Qin Ya's mouth raised a smug smile. Until now, with Lin Lang's joining in, she had taken away a large part of her pressure, and the number of snakes besieging around her had decreased.

Each shot went straight to Lingzhi Xianzhi. Even though the Snake Emperor was powerful, Lin Lang stopped fighting it directly and rushed to Lingzhi Xianzhi at various tricky angles. The Snake Emperor always wanted to guard against the 'thief' in front of him. Can't exert real power.

However, the Snake Emperor was also very difficult to entangle, ordering all the pythons under his command to stab Ling Zhi Xian Zhi, and soon formed a wall of meat. To get Ling Zhi Xian Zhi, he could only gather the snakes around Ling Zhi Xian Zhi. Crush.

And it is dedicated to dealing with Lin Lang.

After nearly half an hour passed, the snake emperor did not solve Lin Lang, and chased behind Lin Lang, shaking his huge body between the mountains.

However, the beast was also clever, no matter how Lin Lang seduced him, he would not leave Lingzhi Xianzhi a mile away. Tiaohulishan's method is useless to it.

"But if you think that I can't do anything like this, then it's totally wrong." Lin Lang said lightly, and now the Snake Emperor has been led by him to a distance of about one kilometer.

And one kilometer away.

A dark demon shadow was already standing near the snake group, and his magical powers shattered the snake group entangled near Lingzhi Xianzhi.

This is a clone of Lin Lang's use of the shadowless borders. Although the duration is short, this situation is more suitable now.

As long as Lingzhi Xianzhi is taken away, the snake emperor will disappear and all problems can be solved.

The snake emperor was dragged by Lin Lang, and the rescue was too late. At the same time that Lin Lang's avatar had just wanted to take away Lingzhi Xianzhi, he rushed out a giant object again in the snake hole that the snake emperor broke out of the ground.

This one is not the snake king, but the snake king equivalent to the human peak. Even so, its sudden appearance still disrupted Lin Lang's plan.

The king of snakes dragged the shadow of the demon.

The Snake Emperor was dragged by Lin Lang's deity.

It was so deadlocked in a short time.

Qin Ya spotted the opportunity, and immediately Jiao drank, the Jiao body turned into a white light, a red pupa shot from the slender jade palm, and a volume of Lingzhi Xianzhi was collected into the space.

The scream of the snake emperor who lost the support of Lingzhi Xianzhi instantly turned into a huge stone statue. When the wind blew, the stone statue collapsed and turned into diffused earth and dust.

Countless snake groups also make flying ash. The life stars that had been extremely prosperous before have turned into a dead star in the blink of an eye.

After receiving Lingzhi Xianzhi, Qin Ya did not dare to hesitate, and immediately urged to escape.

"Want to run after taking my things?" Lin Lang's eyes were cold, but the speed was faster, following Qin Ya's direction of escape.

Only after Qin Ya escaped a few kilometers, she suddenly stopped, turned her body quietly, and faced Lin Lang directly.

"Why don't you run away."

Lin Lang came and looked at each other with interest.

"What else can I do, I can't run but you can't, I can't beat, I might as well stop and talk to you." Qin Ya shrugged his shoulders and made a very helpless expression.

"Do you want to talk to me about the distribution of Lingzhi Xianzhi?" Lin Lang glanced at Qin Ya and refused flatly: "This is impossible, you are not qualified to talk to me about the conditions."

"But I really need it. People are anxious to break through the realm, and the son is so good. And you can't use the whole Lingzhi Xianzhi alone. As long as you divide me half, I can promise you a condition." Qin Ya The deadly eyes of Lin Hang stared at Lin Lang.

The miserable little eyes, matched with the peerless looks of the top ten beauties of the Kunxu market, are probably enough to make any man willing to worship under the pomegranate skirt.

Lin Lang glanced lightly, unmoved.

"Do you hand it in or not?"

Qin Ya was clenching her teeth and stomped her teeth, but still resisted her anger. Lianbu walked to Lin Lang and took out Lingzhi Xianzhi and held it in her left hand.

"You reach for it."

Qin Ya pouted. Lin Lang stretched out his hand, Qin Ya also extended his hand, but clamped Lingzhi Xianzhi with the palm of his hand, but the slender fingers drew a circle in the palm of Lin Lang's palm.

Starting with a cold touch, it is as moisturized as sheep fat jade, and it glides gently as if an electric current is flowing from it. Qin Ya used a pitiful attitude, and said eloquently, "I ’ll share some of you ~"

Lin Lang was expressionless, pinching Lingzhi Xianzhi and pulling it out from Qin Ya's clenched palm.

Qin Yayi's reluctant gaze remained in Lin Lang's hands until he watched Lin Lang throw Lingzhi Xianzhi into the space Lingjie.

"Hey, why are you so incomprehensible!"

Qin Ya was so lame that she understood. The guy in front of him was simply a cold and ruthless guy. It was harder to make a man with a beauty than to let the dumb talk.

Others did not say complete surrender under her offensive, but how could they be softhearted and give her some, but here Lin Lang did not play any role at all.

It felt like a big beauty beckoning in front of a stupid man, only to make her feel ridiculous.

"You are too unreasonable. How can I win Lingzhi Xianzhi? I do n’t have to thank you, even if you do n’t even thank me, I will threaten me with revenge." Qin Ya was annoyed.

Lin Lang glanced at Qin Ya and said, "If I show revenge, you are now a dead man."

Qin Ya was speechless for a while, and indeed, if the positions were changed, she would definitely not allow someone who knew that Lingzhi Xianzhi was in her hands to prevent the leak of the news, she would definitely eliminate the hidden dangers as soon as possible.

"I touched my hand, too, so give me a reasonable name." Qin Yayu was amazing. I have to say that her character is ancient and weird. Although she is the elder of Tianzong Luoxia Valley, she behaves like a witch.

Doing things and speaking without fear.

"If you let me be responsible, I will give you a name. I can tolerate the presence of a maid beside me." Lin Lang turned around, stepped forward, and stepped directly into the starry sky.

Qin Ya opened her mouth wide, it seemed very unbelievable, pointing at Lin Lang's back, and pointing at herself, standing on the spot.

"He, in his eyes, I only deserve to be his maid? I'm so mad!" Qin Ya stomped hard, her silver teeth biting.

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